The more the flowers swell, the more you understand what we are talking about and why it is a very valid strain. The girl puffs up well, long flowers full of fluff that is turning red. She is chubby and short and very beautiful.
Music of the Week: Stevie Wonder to feel Jungle fever
Light >> Marshydro SP3000 AT 90% of Power
Tent >> Marshydro 120x60x180
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@Secretflower, I see that we have the same setting marshydro was fantastic in this ... the first thing I love from this light is that he fills the whole growbox in length then depending on the type of vessel you use you can decide to put a number of plants that goes In my opinion from 3 with the large 20lt - 25lt vessels, to 6 with the square jars of 11 lt, and you can also reach 8 I believe with vessels 6.5 trying to nerve too much crowding naturally <3. Thank you very much you are the usual boss, good cultivation you will have fun.