The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

What kind of bug is this?

Trungjohnlestarted grow question 5 years ago
I notice these small flies in the grow tent. Got about 2-3 not many. Anyone know anything about them? Should I do something about it?
Week 4
Other. Bugs
labifleanswered grow question 5 years ago
Salut le jardinier. je ne connais pas ces petites bêtes mais je sais que si tu fait pousser dedans c'est pour pas avoir les problèmes de dehors et surtout pas ces saloperies donc tu dois les buter et j'ai lue dans pleins de tutoriels que l'huile de neem mélangée a l'eau est bien pour les tuer et les repousser mais faut pas juste mettre une fois c'est plutôt un truc que tu met jusqu'à leur morts et fait bien gaffe aux œufs paracerque si t'en a ca va niquer tout ton travail.
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FyahBurnanswered grow question 5 years ago
Bonsoir Trungjohnle a, Cela ne ressemble il pas à de la cochenille farineuse ? Exemple:,914.html Si tel est le cas je te conseille de diluer 2 bouchons d'huile de Neem, ( 2cl/l d'eau ). Mettre le mélange dans un pulvérisateur et vaporiser une fois par semaine ou tous les 15 jours les plantes atteintes. Une photo de prêt si vous avez ? Autrement il y a la piraitine extrait de pyrèthre qui fonctionne bien ! En espérant vous avoir avancer dans votre problème ? Bonne culture.
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Trungjohnleanswered grow question 5 years ago
Is watering every 2-3 days normal? I see people water everday and dont understand how s that possible. I water every other day and the soil is always wet.
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 5 years ago
hey there, these kinds of flies are sometimes in the soil you buy so it's basically not your fault, if you had a sodium light usually the lights or the fan will end up "getting them" for you. if they dont have food they will fly away but if you over water it could become an infestation. just follow a strict wet dry cycle and keep monitoring the situation. Hope this helps ! 🚀
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MrMunchiesanswered grow question 5 years ago
Could be fungus gnats. Check your roots and make sure there are no eggs (they look like little brown spots). If there are eggs flush your tank use a hydrogen peroxide supplement until they are dead. You can use sticky traps hung from the roof to catch any unwanted bugs in the tent.
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DeadwebsiteBoringcommunityanswered grow question 5 years ago
Fruit flies.. They are usually only attracted to sources of sugar.. Maybe your foliar spraying with something that has simple carbs? Most likely you have a bowl of old fruit or something else that is attracting them as the little guys tend not to be too keen on Cannabis til the flowering happens. Imo.
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