The Grow Awards 2025 🏆
Es ist soweit! Am Freitag habe ich die fünf Easy Buds nach knapp 11 1/2 Wochen abgeschnitten und geerntet. Leider musste ich feststellen, dass eine Pflanze ziemlich stark befallen war. Ich vermute eine Milbenart oder möglicherweise Fliegeneier. Unterhalb der Blätter waren etliche dunkelgelbe und dunkelbraune Eier, die man auf den ersten Blick kaum erkennen konnte. Bei genauerem Hinsehen sieht man jedoch, dass sich der Befall auf die ganze Pflanze ausgeweitet hatte. Glücklicherweise blieben die vier anderen Pflanzen verschont. Aus diesem Grund trockne ich die Pflanzen auch getrennt voneinander. Die befallene Pflanze wollte ich nicht direkt wegwerfen, sondern erstmal trocknen lassen. Im Nachhinein werde ich schauen, wie ich mögliche Schadensbegrenzung betreiben kann. Die vier gesunden Pflanzen werden in einem geschlossenen Zelt in einem Trocknungsbeutel getrocknet. Die befallene Pflanze habe ich in dem Folienzelt aufgehängt und mit einer Plane abgedeckt. Nach wenigen Tagen der Trocknung sieht soweit eigentlich alles gut aus. Die Eier scheinen nicht mehr zu schlüpfen, sondern fallen von der Blüte ab oder verschrumpeln zu Kompost. Ich hoffe, dass es dabei bleibt. Der Geruch hat sich nach dem Abschneiden deutlich verändert. Schon nach der kurzen Trocknungszeit kann ich einen intensiveren Geruch feststellen, der sich noch nicht so richtig beschreiben lässt. Die Blüten waren stark mit den sogenannten "Sugar Leaves" verwachsen, weshalb ich sie grob getrimmt habe, um sie zum Trocknen aufzuhängen. Nachdem die Blüten vollständig getrocknet sind, werde ich die Buds noch einmal einzeln trimmen und durch meine Trimm-Maschine von Vevor jagen. Der Ernteprozess hat zu zweit circa eine Stunde gedauert. Die Pflanzen waren zum Zeitpunkt der Ernte noch sehr gesund und kräftig. Die Verwurzelung war trotz des geschlossenen Topfes sehr gut. Die schönste Bud hat definitiv die zentrale Pflanze, Greta, ergeben. Nass hätte ich den Bud auf mindestens 12 g geschätzt. Ein Gesamtgewicht des nassen Pflanzenmaterials habe ich nicht ermittelt. Sobald alles trocken und fertig beschnitten ist, werde ich das Tagebuch um den trockenen Betrag ergänzen. Stand jetzt würde ich schätzen, dass der Ertrag aller Pflanzen bei circa 40-50 g liegt, was mich für meinen ersten Grow ziemlich zufrieden stellt, besonders in Anbetracht dieser wirklich sehr simplen Strain. Mehr Infos und Fotos folgen in Kürze, wenn das Curing beginnt. Bis bald! :)
Seedlings were put in small container pots today planning on putting them in 25l pots next week They are fast growers all heads have surfaced from the earth and are about 2-3 cm in height
Come potete vedere il sacchetto di co2 messo l’ultima volta ha implementato notevolmente la fotosintesi delle piante facendole più che raddoppiate in una sola settimana.
yesterday i applied a heavy defoliation and watered with increasing fertilizer
Sprouted November 20 Harvested February 23 95 Days Pheno #2 (Taller structure, smaller buds, more resin) Strong odour, almost "garlic" like pine smell.. Light feeder 1420g wet 420 Fastbuds Gorilla cookies Auto - pheno #1 106 days seed to harvest 1233g wet Lemon/gas terpene profile Thats a wrap.. Great job fastbuds this is definitely one for the books, easy to grow, a very rewarding plant that gets the old Dankeye thumbs up!
Hello guys, we are in week 5 and I decided to change the base fertilizers, because in the country where I am now, as it turned out, the quality of ADVANCED NUTRIENTS is poor, Now my babies will eat СANNA coco on the 28th day I made a flash (I washed the plants well) and in a day I gave them the first watering with CANNA)) In appearance, the plant has become much larger and looks healthy, so the baby on the 30th day began to show stigmas Looking forward to BLOOM 😈
Hello and welcome to week 8, the second week of 12/12 for Her Royal Highness Queen Citronella. As you can see she is chafing at the lack of space. She wants to keep growing. I am looking for a 3x3 to solve this. Day 50: Fertigated 6l. Day 53: Height 33cm Width 70cm Depth 70cm - clear signs of flowering today. Fertigated 4l. Day 54: It's getting difficult to get her in and out safely as she is now bigger than the tent door. Day 55: Stretching fast now. 38cm x 60cm x 60cm the latter two being severely limited by the tent size. Day 56: End of week 2 since flipping. Preflower period ending and flowering proper begins. Approximately ten weeks to go. Citronella is really impressive and smells very citrus. All of her foliage smells if you touch it. I do not know if this little tent can contain her. I have some major concerns about this grow due to some real life complications.
pungent odour, full of ditricomas, even the sugar leaves, I think it is a genetic that is well suited to concentrates or extractions
pungent odour, full of ditricomas, even the sugar leaves, I think it is a genetic that is well suited to concentrates or extractions
Nous somme à la 6ème semaines de floraison tout se passe comme prévu les bourgeons continuent de gonflés les paramètres sont excellents 24 degrés en température 55% en hydrometrie. - L'ajout de RQS guano a redonner un coup pouce à la plante les bourgeons ont sacrément gonfler aimer et regarder par vous même. Cet semaine sera aussi la dernière irrigation avec nutes. Ce run est l'une de mes préférée. Léger carences en azote post-stretch cela es dû a un faible apport de celui-ci mais rien de grave cela indique les derniers semaine de vie de cette dame le rinçage sera simple et éfficace. L'odeur quelle dégage es fortement fruité cela sent le 🍬 🍬. A plus pour d'avantge d'informations.👍🏼
🐟 🐠 🐙 🐡 🐟 🐠 🐙 🐡 🐟 🐠 🐙 🐡 🐟 🐠 🐙 🐡 Welcome to week 8, dear fish lovers! 💙 The fish is alive and well! 😌 We made a photo shoot but somehow I wasn't inspired to do something extraordinary, stay tuned for some later-art of the fish! 🙏 🐟 I totally surprised learned about how to monitor the runoff when you make a hydro-coco grow, haha! 😎 So I started to monitor my drain. Interesting. The Tropicana Cookies is very very resilient, peeps! 😉 Had to cope with extreme EC circumstances. Well actually I learned THAT you have to monitor it, but didn't look into how exactly yet this week. 😅 But I monitored it and watered whatsoever. 💧 Poor fish, I know! What would Patanjali have said..... mmmh.. maybe that you can see how clear or clouded your mind is just by looking at the leaves of your fish plant. OM. ✨ Thanks, growmies, for checking in! 💚 💚 💚 😘 Always remember, we are not our thoughts, nor are we our emotions, or experiences, we are limitless, immortal and divine souls making a 3D experience. 🙏 ❇️ ____________________________________________________________________ Strain info: Tropicana Cookies Auto is the perfect variety for growers of all levels, especially beginners as this strain performs very well outdoors and indoors, and can produce up to 500gr/m2 in 56-63 days without needing extra maintenance. Reaching up to 110cm, this strain grows fairly tall with medium-sized branching, showing its mixed heritage. Definitely the right choice for those with a high tolerance looking to get their hands on the strongest autoflowers out there. Thanks to the 27% THC, you can expect an extremely powerful and long-lasting high that’ll boost your mood and give you that extra push you need to start your days on the right foot. This variety offers the whole range of citrusy and woody flavors with a strong candy-sweet background that will keep you coming back for more and more. Bud description Tropicana Cookies Auto produces gorgeous dark purple flowers, so expect really dark buds with gorgeous hues of pink, purple and blue, and thick dark-orange hairs that get completely covered in resin by harvest time, giving them an almost shiny-white appearance. This variety develops a typical Indica-like structure and very few sugar leaves that will make your trimming sessions a breeze. But make sure to store your trimmings as the gorgeous flowers reek of a mouth-watering blend of lemon peels, orange juice, and sandalwood that gives it almost a citrus candy-like flavor that makes for the most aromatic hash and extractions. Smoke report Thanks to the 27% THC, Tropicana Cookies Auto’s effect starts with an energizing head rush that gets your mind up and running while leaving you in a nice calm state. As the Indica-dominant side kicks in, the powerful cerebral effect gradually moves downwards and hits your whole body with a deep relaxation that leaves you with a joyful stoney sensation that alleviates chronic pain while leaving you in an overall happy and positive state of mind. It’s the perfect daytime and nighttime strain as it can boost your mood and enhance a night out with friends but can also quiet your mind as you get ready for a good night of sleep. No matter the scenario, expect a powerful high that lasts for hours on end. Plant appearance Tropicana Cookies Auto reaches up to 110cm and develops a tall main cola with shorter side branches, typical of hybrid strains. You can expect a stocky yet tall main cola with medium-sized side branches and thin fan leaves that fade into a yellowish hue with a beautiful dark purple tint. Thanks to the excellent selection, this variety develops a short internodal spacing that makes the medium-sized flowers look like they’re growing stacked on top of each other. It’s the ideal choice for growers who want to get big yields without having to deal with huge plants, as this monster yielder can produce up to 150g per plant while growing relatively short. Grow tips This variety grows super dense buds so make sure to space out the branches by tying them down, this way you improve airflow which helps prevent mold and other pests. Tropicana Cookies auto reek of a delicious sweet and sour smell so make sure to flush thoroughly to enhance the aromas even more. This terpene heavyweight finishes with lots of resinous sugar leaves that make for fantastic hash and extractions so remember to have your trim bucket ready! Flavor Tropicana Cookies Auto boasts remarkably sweet flavors that resemble a blend of lemon peels and fresh orange juice, with subtle floral undertones that make it the perfect choice for extractors looking for unique terpene profiles. Expect an overall citrusy zest that’ll coat your whole mouth and leave a delicious tropical candy-like flavor aftertaste. The sweet and sour flavors get balanced out with a herbal background that gets stronger as you exhale and gradually opens up, bringing out the whole range of woody, floral, and spicy flavors, making it the perfect choice for the most flavorful extracts. _________________________________________________________________________________ SETUP: 80x80x180 cm Zelsius 240W Full Spectrum LED IR UV dimmable DW240H-A6-HS Heatsink color red LED Chips: 512pcs SAMSUNG LM301H + 24pcs Osram 660nm + 8pcs Osram IR 730nm + 8pcs UV 385nm Color mix: 2700K + 4000K 2,8umol/J Driver HLG-240H-C2100B Coverage: veg 5x3ft / flower 4x2ft Product size: 628x205x68mm Green Buzz Nutrients Shouts go out to my sponsors @GreenBuzzNutrients, thanks so much for your support! ❤️ If anyone would like to try their amazing organic products, use code GD42025 for generous 25% discount (for orders of minimum 75€) ✨ Mills Nutrients Biobizz Lightmix custom exhaust fan 320/270cm³/h Carbon Active Granulate 240cm³/h tab water pH 8 - EC 0,25 with Calmag to 0,5 Advanced Hydroponics pH minus Grow + Bloom to pH 6.2 🐟 🐠 🐙 🐡 🐟 🐠 🐙 🐡 🐟 🐠 🐙 🐡 🐟 🐠 🐙 🐡
Welcome to another season of Grow N' Smoke! This is my 9th grow but my second diary. Luckily I came upon some seeds that I had been desperate to try, Cookies Gelato from Royal Queen Seeds. Shout out to James and RQS, they deliver to the USA now! I got my seeds sooner than I thought and was able to start my grow last Sunday 2/19/23. It's now Saturday 2/25/23 and we are off to good start. A 100% Germination! How awesome! I'm really excited about this grow and I am very hopeful of the results. I hope that you enjoy this journey with me and that we can help each other along the way.
Hello Diary, The first week of flowering is behind me and as you can see in the photos, the Medusas are developing very quickly. The flowers have formed and now the flowering begins. Trichomes appeared around the flowers on the leaves, which is a great sign for this stage of the plant. What you can see is that the plants differ slightly in structure, one is taller with fewer leaves and a more sprawling structure, while the other is more of a bush shape with lots of leaves. In the description of this strain, they should be equal in structure, which is not the case, at least for me. I removed the humidifier so that the humidity in the air dropped to about 50% and the temperature rose to about 24 degrees. Watering has become a little more frequent, which is to be expected given the size of the plants. Here's what it looked like last week. 18/02/2023 - Day 25. Watering. I prepared 5 liters of water, lowered the pH. to 6.0 and watered both plants with that amount. 21/02/2023 - Day 28. Photographing and height measurement. Medusa F1 #1 - 47 cm Medusa F1 #2 - 40 cm That's all for this week, see you soon and thank you all for your support.