The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

No progress Why?

BrediniGreenystarted grow question 6 days ago
Hey guy what do you think, why is my Blackberry Auto not growing like the other plants? She received the same treatment but i think she is stunted or has HpLVd virus? Could also be a mutation of the leaves i thought, but why is she not growing🙃😒? The pics are in 3 days interval
Week 2
Plant. Too short
All_our_small_plantsanswered grow question 6 days ago
Hi es könnte viele ursachen haben, also du hast ja ein par meter, stelle die Lampe etwas niedriger von der intensität oder hänge sie höher. Ich habe auch die spider farmer am Anfang kit 40% auf ca 55-60 Abstand danach wenn sie größer sind wieder anpassen. Wie sieht es mit der Feuchtigkeit aus? Wenn sie so klein sind nehmen sie mehr Feuchtigkeit über die Blätter als durch die Wurzeln, wenn du dann zu viel Wasser gibst schadet es ihnen. Mache bei Keimlinge einfach ein Plastik Becher oben drauf so haben sie es feuchter, nur nicht zu feucht wegen schimmel ab und zu de Becher anheben. Wenn die Erde zu komprimiert ist dann wächst sie auch sehr langsam. Dann kann es aber auch an der Genetik liegen, eventuell braucht sie einfach etwas länger und sie ist mit den Wurzeln beschäftigt. Und zum schuss durch Krankheit aber das sieht bei dir nicht so aus. An deiner Stelle würde ich ihr noch ein paar Tage geben und wenn dann noch immer nix geht, weg mit dem Ding und neue einpflanzen. Ist schade aber manchmal besser. Viel erfolg
Selected By The Grower
Ultravioletanswered grow question 5 days ago
Hiya pal 👍, different seeds different genetics, different stress tolerances, slighy different nutrient profiles, who knows could just be lackluster genetics next to 2 vigorous genetics or maybe she had problem breaking the seed shell. 68F 70RH% Anything would have mild discomfort growing in that. Transpiration is dependent on latent heat to perform endothermic cooling, not terrible but the cold is slowing everything down grinding down what little growth is happening maybe she is in the pot closest to cold air intake? 🤔 Sometimes even that little extra few degree or extra airflow over time accumulate to different responses. Defo heat things up a little. I personally wouldnt put too much thought into it, sometimes you just get a dud comparatively, if they all looked same as the small one then there would not be a issue. Best of luck. Yummy gelato.
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ATLien415answered grow question 5 days ago
Nobody is going to be able to state whether your plant has HpLVd, that is not something you can visually discern unfortunately. You can have a hunch, but you can not confirm this visually. If you buy beans, your breeder should already have been telling you for the past few years or so their SOP around preventing the spread of the hops virus. They should have been telling you results on random sampling from seed batch tissue and mothers. Regardless of why it is small, the solution is the light. There is a time when you want dense plant morphology (in flower). There is a time when you do not want dense plant morphology (seedling). Sometimes placing your light at the "incorrect" spot is strategy to tease your plant into being more dense or more spaced out.
m0useanswered grow question 5 days ago
verry verry rare for home growers to see virus like TMV or HpLVD. Likely the seed is bunk or something in the medium is off. Autos tend to do w/e the fuck they want. alawys good to have an extra few going then thin out the herd.
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NoVC01answered grow question 5 days ago
Bro-Science If you have something in your nutrient kit like Big Bloom give it a liter of your mix around the drip ring. Wait. Use 1/4 dose. Or a 1/4 shot of N. Similar situation outdoors I fed Miracle Grow one time they came right out of it.
Spike_KCanGanswered grow question 6 days ago
Hi bud. Both sets of true leaves are lying directly on the cotyledons. There should be a little spacing between nodes, even at this age. That hints towards too much lighting. It would seem you lowered the lamp recently, because the stem leading up to the cotyledens is lengthy enough. Hope this helps, even just a little!
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00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 6 days ago
back off the light intensity a bit. node spacing looks tight. there's no virus here or mutation. plant looks normal, otherwise.
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