inverse square law means you should heavily favor the upper portions of canopy... for every doubling of any standard incremental distance from light you are 1/4th of previous intensity.
worry more about too much local humidity and fungal growth for sure, but those bud sites 2 feet lower in canopy will never by substantial buds. side lighting or internal canopy lighting would change that, but removing a few leaves above won't do much.
light needs to hit local leaves.. not local buds. ppl think light on buds triggers it, but it's the energy provided locally that is more easily used that does it... cell differentiation.. maximize what various parts of anatomy are made for and not what ppl feel is happening when it seems to contradict physiology. technically any green surface likely has chlorophyl and can process light through photosynthesis, but it's extremely attenuated or significantly less dense (chlorophyl presence) than in the leaves.. meaning it is incredibly less efficient at doing so.