
LST with no internodal spacing?

Kenoughstarted grow question 6 months ago
How do I approach LST when there's basically no internodal spacing? I've got no clue where to attach the line.
Week 2
Plant. Spaces between nodes
Techniques. LST
Ultravioletanswered grow question 6 months ago
P.s It's technically a weed until it flowers it shall grow accordingly. Don't be scared bend away.
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Selected By The Grower
FuturJuiceanswered grow question 6 months ago
Prob not the first to ask this but why are you doing LST at such a young age? Are you growing in a shoebox? Let that “baby” stretch a little bit before tying her down. I swear YouTube is making growers hyper aggressive cultivars. LST is great, and can do amazing work when it’s the right time. 🔮
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Stickyoneanswered grow question 6 months ago
Low Stress Training (LST) is a technique commonly used in cannabis cultivation to manipulate the shape and structure of the plant for better light penetration and improved yields. However, when there is minimal internodal spacing (the distance between branches or nodes), it can be a bit challenging. Here are some tips for approaching LST in such a situation: Gentle Bending: Even with minimal internodal spacing, you can still gently bend the stems without causing damage. Be cautious and avoid putting too much stress on the plant. Gradual bending over a few days may help the plant adapt. Start Early: If possible, start LST early in the vegetative stage when the plant is more flexible. Younger plants tend to respond better to training. Use Soft Ties: Use soft materials like gardening tape, plant ties, or soft wire to avoid damaging the stems. Make sure whatever you use is adjustable to accommodate the plant's growth. Tie to the Pot or Container: If there are no suitable branches to tie down, consider attaching the tie to the side of the pot or container. This can create a slight angle for the plant, allowing more light to reach the lower branches. Main Stem Bending: If there's a main stem, gently bend it to the side, creating a more horizontal growth pattern. This can encourage more even canopy development. Top and LST: Topping the plant and then applying LST to the resulting branches can help control height and encourage more lateral growth. This can be particularly useful in managing a compact plant. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly monitor the plant's response to LST. If you notice any signs of stress, adjust the training or give the plant some time to recover before continuing. Consider ScrOG (Screen of Green): If your plant has minimal internodal spacing, a ScrOG setup might be beneficial. A screen placed above the plants can help guide the growth and create an even canopy. Remember, the goal of LST is to create a more even and open canopy, allowing light to reach more parts of the plant. Be patient, and don't force the plant into unnatural positions. Each plant is unique, so adapt your LST technique based on how your specific plant responds.
einamioanswered grow question 6 months ago
Dude, maybe go without LST? It's gonna stretch the branches in flower for sure and you could tie those to the sides if need to help light penetrate? Now it doesn't look like you should bend her over. Anyway give her a bit more time, she might flower only on day 30+.
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Ultravioletanswered grow question 6 months ago
Plant either too much light it didn't need to grow any taller. Then it might be bigger. Or there wasn't enough light and it grew so little, then I'd expect more stretch. Like the rings on a tree, the internodal spacing tells you how much work was done during a time frame.
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Kenoughanswered grow question 6 months ago
I would love to give her a week or two to grow out her nodes more but Orion F1 auto starts their pre-flowering at around day 23. Even if I give her a whole week it's gonna be one session of LST maybe two if I'm lucky. I really need to start LST by day 20ish at the latest.
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 6 months ago
Your not going to be able to start LST yet with the plant this small or without the internodal space that is needed for the training. I'd say give her another week or 2 and she'll be ready to start training.
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AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 6 months ago
The idea is to wait till you have enough plant material to where LST can be achieved. Your girl is still small man. Give it some time to grow.
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Kenoughanswered grow question 6 months ago
My main fear is that the line that I use to bend her will irritate the pistil and cause her to herm. There is nowhere to put it where it won't irritate a flower spot. I narrowly avoided this issue last time and would like to avoid it again. Any advice is much appreciated 🙏🙏🙏
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