When it starts to bloom you explain why it won GD's strain of the year award last year, AMS fills old school, all brunches seem to want to get very full and bloated.
I'll do it again immediately.
Light >> Marshydro SP3000 AT 90% of Power
Tent >> Marshydro 120x60x180
Check IG >> https://www.instagram.com/marshydro_aliexpress2/
Buy >> marshydroled.aliexpress.com
@Secretflower, I see that we have the same setting marshydro was fantastic in this ... the first thing I love from this light is that he fills the whole growbox in length then depending on the type of vessel you use you can decide to put a number of plants that goes In my opinion from 3 with the large 20lt - 25lt vessels, to 6 with the square jars of 11 lt, and you can also reach 8 I believe with vessels 6.5 trying to nerve too much crowding naturally <3. Thank you very much you are the usual boss, good cultivation you will have fun.