
Small Centipede in soil

StrangeTomatosstarted grow question 10 days ago
I have seen a small Centipede in the soil i didn't manage to snap a picture. Should I worry about it? what kind of damage should I be looking for? Thanks in advance for your time.
Other. Bugs
Leromeanswered grow question 10 days ago
Centipedes are predatorial they will eat other insects and small animals like worms. Millipedes are decomposers, meaning they feed on decaying organic matter. If your soil gets too dry though, or there simply is no organic matter to eat they can feed on living plant roots and they can destroy small seedlings. They will not be able to do significant damage to a mature plant though. If it is some kind of white larvae it might be something else, for example wireworms are also not what you want to have in your soil. A picture would help identifying what youre describing. But if you are sure that it is a centipede no need to worry.
Selected By The Grower
Shinsimillaanswered grow question 10 days ago
Can only agree with what has been said. Centipedes are 100% safe, but millipedes can cause a bit of trouble.
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m0useanswered grow question 10 days ago
little red one? should be fine, they are in my garden as well. They eat the woodlice that are overpopulated. prob will die with some pesticides like BTi or nematodes if you want them gone,
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