
how to dry

uptown4lifestarted grow question 5 months ago
I need ideas on ways to dry my plants without an air conditioner,I do have a grow tent,but i don't know how to get the best environment . PLEASE HELP with any ideas and information. Thank You
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Techniques. Other
Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 5 months ago
Use your grow room, a dehumidifier and a drying rack. The temp should be as low as possible, 16~20°C is nice. RH around 45~50% and off course no light. Or you could use a Freeze Dryer (my dream, but too expensive)
Polyphemusanswered grow question 5 months ago
Tents are that great for drying... closed spaces promote microbial growth, but can work jsut fine with a little circulation etc. Better to just utilize a less-used room, though. mid 60s F, 58-62% RH and darkness. You want it to take at least 7 days and not exposse to too much light. Light is the single biggest factor to loss of potency - at any point, not just drying/curing. The heat and rh are more important for the more volatile terpenese -- some of which evaporate off at upper 70F, if not mistaken. Those will not last long any which way, really. I've had some dryin 5-6 days and still end up very tasty. Did they last as long flavor-wise? i couldn't tell with my tongue. I only keep weed for at most 1 year from harvest, typically. How it is stored will be a major factor too. Choose the coolest room you likely have, maybe run a humidifier, have a fan cicculating air, but do not point fan directly at plant material. It'ss losing/degrading over time the moment it dies no matter what. All we can do is slow that degredation/loss to evaporation. What we do does not add anything. The flower merely retains things longer when more slowly dried and stored well. (can't get something from nothing... law of conservation of energy and mass applies) If you smoke it all within 3-6 months, probably won't notice much of a difference if not closely following these suggestions, assuming nothing too extremely different. If you dry it too fast, you will definitely notice no matter how fast you smoke it.. it won'tn taste as good.. it'll burn a bit weird too in my experience.. more of a charcoal remnant than soft ash. could be wrong on that last part... and if it fully dehydrates, that's not gonna happen..not that you want the flower that dry. store with 2-way humidity packs (55-62%) in coolest room. Do not buy integra boost brand. they suck. Boveda actually hits the numbers they advertise, but they do cost more, too. Anything you are going to store, this is definitely worth it. If you smoke it all in 2 weeks from being dried, probably not too important.
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