-Watered both plants with 6.2 - 6.3 pH water, no nutes.
-Some more minor defoliation on both plants.
-Will give them some Tiger Bloom later in the week, at a VERY small dose.
-Watered both plants with the same water from yesterday.
-Watered both plants with 6.1 - 6.3 pH water without nutrients yet again. Their next feeding will contain liquid nutes, though not too much since they seem to be growing perfectly fine without any further assistance atm.
-Watered both plants with 6.3 pH solution with about 2ml/gal of Tiger Bloom, 1 mL/gal of CalMag and a cpl tablespoons of Big Bloom.
-Both plants were defoliated quite a bit. almost all large fan leaves were removed.
-Watered both plants with the remaining solution from yesterday.
Looking strong happy and healthy. Keep up the amazing progress. If you have a moment please stop by and leave a vote on my YOU DECIDE diary. Good luck stay safe happy growing cheers!!!!