First off big thanks to the Guys from Mars Hydro to Sponsor me this!😍 😽
Very good light ! Covers my 80x80 completely. Sadly i cant run on 100% Intensity due to the heat we got this season.
Nonetheless my plants were thriving under it so im very pleased so far.
Oh yeah the Blueberry took no damage from beeing so close to it so that was a big plus also. 😸
Thanks to the Guys from Mars Hydro their FC-E 3000 saved my grow.
Very nice Strain! Buds are heavy smell very good and look very tasty.
Bit more care and this plant will give much more Bud.
She grew like shes made for that.
@Mooncat,.. If ur gonna transplant do it soon and dont look back uknow.. If u double guess ur self they might get stunted ..uknow.. Hell wit it.. Can only be a plus..
@JamMAKEcan, Very bright lamp indeed! 🙀
Just seems the Soil i used is a bit too dense for my little ones...thinking about re potting them later if the growth doesn't catch up. 😸
Like always thanks for your kind words Growmie much appreciate it😊
@6ix6ix6ix, Thanks for the kind words! 😊
I might have to since i saw some nanners developing. 😰
You'll get the hang of it after a couple grows and there will be always stuff to learn...(like how i watered them with an basically acidic solution half the grow because i oxygenated the mixture and read the wrong PH in the process...😹)
They are just not ready for some reason...atleast thats what my microscope tells me. Who knows why...😸
I dont know how much power you are running through the light but you should probably concidere running the light a little closer to your plants next grow.
Check this out:
I just bought the FC-E3000 and did alot of research on it, this page tells you a little more