This is my 12th grow on growdiaries and I'm going to run it similar to my last grow. I am also running a Time-lapse which I will do at the end. So there are 4 different strains which will have a diary each.
The strains are all tester seeds so I don't have any information on them.
I have been looking for a new light for this grow and have gone with the Viparspectra XS2000, this is probably the limit my main tent could take so I may have to upgrade my extractor fan. The light is temporarily setup finishing of a plant in the main tent and so far temps seem good.
For germination I soak the seed in water for 24hr before placing into a rockwool cube that's been soaked for 20 mins in ph 5.8 water with hydroguard at 0.5ml/L. Then placed in propergation dome under my small T5 lights in the secret jardin dp60. I keep the lights on until they emerge, some people like leaving in darkness, I like them getting light straight away.
31/10/21 Sunday started soaking seed in 50ml water.
1/11/21 Monday soaked rockwool for 20 mins (0.5ml/L hydroguard) in 150ml Ec 0.193 PH 6.1
3/11/21 Wednesday she's above ground and shell off.
4/11/21 Thursday This is day 0 of the grow.
Thanks to Fastbuds for sending me the testers.
Thanks to anyone who stops by to read or follow. Comments are welcome.
Hopefully back with an update in a week.