Get your wallet out and pay for high-end genetics and stay away from the mainstream breeders everybody usually recommend, if +20€ per seed scares you, forget about finding a unicorn in a single pack.
For SoG you want plants that are vigorous and have medium to high stretch and fast flowering (don't get inbred lines).
When you look at yield in a SoG systems, the most important factor is TIME, not bud mass. Calculate the yield per day not the yield per plant or grow.
Some strains/plants won't like the small pot size restraining roots and those plants will inevitably act up on you, and most 10-packs will have 1 or 2 of those, but some will have 0 and others will have 10.
I gave you some specific strain recommendations in your other, quite similar, question, and I've SoG'ed those strains many times with amazing success, and I 100% guanrantee you'll find something proper nice in a 10-pack of those :)