more than 1 thing can cause contortion or leaves... older larg leaves will start to mottle on their own even if healthy.
too much p, too little p, too little Ca, too littl mg, too much K ... so.. you'll have to consult a leaf symptom chart.. consider how it progressed and eliminate possiblities with information not given in the question.
if soilless/hydro shoot for thes sort of ratios and concentraions:
120s N
50-60 P
200ish K
the rest will depend on tap water contents too. May need more or less N, but th others tay pretty consistnt in my xperince as far as when toxicity symptoms begin to show up.
100+ Ca
85+ Mg
110+ S
these 3 will b more volatile per garden.
Anyway all of that adding up to 1.3-1.5 EC in similar ratios will work well or at last b a great starting point with minimal adjustments needed. REgularly have 6-7 strains running of 1 rservoir with zero problems.
if soil.. it's a total crapshoot, have fun with that hornet's nest of unknown variables :P
but seriously, over tim th plant will essentially us th nuts in a similar ratio and rate if feed in a healthy way rgardless of method... though probably a bit faster with hydro/soilless... no need to wait for microbes to a make some nutrients plant-available.