man,good luck first.hopefully it will really be a xxl auto in 2 will most likely sprout at day 3 or 4,you can then free to put it under your the light distance to avoid burning your don't need to water it lots as it won't have big roots in that little potish the photo :D I think you'll transfer it into a bigger pot in week 2.if that's soil,let it dry out or close to water again.if any hydro medias such as coco,watering frequency can be lowered to 2-3 days. keep it simple,do not overfeed,keep the air circulating,have good light penetration but don't burn your plants,it will go into flowering by itself you don't need to change your light schedule,my preference is 18/6 btw,you'll just have to feed it,make it feel comfortable and watch for any signs of problems which I hope won't occur.That's all,easy :) good luck 👊