

Tmasmstarted grow question 10 months ago
Como germina, suas sementes? Eu sempre usei toalha de papel umida, num recipiente com tampa, colocando perto fonte de calor, dependendo época do ano janelas, aquecimento, lâmpada ou simplesmente num armário. Outro método? E porquê?
Germination. Paper
CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 10 months ago
Creo que la toalla de papel para mi es el mejor método o simplemente en el sustrato directo. No he probado otro método por que no quiero desperdiciar mis frijoles si falló. Buena suerte
Chamed33answered grow question 10 months ago
Hi there hop it’s growing well !!! When I germinate I tend to put my beans in a glass of water and leav it in the dark for 24h 🕛 .. after 24h I now place it into a wet paper towel and place it into a dry dark place for another 24 hours.. I always get 100% germination when using the two methods in 48 hours
Satorsanswered grow question 10 months ago
Hi bud. Take it easy. Put seed in cap with ph balanced water for 24h and then in rock wool and job done. Maximum 6days and seed will be green. 100%. Have a good growing.
Storkanswered grow question 10 months ago
Just water method fill up water in a glass put the seed, and place the glass in a dark space
Robertsanswered grow question 10 months ago
I soak seed in water in a warm and dark spot for 24 to 48 hours. Soon as I see the tap root basically. I then place directly in substrate. I dome and keep moist. Finding a method that has high success and works for your situation is best.
SkunkleDamoanswered grow question 10 months ago
Why's really been working for me is either of the methods already stated first or just straight into a root riot cube. Once the tap root is out I prefer not to risk anything so with these cubes you just plant into whatever medium when you like. In a way it's like a 1" starter pot. Google em
GreenHarvest_Officialanswered grow question 10 months ago
I put my seeds in a jar of water for around 18hrs, then I do the water towel method as described above. Don't usually like the added heat source because it can kill your seeds (boiled) but I usually end up doing it if a seed is taking a bit too long to germinate. Good luck with your grow and enjoy the process.
m0useanswered grow question 10 months ago
I like to soak my seed in water for 12hrs and then place directly in the medium. I water it with some beneficial bacteria and fungi to help prevent any pathogenic organisms from taking over. I sometimes will also scarify the seed to allow the water to penetrate the seed faster. The scratching of the outa hull of the seed enables water to get in and activate the seed faster. Reducing soaking time. I only let the seed crack in the water soaking method then I bury it. I don't like a tap root showing as it increases the risk of damaging it. I have used the paper towel method before but if I forget about the seed its little roots sometimes get damaged in the process of removing it. This is not my ideal. Og growers will just place the seeds in the soil and if they are good fresh seed they will pop up all on their own. Good Luck!
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