buy some boveda 2-way packs -- do not buy integra boost alternative. they are cheaper on surface, but you need 4x as many relative to same flower mass to maintain an RH level. so unless it's 1/5th the cost, go with the boveda.
an 8g pack is fine for a 1 quart jar. though i would typically use 2 -- increases longevity of it.
use a 67g pack for larger containers. i use at least 2 of those in a 5-gallon bucket with a gamma seal lid. This is the path i'd take. bruingn 10-20 quart jars is a pain in the ass. get some foodgrade nylon mesh produce bags (i got 20 for 10 usd off amazon that are 12inches x 18 inches in size). use those to store more than one strain in 1 5-gallon bucket. it does not contaminate flavor. also, it will keep that 2-way humidi pack extra clean, too. (i use smaller mesh back around the 2-way humidi pack too, but not necessary)
i have some pics of this in my winter 2022 2023 diar if you want ot see -- the bukets even have a check valve for automated burping with a air pump. i don't bother with that as opeinign 1-2 buckets is easy to do. but if i have more i'll hoop'em up to a commercial pump on a cycle timer to air it out early one multiple times per day.
anyway.. let the buds dry until dry on outside, then wait another 6-12 hours. put them in container with teh 2-way packs.. check after 12 hours to see if the internal moisture evening out is too much or not.. if the buds are extra wet you should take them out again for additional drying... repeat this process until their moisture is at equilibrium. after that you don't need to burp too often -- just to avoid anaerobic growth.