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Medical cannabis question

OrganicNature420started grow question 2 years ago
Strange question but need advice on medical side of cannabis. My dad is on his 3rd week of chemo (uk) for leukemia. Can I give him some bubble hash without it coming up on his bloods when there checked? His not feeling good and needs a pick me up thanks 🙏🏻
Other. General questions
Wyregrasseranswered grow question 2 years ago
Sorry to hear about your dad. It will show up. I think you should do whatever makes your dad happy and feel better. Here is the thing. Even in the state your dad is in, I am not saying all Docs, but most will not prescribe pain meds if you test positive. Thats a debate for another time... I'm just saying. Also, from experience, you can test positive, with urine, for much longer than 30 days. I promise. Unfortunately, you may have to decide which makes him feel better the pot or the pills. I know... insane. Good luck. Thinking about y'all. 🙏🙏🙏
Ilovemyplantsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hi sorry to hear about your dad it's a horrible illness I am going to advise the best I can depending on the drug test the least amount of time depending how it's conducted I'm sure through hair it can be up to 3 months and 1 for urine test. I know I said this although the doctors won't be doing this they are looking for un normal things in the blood like medical things like sugars general medical things which doesn't include a drug test. I would say that I think you should be smart about it with such tough laws link putting it in some brownies or some kind of baked goods or edibles this way although your doing it it's discreet you have to remember if it was done discreetly they would never know should they find the hash instead of the sweet treats they probably would have no idea that there is thc in there otherwise you run the risk of them calling authority's on you should they find it. I think you should totally give him some though it's a very thoughtful thing you have thought of from one stoner to another and will help him so much I just advise you to be very discreet about how you go about it.
GrowCNanswered grow question 2 years ago
I'm sorry for your father's sickness. My mother has a extremely rare type of a stage 4 signet cancer. 10 rounds of chemo and nothing is working so they are starting the experimental stuff. Avoid anything inhaled. Smoking and vaping harm the lungs which is really bad when immune compromised . Instead make edibles and don't forget to decarb. Also, do some reading and learn how to dose your edibles to provide the proper amount. Remember, too high can be a bad and scary experience which is doubly bad on top of chemo sickness. Work up your dosage gradually until you learn his tolerance and what he likes. As far as detecting THC with all the blood tests. Yes, they could detect it if they tested for it... but they are not. The doctor doesn't care. Plus, a high percentage of chemo patients are using some form of cannabis to help with appetite, nausea and to generally lift spirits during a really bad time.
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 2 years ago
F..k the blood test. Anything that can help your dad. Docs won't mind. If it helps, which it will. Give it. Even where its illegal you'll get docs telling cancer Patients that a bit of THC can go a long way. Though they'll never admit it if asked. Don't worry about it too much pal. Hope it gives your father some relive.
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 2 years ago
if it's somethign they look for the mode in which you use marijuana won't matter. bubble hash will fail a drug test the same as flower, though obviously a more potent form. was he told specifically not to use thc-related products or flower? or, is this paranoia about using an ilicit dug? maybe, there's a dynamic with the NHS i don't know as i'm not a native of UK... but, i doubt they screen for marijuana use when doing bloodwork for cancer patients. i'd make sure any medications don't have a serious interaction with it... based on number of cancer patients that use marijuana, i'd assume it's a low probability, but one worth looking into, first.
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OrganicNature420answered grow question 2 years ago
The thing is bean I'm from the UK we're it's illegal and I think any nurse would be shocked if I suggested it. Wanted to give it to him, him knowing he won't get told off. Thanks for the kinds words bro means alot 🙏🏻
Grow4Releafanswered grow question 2 years ago
Totally understand, it's ashame they'd give him a hard time over the thc if it alleviated his discomfort.. Truly hope all is well sooner then expected . We're all pulling for ya pops . 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 Maybe try asking a nurse about him having some ? Might not hurt to try if you cant give it to him on the DL atleast you tried. I know I asked my moms dr , which here in the states her dr was ok with her taking thc or cbd . So I don't think it'd hurt to ask someone there. Just a option .
OrganicNature420answered grow question 2 years ago
Thanks for your kind words. His still in hospital under treatment so vaping would be a no and I doubt he would do that. The hash contains enough cbd and thc but of it will show up on his bloods I don't want him getting into trouble if you know what I mean. Thanks again for your kind words 🙏🏻
Newbie87answered grow question 2 years ago
Have you considered a dry vape if your Dads not a smoker , there are some reasonable ones on the market now.
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Grow4Releafanswered grow question 2 years ago
Definitely look into cbd like mentioned below . My mother just went thru chemo for breast cancer , she was able to tolerate the cbd well , I know everyone is different but just letting u know what helped her out besides thc. Cancer blows, prayers your pop is thru with the chemo ASAP!! Yall got this. !!!
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question 2 years ago
Sadly, it's going to show up.... it's still THC-based.... I hope things go well with him and he can get off the chemo soon....
Mining_greenanswered grow question 2 years ago
They usually are checking like white blood cells and certain proteins would they even look for that. You could just call the clinic ask what they testfor or ask a nurse but i bet you could ask the doctor to put it in the plan
Mining_greenanswered grow question 2 years ago
Cancer sucks dude make sure you keep positive with him and laugh if you want prayer and or meditation can help good luck hope it helps
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 2 years ago
?? Is he being drug tested? Is that what you are asking is if it will show up on a drug screen? Yes it would
Mining_greenanswered grow question 2 years ago
For someone smoking cannabis for the first time, tests may detect it for about 3 days.In someone who smokes cannabis three or four times per week, the detection window is 5–7 days.For people who smoke cannabis once a day or more, tests may detect it in their system for 30 days or longer. Detection windows also depend on the kind of test a person undertakes. General estimates for various cannabis tests are as follows: Urine tests can detect cannabis in the urine for approximately 3–30 days after use.Saliva tests can detect cannabis for approximately 24 hours after use. Some saliva tests have detected cannabis for up to 72 hours.Hair tests are the most sensitive tests, detecting THC for up to 90 days after use. However, these tests are testing the oil in skin that transfers to hair, and so they may occasionally show a false positiveTrusted Source. A person who comes into contact with a THC user could, theoretically, test positive on a hair test.Blood tests can only detect THC for 3–4Trusted Source hours. But honestly most doctors will recommend to help with pain and keeping food down if you talk to the doc about it, might ev3n get a script you can claim your weed on taxes for medical or even a licence to grow . A strong cbd might work better for him and eating it might be easier then someone who doesnt smoke a lot
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