Contacted Advanced Nutrients about if foam in a bucket is normal from their Nutrients and got this from them
"With organics in hydro you may need to change the reservoir more frequently, the foam itself isn't going to harm the plants and is a byproduct of running organics in such a bubbly system with an air stone and such.
In general, organics are not as reservoir friendly over time as mineral based nutrients, this is due to the biological activity and lack of preservatives.
It is doable however as long as your are prepared for the challenge.
Some tips for longevity are inline filters and air bleed valves, etc."
Reached out to Hydrobuckets to see what they thought. If they have experience with this and advice. And got this in response from them
"Some products will cause the solution to foam a little bit.
Hmm. It must be to do with the nutrients. I’m sure it’s fine. You could inquire with Advanced and see what they think.
I will sometimes get foam with a Chitosal product but never with base nutrients
I run as many bubble as possible so that shouldn’t be the issue
Hmm. I’ve always wanted to grow organically in DWC but have never found a product that works."