Week 10
Last week of Vegging, switching the lights on 12/12 cycle. Xmas is in 8 weeks now 😄
Stretch should start in approximately 7 days. I might have 2 plants (Lemon Cream Kush) finishing on the side, will see how they stretch, I didn’t expect such a Vegetative growth.
Adding some pictures of what an excess of Nitrogen looks like and when the EC level of the soil is too high for a plant. Keeping an eye on the new growth of the week, the leaves aren’t clawed, meaning I can add some Nitrogen again by the end of next week to give them what they need for the beginning of the stretch.
Took off some few leaves, the big fans leaves, recovering the lower shoots to give them some light. The shoots will become buds sites during flowering.
Remember last week, when I spoke about the case of working in a Grow Op and the need of another week of Veg ?
Plants are filling up all the light coverage now, increasing yield and gr./watts, the boss should be happy and will probably forget about this extra week 😊
Stay tuned for the Jungle show 😄
(I’m looking for a job in the Cannabis industry as Master Grower, Mineralogist, Quality Control)