Welcome to my Gorilla cookies from Pure Instinto.
She's doing well. Was stuck in limbo for a few weeks as I had some things to do.. she's sprouted since the 12th..aswel as garlic cookies and King's banner.
Looking forward to a GC that's not an auto. Think I'll mainline this one. Let's see what kind of shape she takes.
Thanks to my sponsors from Pure Instinto.
@Pure_Instinto_Seed_Bank, thanks for the seeds. So looking forward to trying them. FYI
.if you could add King's banner to your list. I was able to add it by by myself. But it's not on your list.
@Cyrusdavirus, good luck with yours Pal. They seem to be a little slow but my lights are far away as I have others much higher. They seem to be taking a nice shape though..