Blumat Tropt update! Death star autos
This week went great. Wow these are rolling along and very healthy. I have had zero issues to report.
The back right corner is the photo version that also flipped auto but is stretching non stop since it self flipped under 20 hours of light. Tons of buds stacking on it. Wow!
I hope these other 3 smaller sized but bulking fast plant are dank!
Drip feeding in coco is literally amazing. The stalk growth is just unreal. It's like my Dwc runs. Very fast growing. These were all transplanted from soil to coco except 1 remains in a soil mix. All fed the same in a closed loop with 2 exits from the reservoir.
Doing great. Stay tuned !
That is sad that the doggy killed blueberry x cheese plant .. I had a heavy wind gust yesterday break a tomatoe vine and nasturtiums flower plant that was covered in flowers ..
@CroNiCGman,ahh rough season! Dog beat up on my 7 foot tall sun flower too that's still growing! Lucky it didn't do much she dug 1/4 of a 15 gallon pot up. Didn't effect it. Thankfully it was 1 day after transplant and still contained in the first media from the 5 gallon pot so she didn't damage any roots at all