The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Home Improvised Polyploid Induction HIPI

3 years ago
Room Type
weeks 2
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
80 L
Pot Size
6 L
3 years ago
Golosa is supposed to have high resistance to mold and pests. This year, I was annoyed by spider mites. Golosa is almost perfect. The additional quality that I want is strong irrigation tolerance. There is a new cannabis technique that make polyploid plant. All well and good. I read that a feature of polyploid plant is having large water venting holes underneath the leaves. This could make plants do better in humid climate. Then I may be able to have a version of cannabis strain that is potent, has very strong resistance, and can take high humidity. And I bought extra amount of Golosa to play with. Let’s start with eight seeds and see if I can get at least one to be polyploid. This week is about germinating seeds. Once seedlings got started, I’ll attempt to make polyploid by copying what people say on the internet. List of the stuff I used for germination: Antiseptic hydrogen peroxide to speed up germination during the first day. Flat facial cleaning cotton pad for rooting. I like cotton pad better than paper towel. Small food keeping boxes with lid for cotton pad step. Medium size food keeping boxes with lid for handling of plant container to cook and germinating soil before use. Don’t use box for garden soil to store food in the fridge. Pumice, earth worm casting, peat moss. Mycorrhiza as always. Must have for germinating and cloning. 2 inch by 2 inch cactus container, 8 pieces Seaweed extract to promote root. Wasabi hormone (brassinolide) to promote root. Highly effective when use together with seaweed/BAP or root promoter auxin/IAA/NAA. Clean cup and drinking water for plant. Germination day 1 Saturday October 9th Soaked 8 seeds in dilute hydrogen peroxide solution. One part hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) with four-parts of lukewarm water. Five out of eight seeds cracked. The other three swollen up nicely. Germination day 2 There are two seeds with smaller crooked roots. And one seed was a dud. I put all seeds on flat cotton pads. And I added magic juices to speed them on their way. The juice is made with wasabi steriod (brasinolide 0.1 ppm and seed weed (BAP). And I made a sandwich out of dripping pads. As it is, cotton pads are too wet and seeds can’t breathe. To make the pad moist and not wet, I put dry pads on the bottom to absorb excess water. And one other pad on top of the sandwich. I was careful to arrange seeds so they point in same direction. Normally, the side of white spot is up direction. And the pointy side with root tip point down. Then I tilt the container so root would be pointing down toward gravity. I believe that tilting it this way encourage root to grow straight down. And this would help later when I have to place seeds in the soil. Crooked roots can get damage easier. After 24hours, I was surprised to see roots comes out at about 4 mm long on six seeds. Wasabi hormone sure make a big difference in speed. Treated seedlings with wasabi hormone grow like they were on, well, steroid. The dud seed still does not show sign of growth. Germination day 3 Then I mix components into seedling soi in a clean plastic container. The “soil” is actually 1 part peat moss, 1 part earth worm casting, 1 part small (number 0) pumice, 1 part water. Then I microwave the mix to kill off germs. Let cool. Wash my hands really well. And then mix in mycorrhizae sand. I put soil in 2-inch by 2-inch containers. And as gentle as I can get, (I am not very gentle), I placed seedlings in the potting containers. Than the seedling containers were kept in plastic food box transparent lid. It is the same container that I used to mix the soil. And I washed my hands and container well. Cleanliness is important for expensive seeds. Within a day, six seedlings sprang out of the ground. One stilt not showing green stuff. I should always use this wasabi hormone. Now I think I have enough starting seedlings to get at least one polyploid and at least one normal plant. No watering yet. Germination day 4 / True leaves are shown on five seeds. One still has only cotyledon. One still had not come up. Germination day 5 / Thursday October 14 / Finished germination. True leaves are shown on six seedlings out of eight seeds. One was a dud. And other one may show true leave later but moy not be useable. I am not counting this seed. This weekend, I shall try to induce polyploid.
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
3 years ago
3 cm
28 °C
70 %
29 °C
0 L
0 L
Summary None of seedlings dipped in colchicine died. And I wonder if I get any polyploid plants at all. People had published on why and how to make polyploid cannabis since 1940. Seemed that the classic way to make polyploid cannabis is to dunk them in a vat of toxic chemical. This may kill some unfortunate seedling. Some, but not all, of the survivors would become mutant with polyploid power. Before you go on and make polyploid, there are pending patent registrations. Do make sure that you don’t copy their method. Stuff that I used: The chemical I used is an extract from autumn crocus call colchicine. Concentrate stuff is available from the internet. However, gout medicine made from colchicine is easy enough to get over the counter. And I bought 150 of 0.6 mg tablets. This caused me under five USD. Concentrated stuff is cheaper, but I would not know what to do with the remaining stuff. Supply and tools used: mini size jam, facial cotton balls, electrical tape, scissor, small glass jars, rubber gloves, seedling handling box, dishwashing detergent, tap water, plant label, permanent marker. Stuff that I should use but did not: Leaf penetrating agent, surfactant, automatic shaker stirrer. What I thought about making polyploid: Polyploid works during the period of rapid growth. Early seedling stage would be better I started making polyploid from day 2 after Golosa seedlings were germinated. The concentration that I aimed for was 0.2%, 2,000 mg/liter. I used 45 CC of solution. Doing some math, this is 150 tablets of colchicine. Took a bit of time to pop all the tablets. The best success rate from university professors seemed to be only half of the plants become polyploid. So, I treated only three plants with mutating poison. Perhaps I would get one polyploid. I still want normal Golosa. And I keep three without the treatment. Not so much as a control but for the flowers. Polyploid seemed to cause root problems in many plants. So, my idea is to immerse only the top part of the seedlings. So I put them upside down with tops pickled in colchicine jars for 24 hours. One thing that I can see is that researchers are rich and can afford to kill off hundreds of seeds. I, on the other hand, paid a small fortune for these seeds. And I want them to survive even regardless of polyploid success or failure. So I think I’ll attempt making polyploid in a way without letting the root touch colchicine. Here are my steps: 1) Stuff cotton balls around the base of three seedling. 2) Tape the base to compress cotton ball a bit and keep the soil from falling and also prevents colchicine from reaching the root. 3) I bought and ate mini size jelly just to get the tiny jar. Real sacrifice since I normally abstain from sweet. This is just to get containers that are small enough. :D :D :D 4) Check immersion level with the jar. See how much solution to put in. Seedling will bend upward from this unnatural upside down pose later. 5) Safety precaution! 6) Always wear gloves. And I use syringe to fill the jar to avoid spilling. Mutating poison scares me. 7) Tape the bottom of the colchicine jar with long piece tape. 8) Put the plant tips inside the jar. And tape it so it won’t come loose too easily when I leave home for work. 9) Let’s sit for 24 hours. The colchicine from tablet settles on bottom of the jar. I may or may not get 0.2% concentration. I did shake the jar once but it is no replacement for lab gentle shaker. May be I ask could ask a taxi driver to keep plants in his cab for a day? This would be like how Norwegian age their aquavit. 10) Carefully unwrap the seedlings from mutating jar. Keeping the main layer tape on. 11) Clean the treated seedling well with water once. Then dip in dishwashing detergent for a minute each. And then rinse the seedling well again. 12) Ever so carefully remove remaining tape then cotton balls. I was happy to see that the cotton balls were not soaked and I don’t think colchicine got in to the root. 13) To be sure that the root part is not damaged by colchicine, I flushed the plants in their little containers with water. The last round, I added weak compost tea mixed with alfalfa wax suspension. 14) Put label on so I won’t mix them up later. 15) Put the seedlings under 9W white-light table lamp at about 20 cm distance. Week 1 so far: Day 3 – no plants died. Untreated plant kept going. There were white deposit on the treated plants. I transplanted the seedlings to 300 cc containers put these in my computer case light boxes. Day 7 – Untreated plants are a taller than treated seedling. Treated plant number T1 is only slightly shorter than normal plants. At this point, it is too early to tell if the treatment works for this one. Plant T2 is shorter and is growing okay. Plant T3 is stunt. It could be from colchicine or could be a runt. However, I chose the healthy plant for colchicine treatment. Let’s see how she develops.
Week 2. Vegetation
3 years ago
7 cm
28 °C
70 %
29 °C
0 L
0 L
Siphoning effect on my automatic pump. And the treated plants were over-watered for three days. Nonetheless, the girls kept going in the light box. Colchicine treated Golosa. One plant looks normal. She is shorter but her leaves are not so wrinkly. Roots are developing well. I can see the root at the bottom of the pot. Let’s call this one plant T1. One plant has wrinkly leaves and shorter than control plants. No root seen at the bottom of the pot. I am calling this plant T2. The smallest plant also has wrinkly leaves. Labeled as T3. She recovered somewhat after two weeks. Colchicine damaged her for sure. Untreated Golosa, three plants The girls are doing very well. It had been a while since I have grown from seeds. And it is a joy see the developing seedlings. And there are phenotypes. One plant is dark green and two have lighter shade. What little information on the internet on Golosa strain point toward single column Indica. So, I am pinching the top off early. Let’s see if they can branch out a little.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 3. Vegetation
3 years ago
7 cm
28 °C
70 %
29 °C
2 L
0 L
Phytotoxicity means fertilizer burn. I transplant 5 healthy babies to ½ gallon pot. Change soil to “dirty” old soil with earth worm casting and chopped coconut husk. Added a bit of granular humic acid to reduce pH. Then I doused the seedling with manure tea prepared for mature plants. Leaves started to burn withing the hour. They will survive. This will set me back a couple of weeks. Lesson is that I should push them a little at a time. Big push is not love. Colchicine treated Golosa. Colchicine treated plant number T1 hardly has any root during re-pot. And over fertilizing almost killed her. Top tip was burned off. Oh well, this is like topping by fertilizer. She is resting and recovering in shade outdoor. Treated plant number T2 has full root. She is too healthy and looks the same as untreated. She was also burned but will easily survive. May be polyploid treatment did not work on her The smallest plant, T3, is the healthiest plant this week. She was too small for re-potting and was spared from fertilizing. So she recovered from colchicine treatment. She still has some growing to catch up to. Untreated Golosa, Phenotypes are more pronounced. Dark green leaf also have wider leaves and is shorted than light green leaves phenotype. They were all burned badly. But will survive. I need to smoke to ease my pain.
Week 7. Vegetation
3 years ago
7 cm
11 hrs
32 °C
60 %
23 °C
2 L
0 L
Mixed in too much earth worm casting in the soil and killed two plants. Also, I think the sack of earth worm casting was contaminated with cow manure. The mix would be good enough for mid to heavy feeder. And I think Golosa feeds very lightly. Last couple of weeks, I have been just watering them. However, I did not flush. Did not feel good about the root so I am just letting the girls ride out the over feeding. Two untreated plants survived. And the sativa pronounced phenotype died. One is in an orchid clay pot. And another is in plastic 2-gallons fern pot. Also, two treated plants survived. The best performing plant was T3. This happened because she was the weakest and was not transplanted with the rest of the brood. Her mix has lighter dose of earth worm casting. She is still slow. In the back ground, there are White Critical plants. These are quite ready to go into flower. They are just waiting for slots in the flowering spots. My plan is to let Golosa grows for a couple more months. And I’ll use plant T3 as a mother for seed breeding experiment. For “father”, I’ll ferminize White Critical indica plant. This one feeds well. Perhaps I can get good feeding Indica out of the mix. On the other hand, mixing in THCV might be interesting. If I can do only one, what do you think would be better? Untreated plants were happy. On the other hand, colchicine treated Golosa plants have major issue with transplant. And one may not survive. Colchicine treated Golosa. Treated plants were growing okay. But they do not react well to pot size change. Even when root are full, they slump a bit. Treated plant1 hardly has any root. And she may not survive. Treated plant 2 has full root that looks the same as untreated. May be polyploid treatment did not work on her. I’ll check and take some pic during the next pot change. The smallest plant recovered from colchicine treatment. She still has some growing to catch up to. And I have not transplanted her. Most likely, I shall change pot next week. Untreated Golosa, Phenotypes are more pronounced. Dark green leaf also have wider leaves and is shorted than light green leaves phenotype. At the end of week 3, they are nearly ready to go outside for the next pot change.
Week 9. Vegetation
3 years ago
42 cm
11 hrs
32 °C
60 %
23 °C
7 L
1 L
All in all, I only have total of two reasonably healthy plants. One is the colchicine treated plant. And another healthy plant is one untreated plant. Healthy plant show overlapping leaves for both colchicine treated and normally grown. Seemed to be phenotype. These girls are not developing side branch. One was pinched and still want to go straight up. Sickly sad looking plants show narrow and normal spreading leaf fingers for both treated and un-treated. Good thing about them is that they are developing side branches quite okay. I have transplanted wide-leaf plant that was treated with colchicine (plant T3) to a five-gallon plastic basket. Getting her ready for breeding. In general, I don’t like growing Golosa. The root is as sensitive as an auto would be. They suffer with every transplant. They take only light feeding. And I like my plants with hefty appetite. Overall Golosa grow slowly. Perhaps I should veg them in my raining season to give them more time Dear Breeders, Light feeding/light watering is not the same as easy growing. Breeding preparation. The plan is to have male plant start to flower a couple of weeks before female plant. I read that plants with younger female flowers produce healthier seeds. For pollen donor, I made a clone from OSS White Critical. This is a robust plant with strong root. And I am reversing the sex right after the right after the clone took root. Usually, male pollen is highly potent. It takes only a branch to pollinate the entire garden. I use 50 ppm colloidal silver that I got from a local shopping app to reverse sex. Spraying is done twice a day for four days and plant wilted badly. I am back to spraying colloidal silver just once a day in the evening. Planning to start flowering Golosa T3 after the clone show flower. The sickly thin finger plants will likely take a while longer to grow. I am letting them veg. And I can test the flower potency and yield later.
Week 11. Vegetation
3 years ago
55 cm
11 hrs
34 °C
50 %
23 °C
7 L
1 L
Two healthy Golosa plants are finally growing at the pace where they should have been doing. The key is not to feed them at all. Only earth worm casting in in small 7-lites pot is enough for Golosa. And they do not like to be handle. No matter how gentle, they slow down after transplant. Golosa plants are compact and in general are column type that refuse to branch after the first round of early topping. I then her again late last week. This round, I sprayed them with brassinolide combined with BAP to promote side branching. The branches are developing well. I need to hardened the branches a bit before I can take clone to see how difficult they are to clone. Golosa is straight column short plant and sea of green growing style would be good. There is also big swing in different phenotype. Cloning is important for this strain. There is some small sign of mite. So, I whip up my anti bug microbes again. And spray them. Sick and small Golosa seemed to be recovering and start growing again after a month in ICU. To make things worse, mite feast on sick plants. And it further weaken them. I am not interested in these plants. They will miss the primary cool and dry season. But since I am winding down my main growing season, there is some free space. So, I am keeping them. Again, Golosa plants do better when I don’t feed them or stress them. I am still attempt to breed the plant that I think is polyploid. And I have been spraying White Critical Clone with STS follows by colloidal silver once a day for the past two weeks. And one good thing about spraying silver is that there is not mite on this clone whatsoever. As for getting pollen, seemed like small male flowers are forming. There is no round flowers showing yet. Perhaps I should have let the clone grown a little before spraying. The intended female plant is polyploid treated Golosa. She looks ready with her side branches starting. Normally, male flowers develop a couple of weeks before female. I think it is better to pollinate when female flower are three weeks old. Older male with younger girl, Again, I am waiting to see male flower cleary developing on White Critical clone before I start to put polyploid treated Golosa into flower. I spent my Christmas at a beach. And had the chance to pulled up some sea purslane (sesuvium portulacastrum). It usually works as companion plant to cannabis and helps keep cannabis roots healthy. However, sea purselane grows much slower than cannabis. And I think it is a good idea to keep mature batches going for transplant. They do need light and heavy feeding before they are big enough to contribute. In the past, when I am short of sea purselane, flowering type purselane will be better than none. Happy Newyear my dear gardening comrade. May all will be healthy and free in 2022.
Grow Questions
Med_in_Tropicstarted grow question 3 years ago
Would polyploid weed cutting take root and clone as usual? I treated my Golods plant with colchicine. They maybe triploid already. So, I think I have s plant that is either tetraploid or hexaploid. Would these clone at all? Do I need to take extra cuttings?
Techniques. Other
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Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
First generation plants that have been treated with colchicine are unsafe to smoke. The plant will be no more potent than the original. Clones should be as straight forward as with normal plants. It is only safe to smoke polyploid plants that have been grown from seeds produced by polyploid parents. Polyploidism only affects size/growth and vigor of the plant, but not THC production, sadly. If it did create super resinous plants, they would have been on the market for decades already.
Med_in_Tropicstarted grow question 3 years ago
What would be a good fertilizing scheme for making robust seeds?
Feeding. Chemical composition
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Sunstonedgrowsanswered grow question 3 years ago
You'll want to fertilize close to week 2 or 3 of flower maybe a bit later. As for fertilizer regimen you do need a good amount of phosphorus, but potassium, nitrogen and your micronutrients are very important. Personally I recommend doing a ratio of 2/3 bloom and 1/3veg nutes. Personally I am using Dr. Earth dry amendments, and the mix of 2 scoops of flower and 1 scoop of veg works great for me.
Week 12. Vegetation
3 years ago
62 cm
12 hrs
34 °C
50 %
23 °C
7 L
1 L
Yet one more week of vegging. Golosa has thick stems that only stretches and grow 1 cm a week. On White Critical pollen donor, there seemed to be some male looking flower from White Critical pollen donor. And I am putting polyploid treated Golosa into flower to make seeds from her. Healthy Golosa plant that was dipped in colchicine is growing well but is not big. Side branches and bud sites finally are developing. Stems are still soft and is likely hollow. Nontherless, I am putting this one away from night lite and start her on flowering journey. And I am not taking cuttings from her yet. I don’t branches will survive into clone. Branches need to be aged by a couple more weeks. I can take clones and re-veg them later. Healthy untreated Golosa also showing big leaves. And I am lettering her mature for a couple more weeks. Sick and small Golosa continue to recover. Colchicine treated plant is developing well but does not look as strange as the first plant. The treatment may not be successful. May be she needs more time to show her freakishness. The untreated small Golosa plant will be given away. I treated a White Critical clone with sts and colloidal silver to make male flower. The top cola did not work out and producing female pistils. Lower flower bunches and branches, however, are producing male looking young flowers as planned. And I think I shall have pollen from this clone. To make sure that only the polyploid Golosa will be producing seeds, I shall put only this one plant into flower. The control plant will start flowering a couple weeks later. I hope that the flower will mature before rain starts. And I am putting polyploid treated Golosa into flower to make seeds from her. Healthy Golosa plant that was dipped in colchicine is growing well but is not big. Side branches and bud sites finally are developing. Stems are still soft and is likely hollow. Nontherless, I am putting this one away from night lite and start her on flowering journey. And I am not taking cuttings from her yet. I don’t branches will survive into clone. Branches need to be aged by a couple more weeks. I can take clones and re-veg them later. Healthy untreated Golosa also showing big leaves. And I am lettering her mature for a couple more weeks. Sick and small Golosa continue to recover. Colchicine treated plant is developing well but does not look as strange as the first plant. The treatment may not be successful. May be she needs more time to show her freakishness. The untreated small Golosa plant will be given away. I treated a White Critical clone with sts and colloidal silver to make male flower. The top cola did not work out and producing female pistils. Lower flower bunches and branches, however, are producing male looking young flowers as planned. And I think I shall have pollen from this clone. To make sure that only the polyploid Golosa will be producing seeds, I shall put only this one plant into flower. The control plant will start flowering a couple weeks later. I hope that the flower will mature before rain starts.
1 comment
Week 14. Flowering
3 years ago
95 cm
11 hrs
34 °C
70 %
23 °C
80 L
1 L
Put colchicined treated plant into flowering spot. She did not budge for one week. Only after two weeks did she started to put out pre-flower pistils. She stretches to 95 cm tall. This lady does what she wants. There are a few days of rain. Nothing to worry about at this early stage. Male flower induction on White Critical went okay. Only the top bouquet remains female. The rest of the side branches are showing round male flowers. I find it interesting that I blasted the top cola with more silver stuff than the side branches and she still remains female. I expect the pollen to bloom any time this week. With female top there is a potential for selfing of White Critical. Since I did not make clone, seeds from White Critical will be a side benefit. I planned to check if polyploid plants can be cloned. And I’ll take a couple of lower branches off to see. Healthy Golosa plant that was not treated is also doing well. I am putting into flowering spot a few days ago. She is 85 cm tall. Sick and small Golosa plants continue to recover. And I moved them to 25-lites basket. They sure have taken a long time to recover. Over all, these are not looking too bad as long as I don’t feed them. However, my cool season is coming to a close. Usually, Indica do not produce much in this wet heat.
Week 15. Flowering
3 years ago
100 cm
11 hrs
34 °C
70 %
24 °C
80 L
1 L
Here comes the flowers! Three weeks after I moved her away from my fence light. Colchicine treated Golosa developing unusually shaped cola’s. There are too many flowers close together. Let’s see if these would develop into rooster comb shape. And I think it is time to feed the flowering plant with some extra phosphorus from bat guano. None of the cuttings took from colchicine treated plants took root. Too bad. Another baddie is that the breeding project looks like it will fail. White Critical intended males flowers are still in banana stage after a month. The plant looks like she is dying. I don’t think I can get pollen. May be I overdose the silver stuff and flowers won’t mature. Healthy Golosa plant was also put into flower. After a week, she is still in transitioning period. Golosa is slow in this aspect. And I am taking cuttings from this plant. I used a 5-gallon paint can as my humidity chamber. After a week, the branches are still surviving. The two plants that I gave up on are doing well. They are smaller but are finally healthy. I’ll let them veg for a couple more weeks then put them into flower. Any thing that I get from these will be just an extra bonus. There had been a few days of rain. Nothing to worry about at this stage. However, I should “inoculate” the flowering plants with some trichorderma to prevent mold from taking root in tight flower bracts.
Week 17. Flowering
3 years ago
120 cm
11 hrs
34 °C
76 %
24 °C
80 L
3 L
Flowering week 5, no fascination on treated plant. I am disappointed. On the other hand, this plant stinks to high heaven. Ttrichome is oozing with oil. Buds are fattening up quickly. However, there had been hot rain this week. Humidity runs into 90+% in the nigh. And I think I would give her only one or two more weeks to go and harvest her early. Flower this sticky is unlikely to survive mold in this hot and humid climate. Mite does not bother her so much. I don’t think they can even walk through the sticky buds. The soil was “no till” old soil from previous grow. And it shrunk a little. So I added some earth worm casting and a bit of guano on the top. A couple of days later, Golosa showed tip burns. She does not take fertilizers too well. The most important thing about Golsosa with polyploid treatment is the strong stench. It is skunky and peppery. The untreated plant smell strong but not as badly as the treated plant. Only one plant should be grown at a time as it makes the neighborhood block smell bad. Normal Golosa is doing okay. The flower is dense but not as crazy as the polyploid version. The Golosa clone took root easily enough. Three out of four survived. And the one that did not was from my rough handling that snapped and folded the twig. Poor thing. I am keeping two clones. These clones will be my mother plants. And the clones were put in with companion plants. One is with flowering purslane from old grow. And another is with newly planted sea purslane twigs. Clones are still weak with mite attack. I am only monitoring the mite and won’t do anything unless I I think mite would kill the plants. I think avoiding bug control measures will let natural predators do their things. Breeding project was terminated. After six weeks, male flowers are not blooming. Roots looks dead. Oh well. I have two plants that almost died from over feeding. Recovered plants are doing okay. I took some more cuttings from a recovered version that was also treated with colchicine. After a week, none of cutting survived. Seemed that polyploid treatment make Golosa more difficult to clone. Outside of the house, a cheeky whip snake visited my fence. Bugs swam my fence light early in the evening. Lizards and gecko feast on the bugs. And snake came for the lizards. Thailand had removed cannabis off illegal drug list. In general, home grown weed for own use is okay. Yeah. So, my plants can send out advertising smell and I won’t have to worry about getting shake down from the cops. However, there will be more red tape, tax, and fee for cannabis business.
Week 18. Flowering
3 years ago
120 cm
11 hrs
32 °C
76 %
26 °C
80 L
3 L
I was raining every day during this past week. RH went up to 95% in the night. For Golosa not to rot is a testament of the strain strong resistant to mold. Flowering week 6 out of 8, I am still feeding her with guano and molasses. And I plan to let her stand for only one more week. And next week there will be just molasses. I won’t give her my usual yogurt. I think the soil is active with terpene producing microbes already. The smell is strong. It is stinky with a hit of bitter coffee. I would love to taste the buds. Normal Golosa is doing okay in her 4th flowering week. Buds are developing but not as dense as the one with polyploid treatment. The two Golosa clones are doing well. Mite problem seemed to lessen. All I did was to wipe the leaves with my fingers. The purslane companion plants seemed to be happy. Just wait until the cannabis plant gets bigger. Recovered plants are doing okay and still transitioning after two weeks. After I top the soil with a gallon of earth worm casting, I have not fed them. I did add some fish and seaweed extract but that is not really fertilizing. Golosa pistil is on the shorter side and it difficult to see the flowers. Include in the pictures are my kratom saplings. These are different cultivar. The left side is called crown tail. And the one on the right hand is called gold medal. Given space, one of these plants can grow into a medium size tree. Each leaf can be chew fresh or make into tea. Kratom effect is chemically addictive. There will be withdraw symptom after a few days of ingestion. Kratom is a mild stimulant and an excellent pain killer, muscle relaxant, and great for reducing blood sugar.
Week 20. Flowering
3 years ago
330.2 cm
12 hrs
36 °C
65 %
26 °C
80 L
6 L
With continuous rain, Golosa with polyploid treatment was in a bad shape. Cola’s were flopping and leaves looks damaged. I thought that leaving the flowers would only invite problems. And I harvested the plant only after 44 days flowering time. This could be an “early” phenotypes. I soaked the harvest in weak hydrogen peroxide solution overnight. Rinse with tap water and then hung the flowers to dry out side for the first two days. This is my first phase of fast drying. And I then move the drying flower into a spare bathroom to dry for the next three days. Then I put it in a glass container with burping hole. Dried, Golosa flower smell nice and delicious. The stink developed into tea, marmalade, and a bit of coffee. Overall, it made my mouth watered. In my mind, the score of Golosa already went up as smell turned from fresh animal dung into bitter/sweet medicinal herb. While buds are fat and juicy, the weight was not impressive. I got only 70 grams out of a good size plant. Even factor in potency, the yield is on the low side. And I was not able to cram in fertilizer on Golosa either. The way to increase yield is to increase vegging time. Normal Golosa is doing okay in her 6th flowering week. Buds are still developing but the size is not f as big as the one with polyploid treatment. I think she will spend one or two more weeks in flowering phase. I fed her lightly with bat guano phosphate, molasses, and amino seaweed. There was no treatment for bugs nor fungus. Also trim off some more fan leaves. This week the weather cool down a bit with no rain. Over all it was a good week for growing ganja. I pray for the weather to be like this for one more week. Then, I would get a decent harvest out of another Golosa plant. Recovered plants flowers are developing after four weeks. And I started to feed them with light guano tea. And I also start to trim off lower leaves and sucker branches. There were two plants. One was normal. And another was treated with colchicine for polyploid attempt. The treated plant showed better frost and stronger smell again. The two Golosa clones from untreated plant continues to develop. The one that was put in large 20-liters basket with depleted soil and a carpet of purslane is doing better. The in 7-liters pot with fresh mix earth worm casting and some sea purslane is doing well but not as good as the one with old soil. So I transplanted her to a basket with sea purslane. To me, this reenforce my thinking that Golosa feeds only very lightly. For Shooey my mate, I included pic of my beetle nut palm. It is a 30-meter stilt. Beetle nuts are on the ground around the plant. I have grown this plant to plug a hole underneath my fence. This worked well and stop soil erosion in that spot.
Week 21. Flowering
3 years ago
330.2 cm
12 hrs
36 °C
60 %
26 °C
80 L
6 L
Tasted Polyploid treated Golosa. Wow – it is one of the best tasting weed for a joint. Initial hit was of burning cough. Then after a few puffs, cough went away and the burn became menthol spiciness. After that, come the nice sweetness around the tongue and a bit bitter in the back of the throat. It is like a mint licorice candy. Will try Golosa again in a couple of weeks after it had been cured for a full month. There are still some clear trichomes even after drying and two weeks of cure. Wish I could have smoked more of Golosa but she is too strong. One medium size joint is more than enough. Initial high came faster than I expect out of a juicy indica. And I should have picked up this clue. Golosa is a blissful indica. The initial hit was only a mild introduction of things to come. The stony high keep on building up and peaked after almost an hour. By then, I had trouble climbing on to my bed. Not a social party weed. Everyone would be laying on the floor or in stupor trance. I think Golosa is an excellent tasting weed with uber strong indica effect. Low yield and sensitive to fertilizer. It is for people who grow for own use in small quantity. Golosa is not for commercial grower. And to put Golosa in edible would be a waste of great tasting smoke. On my three remaining Golosa plants: Normal Golosa is nearing finish mark in her 7th flowering week but she is smelling far less pungent than from polyploid treated plant. At this time, there are a few days left until harvest. So, I trimmed off bigger fan leaves. Then the smaller leaves should stretch out. And trimming work would be more complete and a bit easier. I still fed her lightly with bat guano and molasses. Next week, there will be a very dilute dose of yogurt and sugar for extra terpenes. This week the weather was hot with no rain. Recovered plants flowers are in full bloom mode after 5th Flowering weeks. So far so good. And I am not cramming fertilizer into them. Notes on my Mulligan growing with clones: The two Golosa clones continues to develop. The one that was put in large 20-liters basket with depleted soil and a carpet of purslane is doing better. The in 7-liters pot with fresh mix earth worm casting and some sea purslane is doing well but not as good as the one with old soi. To me, this reenforce my thinking that Golosa feeds only very lightly. Out 40 degree C summer will be here in April. I don’t plan to put these two clones into flower. And I want to see if I can veg for them for 7 months and still keep her small. Compacting of organic soil can be an issue. Later on, I’ll be using companion plants to help soil drainage. And I’ll be working on heavy shaping and training of Golosa. But I am not gonna write 7-months diary on these.
Week 22. Flowering
3 years ago
330.2 cm
12 hrs
38 °C
60 %
28 °C
80 L
6 L
Normal Golosa trichome is still clear is in her 8th flowering week. Nonetheless, I have prepared her for harvest this Sunday. I fed all the plants with diluted milk and yogurt on Wednesday. This was 150 ml milk and 20 CC live bacteria yogurt in 6 liters of tap water. I let the milk ferment in the soil. I believe that yogurt microbes produces terpenes and cannabis absorb them to promote flower smells. Each species of bacteria produces different sort of smell. And I get more lemony and fruity smell from the sort of yogurt that I use. Just before taking the pictures, I trimmed off leaves but there are so much frost left on mid size leaves. Well, I plan to harvest her on her 60th flowering day. She could have go on for a week longer. However, spider mites are too happy and making big webs. Beside, leaving her to stand could lead to CBD development. And I already have my CBD buds that I can always blend in my smoke. So chopping her I shall. This week the weather was hot. Ambient temperature in the shade was like a low-grade fever. Recovered plants flowers are in full bloom mode after 6th Flowering weeks. Again, the treated plant smell stronger than the plant that was not treated and buds are fatter. I fed both ladies with phosphorous in the form of insectivore cave bat guano from a mine. The clones are doing well. I top the pot with some more earth worm casting. Also water them with some expired iron supplement syrup. It is time to trim flowering purslane and make reproduce them for my next round of seed grow. I plan to do a phenotype sorting on CBD seeds by the end of the month. Thanks for taking the time to read this diary. I can only improve when you point things out or make me think. Your comments and inputs are always appreciated.
Week 23. Flowering
3 years ago
330.2 cm
12 hrs
38 °C
60 %
28 °C
80 L
6 L
Golosa normal dried by hanging in my garage. Dry weight was at 120 grams. Comparing to polyploid treated, I got more weight out of this plant. The gain was probable from extra four weeks in total growing time. I am happy with 120 grams yield from 12 hours natural sun light set up. Buds dried in an unfamiliar fashion. The fat juicy buds shriveled up but still sticky wet. I think Golosa has Sativa leaning bud structure but produce large amounts of wet sticky trichome. A good goal for Cannabis breeding. The wet buds are sticky but easily burned. Smoke was smooth right out of drying. Taste was sweet. And there was only a small bit of spiciness. The polyploid Golosa was full of peppery caugh. Warning, Golosa is to be smoke just before going to bed. Effect hit fast and hit hard. Whacking dizzying with THCV impact. After stumbling to bed there was not much time to enjoy the euphoria. Normal Golosa bud is more potent than polyploid Golosa. I went into deep slumber and woke up late on the next day. I have remaining two plants. They are doing fine in bad weather. Temperature went up to 38 degree Celsius (100 degree American). The week was wet with a tropical cyclone storm. After 7 weeks in flower, recovered plants developed respectable trichome. I think I am letting the treated plant go to 9 weeks of flowering. The untreated plant will go for 10 flowering weeks. This past week, the plants showed high sensitivity to fertilizing again. I gave them another dose of bat guano, molasses, and epsum salt, and amino-seaweed stuff. Epsum salt was for potassium. And it is additional to my normal fertilizer schedule. Then a couple of days later, Golosa show burn spots on leaves. This strain has high sensitivity to nutes. Remaining treated plants showed sign of mite attacked. I think it is more of phenotype issue than polyploid characteristic. Remaining untreated plant has darker green leaves. I think it is more of phenotype issue than polyploid characteristic. Summarizing my first dabbling into making polyploid: One out of four plant showed clear differences in characteristics. Polyploid plant is more peppery smell. Potency was strong but not as strong as normal Golosa. Polyploid roots was not strong. And cloning was difficult. Polyploid plants was shorter. I don’t like firs generation of polyploid plant. It could be a useful tool for breeding “triploid” plants to reduce hermaphrodite tendency and make shorter plants.
Week 23. Harvest
3 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Golosa is exactly as described by the breeder. Sweet taste and smell. Extremely potent. Golosa immobilizes experienced smoker with three puffs. Hybrid high with quick Sativa hit follows by Indica stone. For me in Thailand, crazy potent indica effects and sweet taste. Very nice bed time weed.
Show more
Spent 107 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
675 g
Bud wet weight per plant
106.25 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Insomnia, Pain, Stress
Medical effects
Herbs, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Growing Golosa has to do with feeding control. Most importantly, there should be a warning on how little Golosa feeds. Normal strength fertilizing will either kill or stunt growth. Time is needed for longer vegetation period for decent yield. I use earth worm casting, bat dung, molasses, and seaweeds as my main feeds. And I have plenty of micronutrients at neutral pH going into Golosa. I also found that growing companion plants works well with tropical outdoor grow. And I use purslane family. Both sea purslane and flowering portulaca work well. Golosa developed nice bush and can take a bit more fertilizer with either of these companion plants. Resistance to insects, mites, and mold is excellent for all phenotypes. This is a must for my climate. I found that buds on all Golosa plants are all highly potent with copious amount of trichome. However, each phenotype grows differently. Main differences can be group in to lighter shade of green and darker shade of green. Light green leaves phenotypes are more susceptible to mite. But the mite attack slow down once trichome started on leaves. Also, light green leaves has more open bud structure and no mold issue in hot and wet climate. Fantastic! Buds appearance is still much better than fluffy Sativa buds. On the other hand it is not a dense indica type. Dark green leaves phenotype has very little pest issue in veg. During flowers, most pest can not survive the amount of trichome. However, there would be small bits of mold in hot and wet climate. Over all, I lost very little. Buds is more dense. However, after dried, it is still not the most dense that I have grown. Good thing is the productivity of dark green leave phenotype. My smallest plant turned out to have biggest yield from denser buds. Over all, yield is on the mid-low side. As Golosa is a light feeder, more fertilizers do not give more buds. Only longer vegetation period can improve production. I don’t like light feeders. It takes more cares and time. Overall, I don’t think light feeders are easier to grow. Golosa is for either new gardeners who do not feed and water their plants or for experienced growers who can adjust feeding. Yield – normal plants 120 grams and 100 grams. Yield – polyploid treated plant 70 grams and 135 grams. Total 425 grams (nearly 15 ounces) of highly potent buds. Polyploid experiment seemed to have impact. Treatment increased spiciness. It was so much and caused too much coughing. However, after effect is more pleasant. Although buds had more trichome, the treatment slow growth for a couple of weeks. Therefore, polyploid treatment did not increase yield with same period of grow. With more time, polyploid treated plants can yield more. Polyploid treated plant also has strongest smell of all the weeds that I have grown. Smell even comes out from curing jars. After dry, the smell become very nice and sweet with a bit of mango. I did not notice mango smell on normal plants. All in all, I recommend polyploid treated plant for infused oil. I am trying “cold” infusion”. This is putting buds in coconut oil without cooking and let it infuse. The time would be a couple of months. Good thing is that there is no smell during curing and during infusion. I do plan to sterilized the infused oil before packing into small bottles. Thank you for following along with my gardening adventure. I wish the entire world smoke weeds. Peace on earth.


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Shooeycommentedweek 13 years ago
My mind is blown 💥
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
😀😀😀😀😀 @Shooey, thanks mate. Hope the result will be useful.
GYOweedcommentedweek 13 years ago
Can u tell if your roots swelled up?
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
👍 good point. thanks @GYOweed, i’ll look at next container chang. I better wait until root fill out a little and see.
homerjgangiacommentedweek 03 years ago
Good luck with your grow mate!💪💪
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 03 years ago
Happy growing my friend! Nice reading your diary. Say hello if you ever visit my profile🌱 Peace & love L.S.T
HighRoller909commentedweek 03 years ago
bery interesting good luck man.hope it is safe to use that polyploid solution
sailormoonflowerscommented3 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, 😂😂😂 defo keep us posted on that although could use N2O? have a giggle while you work... 👊👊👊🙏
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
@HighRoller909, just did the colchicine dip. No extra fingers on my hands yet. But it is still early.
Shooeycommentedweek 03 years ago
Incredible detail Med, nothing is left to chance! I’m impressed with delicious seeds 👍
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
Hi @Shooey, thanks. I would love the taste and smell of SBR. But i was going for resistance. And there s one thing about chance factor. Its my fumbling hands 😀😀😀🙏😀😀
Grey_Wolfcommentedweek 03 years ago
Back in the day some guys over here in Australia were experimenting with colchicine to induce polyploidism they apparently had some good results with the second generation seeds they made from the crosses I have a bottle of the colchicine tablets for gout and been thinking of experimenting one day Good luck mate 👍
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
Hi @Grey_Wolf, i started on this. It took me 50 tablets for 15 cc solution. Concentration was at 0.2%. And tablets don’t dissolve well. Lab researchers have this automatic stirrer. May be i need to order lab grade colchicine? And yeah, second cross will get you triploid plants that grow better than tetraploids. And i was thinking about your feminized pollen for the next steps.
Cannabeast40commentedweek 03 years ago
Wish you best of luck and happy growing 👊😎
sailormoonflowerscommentedweek 03 years ago
Hi Med, good luck buddy. going to be very interesting.... the polyploid saga!! SMF 🙏 😎 🙏
sativamancommentedweek 93 years ago
On a real quick look, T3 looked like a polyploid. This phenotype would be awesome to work with in an indoor setup: they should grow some huge colas and stay compact. Nice project. About the FFT7, are you trying to revert it without reveg her?
sativamancommented3 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, thanks. Not easy to find a good male sometimes..
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
@sativaman, Golosa has a big range of phenotype. O don’t recommend it. You will need to send rt out the pheno’s and clone a few rounds to make it worth the cost of seeds.
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
Hi @sativaman, when it is this late, it takes too much work to reveg. She is unlikely to survive. And she won’t do “rodelization “ either. This is my 10tg FFT7 clone. But since i had not pulled her. Since i won’t be using this spot. A few extra puff of silver her way might get me some sack. Less chunky but more potent than White Critical with similar smell.
GYOweedcommentedweek 03 years ago
Those will be monsters
GYOweedcommented3 years ago
@Med_in_Tropic, nice you used colcoochi? How much bap u use? 15ppm or less for seeds?
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
@GYOweed, i hope i get an Audrey II.
sativamancommentedweek 233 years ago
An other nice cannadventure that comes to the end! Bravo for all the work you've done with this project! mmmm...!!! sticky buds !!!!
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
Shooeycommentedweek 183 years ago
Always interesting to read your updates mate. The golosa looks brilliant with all that frost at the moment mate! I remember reading about kratom last time you included it in your post. Last week I learned about “betel nut”. I had never heard of this until I was watching the news and I saw a street sign in Papua New Guinea saying “no chewing betel nut”. It reminded me of kratom, and I start to wonder why we never hear of these things much here in AUS, despite having the same climate and conditions as most of the Asian areas they are popular in. Maybe aussies are lazy?? We found weed, then we stopped looking 🤣
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
Hi @Shooey, thanks mate. Beetle nut is a nasty way of consuming nicotine. It is red. So this is much worse than chewing tobacco. Actually a nice sort of palm to prevent soil erosion near a water ditch. Kratom is a construction worker thing. It grows on trees. So, it is very cheap. Thus its not hip. Buck hoe operators, asphalt pavers have kratom habit so they can brave the heat while working. Kratom is also use to rehab opoid addicts. It blocks the same neurob path that make opoids addictive with much lower effects. Seeds germinate well one fliwer costs two-dollar. And a flower will give you a hundred or so seedlings but these grow very slowly during the first year. And each is a tree.
Shooeycommentedweek 173 years ago
Great news about new legislation! So is it for personal use? How many plants are you allowed to have now?? I really wish we would move on this here in AUS, it's time really. Whip snake is awesome!! He even looks friendly what a beauty
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
@Shooey, as it is, no limit for home use as long as you don’t sell it. We are waiting for the grace period before the bill became a law. No limit allows me to clone. This particular snake is friendly. We leave each other to our own business. My concern is more about my dogs would hurt him. As it is, these fur balls never look up.
GYOweedcommentedweek 33 years ago
Med_in_Tropiccommented3 years ago
@GYOweed, this one feeds lightly. Will take a while to recover.
GYOweedcommentedweek 153 years ago
Nice clustering keep the trichome production up!
Shooeycommentedweek 113 years ago
Happy new year med Hope you had a great holiday mate 🍻
sativamancommentedweek 113 years ago
Happy new year to you and all your plants!!
DogDoctorOfficialcommentedweek 23 years ago
💚💚💚Nice 💪💪💪 happy Halloweed and keep it up 💚💚 💚 growers love 💚💚💚
Godesskatcommentedweek 03 years ago
Everything is better with a beg of weed👻 Good luck happy growing😍
the end.
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