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2 years ago
Nutrients 1
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.053 mll
March 15 I placed seeds in solo cups with 6.0PH water for 24 hrs. March 16 moved seedlings to paper towls. March 18 moved seedlings to rapid rooter sponges Amnesia Auto Never sprouted from Rapid rooter sponge Maybe don't need cup and paper towl method?
Used method
Glass Of Water
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 years ago
1.27 cm
24 hrs
23 °C
230 PPM
53 %
21 °C
22 °C
15 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.793 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.793 mll
March 23 moved seedlings to hydrobuckets. Water level set high to touch rapid rooter sponges. Did OG Organics Nutrients to seedling strength -20% for DWC. March 24 Set up buckets for 1st time yesterday and getting brown foam in buckets and tent has a smell 24hrs later. Dumped buckets, sanitized everything redid nutrients to seedling strength -20% for DWC and ph to 6.0. March 25 Found more foam in buckets. Removed foam from top of water. Noticed plants had not moved and seemed to be in shock. I figured this was from too high of water level. So lowered water level to just below net pots PH was off, so I readjusted them to 6.0. March 26 Plants still seem to be in shock. I assumed it was from the rapid rooter sponges being soaked still. So I removed the baskets and placed them on paper plates and let the sponges dry out. Placed in tent with 55% humidity. While the sponges were drying out. I dumped and sanitized everything again. Mixed new nutrients, ph'ed and placed a air stone in the buckets. March 27 found more brown foam in buckets with a smell in the tent(with no plants in buckets or even in this tent) turned humidity up to 70% in 2x4 tent plats are in and put a little water on the paper plates so if a root stretched out the basket it had water to go to. Side note: I believe the foam is from stuff growing in 2 of the nutrient bottles used on this grow.
Grow Questions
Juschiln420started grow question 2 years ago
What causes foam in a hydrobucket? Read maybe too much air in buckets. Turned down air pump. no change. How to combat? Using OMRI CERTIFIED ORGANIC nutrients just started grow, moving week old seedlings to Hydrobuckets and 24hrs after mixing fresh nutrients got foam in buckets
Other. Other
Setup. Other
Feeding. Other
Juschiln420answered grow question 2 years ago
Contacted Advanced Nutrients about if foam in a bucket is normal from their Nutrients and got this from them "With organics in hydro you may need to change the reservoir more frequently, the foam itself isn't going to harm the plants and is a byproduct of running organics in such a bubbly system with an air stone and such. In general, organics are not as reservoir friendly over time as mineral based nutrients, this is due to the biological activity and lack of preservatives. It is doable however as long as your are prepared for the challenge. Some tips for longevity are inline filters and air bleed valves, etc." Reached out to Hydrobuckets to see what they thought. If they have experience with this and advice. And got this in response from them "Some products will cause the solution to foam a little bit. Hmm. It must be to do with the nutrients. I’m sure it’s fine. You could inquire with Advanced and see what they think. I will sometimes get foam with a Chitosal product but never with base nutrients I run as many bubble as possible so that shouldn’t be the issue Hmm. I’ve always wanted to grow organically in DWC but have never found a product that works."
Week 2. Vegetation
2 years ago
1.52 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
190 PPM
53 %
25 °C
22 °C
15 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.793 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.793 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.793 mll
March 28 So I switched to General Hydroponics Trio, so I could save the plants and get fully thru the 1st grow. Moving forward I started at seedling strength but the ppm was only 160 and I was watching the videos from hydrobucket makers and it was suggested that at seedling stage u should have a ppm of 200 to 400 and when I saw mine was only 189ppm so I added a few extra drop equal amounts of each and got 252ppm. I PH to 5.8 amd placed plants back in buckets with water level at 1 inch below basket and by next day ph climbed some, so re ph to 5.8. March 31 I noticed the plants were getting what appeared to by nutrients burn. Leafs turning brown from the tip. So I drained and redid nutrients. This time just sticking to what the bottle said - 20% for DWC and PH to 5.8. We will see of they recover. Fingers Crossed!!!
Week 3. Vegetation
2 years ago
6.35 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
280 PPM
57 %
26 °C
21 °C
821 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 9
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 0.132 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.264 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.132 mll
April 4 They appear to be recovering!!! So happy! And got a new ph pen that actually works consistently 👌 old was hit or miss having to re calibrate 2 to 3 times just trying to ph 3 buckets. Added photos April 5 They look happy. Checked ph in am and they were at Left 6.2 Front 6 3 Right 6.2 Let them ride. I'm going to check when I get home, if it's over 6.5 I'll knock it down to 5.8. Checked water tmep and ppm Left 70°F /178 PPM Front 69°F /186PPM Right 69°F /176PPM. Since we are officially in veg I turned the light up. From 25% Seedling to 75% Veg. Just did it and left. So looking back now, hoping they don't get too affected by not going 50% for few days 1st then going 75%. Another potential mistake. Fingers crossed its not too bad... I changed the Ac Infinity Programming To This: 18hr light ON 6pm to noon Target 73°F 57% Humidity - Ventilation(OFF=power lvl 3 ON=power lvl 7 Ramping up in power as needed)(ON above 80% Humidity) - Humidifier (57% Low) 6hr light OFF 12:01pm to 5.59pm Target 76°F 50% Humidity - Ventilation(OFF=0 ON=6) - Humidifier (50% Humidity) Grow room(outside of tent) target is 70°F with AC Unit And a heater target 66°F 4X4 tent has 6.5 liter humidifier power level at 90% controlled by infinity Controller to 57% Humidity Added photos April 8 They are looking happy! I changed nutrients and I added a few additions to the nutrient line up. Took a flora series feeding chart and redid it in a excel spreadsheet take 20% off but seems a bit strong and since I already experienced nutrient burn and opted to do another spreadsheet sheet at 50% off and seemed more on point with what the plant were happy with. I choose to go with early veg on the feeding chart I made hoping i could make up some ground and kick the plant into high gear and make some time up in growth. So we will see. Fingers crossed l.. Bucket stats: 4/8/2023. 5.8/79°F/417ppm(left) 5.8/79°F/390ppm(middle) 5.8/79°F/354ppm(right) (I believe the variations in ppm is due to water level slightly different in buckets) The feeding chart I made from flora feeding chart but 50% down in measurements. Amd I highlighted the early veg I used on 8th!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kAf-TBMyCD2md-FJ April 9 Well this morning they don't look too happy leaf tips curling downward on 2 of them and nutrient burn on a few tips. So I decided to be proactive and change the nutrients again this time going with the seedling strength and also adding hydroguard, But the ppm is double what the seedling strength was that I did when I redid the nutrients last time. So fingers crossed they bounce back again. Bucket stats:4/9/2023 5.8/74°F/266ppm. 5.8/79°F/282ppm 5.8/75°F/259ppm (Made buckets closer to exactly same water level) Seedling strength using same feeding chart. April 11. Well the ladies don't seem very happy unfortunately. So moving forward i'm going to empty the buckets tonight and replace with just ph water for 24 hr. I'm going to redo my nutrient chart to 25% of the flora feeding chart and feed at the seedling strength again. These ladies are not being very open to going up in nutrients since the initial nutrient burn. I think it made them hypersensitive to going up in strength. We will see if they are forgiving. Lessons of a 1st grow. This one is probably not going to produce much. I should be on late veg nutrient strength. But going to see it thru to see what else we learn. To make the next round that much easier and better! Added a few pictures. I was hoping it got burned initially from attempting early veg nutrient strength and since I redid nutrients soon that they would recover fast like last time. But they don't seem happy with the strength still. The burn on the leaf tips seemed to have grown. April 11 Update. So when I went to empty the buckets I noticed the roots have a brownish look to them and the water had stuff in it. So sanitized the buckets and air stones and filled buckets and lowered from 4gal to 3.5 gal and put hydroguard in. Not sure if I should do hydroguard at full strength since it's not a nutrient but was unsure so stuck with 1/4 strength then Let buckets settle for a hr then ph to 5.8
Week 4. Vegetation
2 years ago
8.89 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
220 PPM
57 %
22 °C
21 °C
13 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 6
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 0.037 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.301 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.301 mll
They are still not too happy with me... Not liking the nutrient strength I choose again.. So after 24hrs of just ph water and 1/4 strength hydroguard. No change I thought they would appreciate just water and a root stimulate. But no change in root or plant mass. Looking like they are very stunted from nutrient burn. So moving forward I went with same strength as the 1st feeding that they liked. But I did it in a hurry before work and realized after the fact that I put that same amount I put before but didn't account for lowering the water level to 3.5 gal from 4gal. So end up being slightly stronger then before. I did add 0.5ml of hydroguard to each bucket. Also added 0.5 of bud candy to each bucket. But hoping they work with me fingers crossed. 4/12/2023 5.8/72°F/221(Left rear) 5.8/72°F/227(Middle front) 5.8/72°F/214(right rear) No sign of transitioning to flower yet. 4/14/23 Colorado Cookies recovered and jumped like a inch looking alot better! Overall Height 3.5" And I noticed that there was some growth in the root zone. But noticed there is something going on with the upper leafs. Runtz Seems to be recovering but still a little rough. Overall Height 2" But I did notice the roots mass did not change and they still appear to have the brown tint and seems to have gotten slightly worse toward the bottom of 6"net basket. I believe that's contributing to the slow recovery. Still looking alot better tho. Banana Purple Punch seems to have bearly changed at all. There's very slight growth in center. No change to root mass at all. Overall Height 1.5" Found some very helpful information on measuring EC instead of ppm and how to monitor EC and Ph. So will be doing this moving forward. I'm going to redo Banana's bucket to exactly what I gave the 1st time she was happy but this time accounting for the .5 gal change in water level. I'm also looking into if I can use the hydroguard at full strength on nutrient burned autos since its not a nutrient for the plant. But I need to fight the brown roots in runtz tonight. See if I can't get all three happy! And save this grow to a more acceptable outcome. Stats 4/14/2023 6.25Ph/72°F/222ppm(runtz) 6.33Ph/72°F/218ppm(banana) 6.28Ph/72°F/215ppm Cookies I added 1ml total hydroguard to all and added .05 total calmag to all and ph to 5.8 4/15 I changed the water on all buckets. raised the water level back to 4 gal on Banana since it has the smallest root mass. And put full strength hydroguard and full strength rapid start in all buckets amd ph to 5.8 and left it for 24 hrs. I made a floral spray of armor si at 0.33ml to full spray bottle. Wet em down good. Twice today. 4/16 I noticed Banana's leaf tips began to droup a little. So lowered water back to 3.5 gal and mixed the nutrients for 3 gal to be safe and leave ppm for cal mag and bud candy without nutrient burn. Added 0.5 cal mag and 0.5 bud candy. I trimmed all the burned leaf tips off, so I can see if and when it burns again. And since it was the best my test has looked yet I took a video and some pictures. But still need to figure out whats going on with Colorado cookies. Has spotty yellowing. Thought maybe light burn. So checked and raised like a inch or so. But there leafs below that are almost fully yellow. Like nutrient deficiency. Trying to read her but not getting it yet. gavw them a spray of armor si. 4/17 ph to 5.8 bucket stats. Sprayed with armor si 6.1/74°F/200ppm/425uscm/0.85EC(Runtz) 6.3/72°F/207ppm/440uscm/0.88EC(Banana) 6.0/74°F/210ppm/446uscm/0.89EC(cookies) Thinking about LST cookies and pull top down. But want to address the yellowing 1st. 4/18 I changed the water in buckets to just water with 50ml hydrogen peroxide 3% to 3.5 gal water and left it for 3 hrs. During this 3 hrs I turned both fans off and made a foliar spray with 0.30 ml gh flora trio and 0.25 cal mag and sprayed them down and turned the light off for 3 hrs. So after the 3 hrs peroxide treatment. I changed water out with fresh water and did my nutrient differently. I got the EC of my tap water whixh was between 0.19 and 0.23 between the buckets. Then I added cal mag to 0.5EC And added nutrients base and additions to a EC of 1.0. Then I added 4ml hydroguard to 3.5gal. And ph to 5.8 Banana 0.19EC 3.5ml cal mag 3ml GH Flora Trio 1.5ml Bud Candy 1.5ml Rapid Start 0.25ml GH Flora Macro 4ml Hydroguard 7.4ph 242ppm 517uscm 1.0 EC Cookies 0.23 EC 3.1ml cal mag 3.1ml GH Flora Trio 1.5ml Bud Candy 1.5ml Rapid Start 0.40ml GH Flora Macro 0.42ml GH Flora Gro 0.25ml GH Bloom 4ml Hydroguard Ph 7.3 235ppm 500uscm 1.0EC Runtz 0.22EC 3.2ml Cal mag 3ml GH Flora Trio 1.5ml Bud Candy 1.5ml Rapid Start 0.25ml GH Flora Macro 0.40ml GH Flora Gro 0.25ml GH Flora Bloom 4ml Hydroguard 7.4ph 235ppm 500uscm Ph all to 5.8 That was last night at 11:30pm This morning at 5:20am stats 4/19/2023 5.9/74°F/238ppm/506uscm/1.0 EC(Runtz) 5.9/73°F/232ppm/493uscm/0.98 EC(Banana) 6.0/74°F/232ppm/493uscm/0.98EC(Cookies) Ph To 5.8
Grow Questions
Juschiln420started grow question 2 years ago
Can anyone help me in the right direction on what the plant is telling me she needs. I'm getting yellowing on lower leafs and spotty yellowing on upper leafs. I thought maybe light burn for spotty yellowing and raised light a few inched with no change. I appreciate the help!
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Leaves. Other
Robertsanswered grow question 2 years ago
Are you running a cal mag? You need one. Your nutrition is extremely light. I am curious to what the roots look like? Are they slimy. Does the Reservoir stink bad? What is your ph doing in 24 hours? Going up or down? I do dwc. Hit me up in dm so I don't miss your message.
Week 5. Vegetation
2 years ago
11.43 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
220 PPM
60 %
21 °C
21 °C
13 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 6
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.151 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.306 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.225 mll
4/19 After talking to some fellow growers on here (Roberts and Unkraut) and getting some needed advice I realized I was doing a few things wrong. I was mixing nutrients at 1-1-1 and not 3-1-2 npk. Which is why everytime I tried to up the nutrients the plants were unhappy and kept having burnt tips. Like I pointed out last week I'm measuring EC instead of ppm now. And monitoring PH and EC . I'm also mixing nutrients based on EC instead of ppm or just a standard measurement. 4/20 I found root rot in all buckets. I emptied buckets, put just water did a hydrogen peroxide treatment of 1:1 for 5min soak. And I mixed a light nutrient solution of 4ml gro 2ml macro 3ml bloom 10ml hydroguard 2ml Rapid Start To 3.5gal Plants reacted badly to peroxide treatment. I made the light solution to help recovery. 4/21 plants recovered from peroxide treatment. Going on advice I got from a fellow grower on here Roberts I pruned the root rot off and did a root pruning on all just leaving a inch or so of roots in water. 4/22 mixed 0.30ml/L GH Flora Gro(N) as foliar spray and sprayed them down at 5:25pm still in dark until 6pm and turned fans off to help absorb foliar spray. Mixing new solution tomarrow. I keep a grow log here!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kBCjnqwlkbnRSSDi I been dealing with high tent temps. And I target 73°F and tent has been topping at 80°F to 81°F. Bucket temps have been in 74°F to 75°F. I think that contributed to the root rot. 4/23 4x4 mix nutrients a different level Micro 0.5/L ×13.2=6.6ml Gro 1.0/L x13.2=13.2ml Bloom 0.75/L x 13.2=9.9ml Cal mag 1/L x13.2= ml14 Rapid start 1ml/gal.=4ml 14ml hydroguard
Week 6. Vegetation
2 years ago
13.97 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
220 PPM
60 %
21 °C
21 °C
13 L
1 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 7
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.5 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.75 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
They seem to be trying to recover and im trying to please them but they are unhappy again. Added calmag hoping it will help and make them happy! Finally found the reason the tent was having such a hard time keeping those temps below 75°F. Changed the pre filter that had changed color from black to white. 4/28 4x4 Added 1L of water each Added 2ml cal mag each bucket Added 6ml hydroguard 4/29/23 4x4 Added full mix buckets Micro 0.5/L ×13.2=7.1ml Gro 1.0/L x13.2=13.7ml Bloom 0.75/L x 13.2=10.4ml Cal mag 1/L x13.2= 14ml Rapid start 1ml/gal.=4ml 3.5gal = 13.2L I added water to all buckets to get back to 3.5 gal I added 0.5ml of each for a higher ppm Sprayed them down with N water while lights were off Had to move light up about a inch or so Keeping record here!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kBCjnqwlkbnRSSDi
Week 7. Vegetation
2 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
1109 PPM
60 %
22 °C
21 °C
13 L
1 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 7
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.5 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.75 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1 mll
Well with time I feel like I am finally starting to get some traction. BIG Thanks to Roberts on here. He has been a HUGE Help and I Appreciate it soo much! So Thanks Again Roberts! So as I learn how the plant looks and what deficiency that is or what she is trying to tell me. I wanted to use this grow to learn as much as possible so I started HST AND LST wanted to get some experience with these this grow. And even wanted to indulge in topping but I think its too late for that on a auto. I'm doing root pruning now to try and get some root mass on these ladies. They are looking pretty good! I do update my dairy more then just weekly so have a look here and there if it don't automatically send that i added stuff. 4/31 I indulged in LST and HST started training on all the ladies. Did some root pruning as well. Targeting about 2 inches in solution. Lowered light since all ladies laid down. 5/1 Ph to 5.8 and lst, root pruning 5/2 Leaf sides on cookies and Runtz are browning (K deficiency Add Bloom) Added 5ml bloom to all. And ph 5/3 Added 1L water to banana showing nut burn (browning leaf tips) ph to 5.8 and lst 5/5/23 Ph and lst 5/6/23 Added 8ml hydroguard Recalibrated ph meter was off Ph 5/7/23 Added 1L to cookies and runtz Added new nutrients mix at 1/2 strength Micro 4.25ml Gro 5.6ml Bloom 4 25ml Cal mag 4.25ml Bud candy 2.6ml Lst all Cut excuses leafs away Ph 5/8 Lst and ph 5/10 Added 1L to all Lst Ph Records kept here :!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kBCjnqwlkbnRSSDi Mistakes Noted This Grow -Wrong ratio of Npk used when trying to up nutrients. Using seedling npk and just raising amounts. Burned plants like 3 different times before realizing my mistake -Calibrate PH pen often to avoid problems -Don't over fill bucket at initial setup(not touching basket) -Once water level is lowered 1.5 to 2 inches from basket don't ever fill past this point -keep bucket temps below 75°F to avoid root rot
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 years ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
1823 PPM
60 %
22 °C
21 °C
11 L
1 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 7
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 0.132 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.5 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.75 mll
5/11 ph 5/12 Ph lst added 1L to cookies 5/13 Ph. Added 1L to cookies, runtz and 1/2 L to banana 5/14 lst ph 5/15 ph added 1L runtz, cookies 1/2L banana 5/16 Added 1L to cookies and runtz 1/2 L banana Added Nutrients Normal strength to Cookies and Runtz 1/2 Strength to banana Cookies and Runtz 5.5ml gro 4.25ml micro 4.25ml bloom 4.25 cal mag Banana 2.5 micro 2.5ml gro 2ml bloom 2ml cal mag 6ml hydroguard all 5/17 5/18 Put Reflective insulation on banana bucket Ph lst Added 1L to cookies and runtz amd 1/2L to Banana 5/19/23 Added 1L to all Records kept here:!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
2 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
1920 PPM
60 %
22 °C
21 °C
11 L
1 L
71.12 cm
Nutrients 8
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 0.37 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 0.37 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.555 mll
5/20 ph 5/21 Turned fan on floor up 1 notch 5/22 ph 5/23 added 1L banana, 1.5L cookies, 1L runtz 5/24 ph 5/25 added 1/2L banana 2.5L cookies 1.5L runtz 5/26 ph Records kept here:!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
2 years ago
17.78 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
2045 PPM
60 %
21 °C
21 °C
11 L
2 L
66.04 cm
Nutrients 8
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 0.5 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 0.5 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.75 mll
5/28 added 1.3L banana,3.3L cookies, 2.3L runtz Resivor is 3 gal now on all New nutrients Raised light Wrapped cookies bucket in foam insulation Moved Humidifiers and sanitized them Lollipoped cookies Defoliation all Lst all Closed bottom vents and put two 6" tubes to wrap around tent to block light 6/1 ph 6/2 Light turned up to 100% left at 28" added nutrients 2ml gro 1.5 micro 1ml bloom 1ml big bud 1ml bud candy 1.5 cal mag 2ml hydroguard 6/3 Lowered light to 26" nutrients added to make a full feeding Runtz and cookies Bloom-Full strength/ 3gal Micro 0.75/L =8.5ml Gro 1.0/L =8ml Bloom 0.75/L=7.5ml Cal mag 1/L = 10ml Bud candy 0.5/L= 4.6ml Big bud 0.5/L = 4.6ml Hydroguard 2ml/gal=4ml Banana Bloom-Full strength/2.5gal Micro 0.75/L=5.5ml Gro 1.0/L=7.5ml Bloom 0.75/L=6ml Cal mag 1.0/L=8ml Bud candy 0.5/L=4.65ml Big bud 0.5/L=4.65ml Records kept here!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
2045 PPM
60 %
21 °C
21 °C
11 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 8
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 1 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 1 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.75 mll
6/4 ph lst Defoliation 6/5 added 1.2L banana, 1L runtz and cookies. Added 1ml gro 1ml micro 1ml bloom To all 6/6 Added 1L to runtz and cookies Lowered light to 22" 6/7 ph lst Defoliation 6/8 ph lowered light to 20" 6/9 didn't make it in room today 6/10 (Day 82) nutrient solutions Bloom-Full strength/ 3gal 11.5L Micro 0.75/L =8.6 Gro 1.0/L =11.5ml Bloom 0.75/L=8.6ml Cal mag 1/L = 11.5ml Bud candy 1/L= 11.5ml Big bud 1/L = 11.5ml Hydroguard 2ml/gal=6ml Lowered light to 18" Defoliation Records kept here!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
2045 PPM
54 %
21 °C
24 °C
11 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 8
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 2 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.75 mll
6/11 ph 6/12 Added 2ml bloom to runtz, 1ml bloom to banana, added 1ml gro to banana and 2ml to runtz Lowered light to 16" Lollipoped runtz 6/13 ph 6/14/23 Added 2ml gro runtz and banana 1ml bloom all 1ml micro all added 2.2L runtz, 2L cookies, 1.2L banana 6/15 ph 6/16 ph 6/17/23 Full feeding Bloom(Full strength) Micro 0.75/L x 11.3=8.5ml Gro 1.0/L x 11.3=11.3ml Bloom 0.75/L x 11.3=8.5ml Cal mag 1/L x11.3= 11.3ml Bud candy 2/L × 11.3= 22.6ml Big bud 2/L x 11.3= 22.6ml 3 gal = 11.3L Added 12ml hydroguard Added 2nd layer of insulation around lower 3rd of bucket all Changed temp and humidity to follow vpd chart Records kept here!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kFWgDNVqoDB1_CY1
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
2500 PPM
54 %
20 °C
24 °C
11 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 8
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 2 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.75 mll
6/18 added water, ph 6/19 Added 3ml cal mag banana, cookies Added water 6/20 added water, ph 6/21added water, ph 6/22 added 2ml bloom to banana 6/23 added water, ph 6/24 Added water and nutrients Runtz and cookies Bloom(Full strength)(new) Micro 0.75/L x 11.3=8.5ml Gro 0.50/L x 11.3=5.65ml Bloom 1/L x 11.3=11.3ml Cal mag 1/L x11.3= 11.3ml Bud candy 2/L × 11.3= 22.6ml Big bud 2/L x 11.3= 22.6ml Hydroguard 2/Gal x 3.5=7ml 3 gal = 11.3L 6/25 added water, ph Records kept here!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
23 °C
2500 PPM
54 %
20 °C
24 °C
11 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 8
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 2 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.75 mll
6/26 added water ph 6/27 added water, ph 6/28 added water. Ph 6/29 added 2ml gro,2ml bloom to runtz(showing leaf color fading, brown of leaf sides and tip) Added 8ml hydroguard to all 6/30 didn't make it in 7/1 Added water,nutrients banana and runtz. Bloom(Full strength)(new) Micro 0.75/L =8.5ml Gro 0.50/L =5.65ml Bloom 1/L =11.3ml Cal mag 2/L =22.6ml Bud candy 2/L = 22.6ml Big bud 2/L =22.6ml 3 gal = 11.3L Washed out cookies bucket fully. Only gave ph water 7/2 feed cookies pulled way too early, added 3ml gro to runtz Records kept here!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
990 PPM
60 %
19 °C
21 °C
11 L
2 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 8
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 2 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.75 mll
7/3 added water, 3ml gro to runtz, 10ml hydrogen peroxide to banana 7/4 added water and ph 7/5 didn't make it in 7/6 added water, hydroguard to all, 3ml gro runtz 7/7 added water 7/8 didn't make it in 7/9 washed out buckets full feeding runtz(3gal) banana (2.5gal), cookies start flush Records kept here:!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4
Week 16. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
1562 PPM
60 %
19 °C
21 °C
11 L
3 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 8
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 2 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.75 mll
7/10 added water 7/11 added water, 3ml gro runtz 7/12 Added water 7/13 didn't make it in 7/14 added water 7/15 didn't make it in 7/16 added water, full feeding Bloom (Full Strength) Micro 0.75/L =8.5ml Gro 0.75/L =8.5ml Bloom 1.3/L =15ml Cal mag 2/L =22.6ml Bud candy 2/L = 22.6ml Big bud 2/L =22.6ml 3 gal = 11.3L 7/17 added water Records kept here:!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4
Week 17. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
2072 PPM
60 %
19 °C
21 °C
11 L
3 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 8
Bud Candy - Advanced Nutrients
Bud Candy 2 mll
Big Bud - Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud 2 mll
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.75 mll
Well, I turned this grow around for sure!!! Stoked! But unfortunately I found a questionable section on cookies, where 2 colas were on back side right under fan and apparently didn't get enough air. Looked off not stright up mold but definitely looks off. So when I cut her down in did those last and basically cut off anything questionable and threw it away. I'll put the pictures of cut down with the harvest log when I get out of drying and have weight and details to fill it out. I'M SO EXCITED!! AND I CAN'T HIDE IT LOL!!!! Started 2 week flush in banana. Debating whether to do a experiment with banana and cut half down at week 1 of flush and then rest at 2 week of flush. Just for a little experiment of my own.... not sure if I will or not.. 7/18 added water 7/19 added water, 2ml bloom to banana 7/20 didn't make it in 7/21 added water 7/22 didn't make it in 7/23 Cookies is cut down Banana flush Start Runtz full feeding Micro 0.75/L =8.5ml Gro 0.50/L =5.65ml Bloom 1.5/L =17ml Cal mag 2/L =22.6ml Bud candy 2/L = 22.6ml Big bud 2/L =22.6ml 3 gal = 11.3L
Week 17. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Buds smell of chemicals... they are done drying I believe. So started Cure 7/29. Will check back in after proper cure.
Show more
Spent 151 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
126.5 g
Bud wet weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
It was a rough grow buy this strains strong vigor pulled thru. I made a few mistakes in the beginning the hit them all pretty hard. But after rectifying my mistake and getting help from some growmies. I made her happy and she pulled thru. Did have something going on at end with a few colas looking funky but overall she was amazing and will grow again!!!
Week 18. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
152 PPM
60 %
19 °C
21 °C
11 L
3 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 1
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.1 mll
Started flush in runtz and did a experiment of my own. After a good 2 week flush, cookies bud smells of chemicals. So that tells me the flush may not be what's takes that away. Pretty sure its the cure, but going to testi flush lengths as well. 7/24 added water 7/25 didn't make it in 7/26 added water banana, starred flush on runtz 7/27 didn't make it in 7/28 didn't make it in 7/29 Did experiment 2 nugs of banana and 1 nug of runtz Runtz flushing 3 days Banana flushing 1 week Cookies flush 2 weeks (2 see how a 2 week flush compares to 3 day and 1 week flush) Added water Records kept here!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4
Week 19. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
109 PPM
60 %
19 °C
21 °C
11 L
3 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
General Hydroponic Florakleen 2.642 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.1 mll
Not sure whats going on with runtz. Any ideas please let me known! 7/30 left to drink 7/31 added water 8/1 left to drink 8/2 left to drink 8/3 added water 8/4 left to drink 8/5 added water. Added 30ml florakleen to banana Records kept here:!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4?e=1sJf3W
Week 20. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
102 PPM
60 %
19 °C
21 °C
11 L
3 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
General Hydroponic Florakleen 2.642 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.1 mll
Well made a big mistake and it cost me... but what can u do but live and learn right. I got busy and exhausted and then completely forget about banana for 2 days extra the. I wa a supposed to use florakleen and pretty sure I ruined banana. Buds and stems were weirdly sticky and had a werid smell. 8/6 let them be 8/7 intended to cut down Banana passed out early 8/8 completely forgot about banana. Car problems 8/9 well, I unintentionally ran florakleen for 4 days instead of 2 days. Cut down Banana. It had a werid stickness and smell. Not normal. I think I ran the florakleen too long. Pretty sure I ruined it! 8/10 let them be 8/11 let them be 8/12 added water Records kept here:!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4?e=hRZD9R 👋👋👋 Hello, Thanks for checking out my grow!! Please like and follow I really appreciate it!🤟 Please feel free to leave questions and comments below!!👇 I really appreciate all advice!!! Or you can message me on my Instagram if you want to chat!!🤘👌 And check out my instagram and YouTube if you like what you see!! 😉 Mistakes were made, but what better way then to live it and learn it yourself!!!!
Week 20. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I'll give full review after proper cure
Show more
Spent 151 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
67 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Well, I nutrient burned her 3 times in a row from 1st time growers mistakes. And she didn't take it too well. She got stunted pretty bad. But I still managed to pull her thru. I did make a huge mistake and used florakleen for 2 days longer then directions say and when harvested buds and stems had a werid wet stickiness and had a werid smell. So I'm pretty sure I ruined them. They are drying now I haven't weighed them and to be honest I am probably not going to smoke it and just throw it away after weighting it. I'm super sensitive to off smells and taste, so I'll pass after smelling during harvest. But I did cut one branch off before adding florakleen, so I will have a bud or 2 to try... I'll check back in after a proper cure of the branch I cut off before running the whole damn plant... smh...
Week 21. Flowering
2 years ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
102 PPM
60 %
19 °C
21 °C
11 L
3 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
General Hydroponic Florakleen 2.642 mll
TA pH- - Terra Aquatica
TA pH- 0.1 mll
Well, no need to sugar coat anything I made a few mistakes. Including at the end here the sugar leafs all turning yellow.... cut gro nutrient too early maybe.. Other mistakes I know I did this grow were - overfilled bucket putting water level to close to net pot -When switching from seedling strength to veg strength not switching npk ratio from 1-1-1 to 3-1-2 - i added nutrients right after transplant 1.5 weeks before roots hit water -not changing water weekly and feeding every week making ppm skyrocket - not making sure to rotate plants, or making sure whole plant is getting proper air circulation -Not being attentive to checking controller is following schedule - not getting the ph to stop climbing day to day I am happy with the grow overall! The experience I gained this grow were a few things -using synthetic nutrients(burn/deficiency) -introduction to Dwc -Lst/ adjusted constantly /twist tie/lst clips) -Hst -ph/ppm how/why -triclomes (when to harvest) 8/13 let her be 8/14 let her be 8/15 added water 8/16 let her be 8/17 cut 1/3 runtz down after 3 week flush, then added 30ml florakleen to bucket 8/18 8/19 runtz cut down (34hr florakleen) Records kept here:!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4?e=5r4z92 👋👋👋 Hello, Thanks for checking out my grow!! Please like and follow I really appreciate it!🤟 Please feel free to leave questions and comments below!!👇 I really appreciate all advice!!! Or you can message me on my Instagram if you want to chat!!🤘👌 And check out my instagram and YouTube if you like what you see!! 😉 Mistakes were made, but what better way then to live it and learn it yourself!!!!
1 comment
Week 21. Harvest
2 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I will update after proper cure!
Show more
Spent 151 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
168.25 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Well I wanted to try some things for myself. So I cut 1/3 of runtz down after a 3 week flush. Then I added florakleen 30ml for 3 gallons for 34hrs. And cut down the last 2/3's.


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Juschiln420commentedweek 22 years ago
So I went thru all my nutrient bottles from the whole line of OG Organics and set pictures of all the bottles and what they looked like. And got a totally different response then I did the 1st time. Now I didn't send pictures the 1st time and I did the second time which included the 2 with what I thought was stuff growing in the nutrient bottles. So anyhow this is the response I got from Advanced Nutrients about if it was normal for the nutrients to look like it did. And of I should send them back for a exchange if they were questionable. This was in response to pictures of 2 nutrient bottles with what looked like stuff growing in it. "The product looks good, the tiny stringy bits are due to the lack of preservatives in organic products, however should not cause any problems whatsoever." This was in response to a pictures of the inside of lid and top of seal with hole in middle and stuff leaked out hole slightly "not a problem here,  the bottles have a vent in the cap to allow for expansion/contraction,  it looks like this bottle was upsidedown at some point." This was in response to a picture of the base nutrient bottles having build up on sides at opening "100% fine, just give it a good (emphasis on shaking hard) shake, looks normal." This was in response to another picture of build up on in side of bottle. "100% fine,  as always with the organics, shake hard" This was in response to build up inside bottle "Looks good" This was in response to stuff on seal and inside bottle. "100% fine,  this is a product that definitely needs to be shaken hard" So I guess the brown foam was not from nutrients being bad. Just wanted to add the response from manufacturer. I'll include pictures i sent to them
Juschiln420commentedweek 42 years ago
On colorado cookies I'm getting slight yellowing on the exterior edge of the leafs. What causes that. Would a Humidifier right next to it with mon ph tap water in It cause this? Its the only one that has it.
DeepWaterGrowercommentedweek 12 years ago
Good luck mate! 🌱
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, Thanks Man!
resimaxcommentedweek 12 years ago
Good luck and happy growing!
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@@resimax, Appreciate It Bro!
DWCpaqycommentedweek 142 years ago
Do you have 2500 ppm in your water? If so you need to change it and take 1/3 of the nutrients. Max 1500, but in your stage is should be around 1000 ppm. Nice grow 👌👌
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@DWCpaqy, Well, I've been adding feeding every week. So my EC is alot higher then 5.0 and the plants are happy. So until I figure out how to keep them happy and not add a full feeding every week and not change resivor every feeding. Then I'm stay to course. I did refresh resivors just to get EC back under 5.0. But I always add at the bottom of my grow updates a link to my excel file that I keep track of my ppm, ec, water temps, how much was drank in 24hr,. Check it out. But I've been up to 12 EC and plantsvare happy and no the solution in the bucket is not mud lol. I have to add 2L or close to it every day. I'm trying to figure out without changing bucket water but twice a grow how to not have ec higher then 5.0 and not have a unhappy plant. here is the most current copy here:!AmTQ-7u9iyH6kDFcBT1QhRk7ttv4
DWCpaqycommented2 years ago
@Juschiln420, I have the same problem now. New fresh water 220 pmm with nutrient 950 ppm waited 2 days 1500 ppm and added 5 liter water and now is 1800 ppm. And I think is salt from the nutrients, going to flush to see if it's the problem.
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@DWCpaqy, So I've been adding full feed every week. And only opting to change resivor water 2 times a grow. Once at switch from veg to flower and once when flushing. So at 800ppm a feeding it goes over 1500ppm in 2 feedings. So of I don't add more nutrients even tho the ppm is at 2000ppm the plant will have deficiencies. So how does one not add more nutrients but high ppm but not have a plant with deficiencies? That's what I don't understand.
yan402commentedweek 202 years ago
Enjoy your harvest 👌❤️ by the way TA and GHE are the same, it's a rebranding of names.
yan402commented2 years ago
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@yan402,Thanks man!!!!! And thanks for letting me know!
Fast_Budscommentedweek 202 years ago
Nice buds growmie :) We really appreciate you sharing your grow experience and hope that you enjoyed our Banana Purple Punch Auto. Have a good one
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@Fast_Buds, Thanks For The Great Strain!!! Much Appreciated!!! I already bought more seeds to try this one again in future!!!! Appreciated you have a good one!
DutchPassion_Officialcommentedweek 22 years ago
GL 💪 and have fun growing mate! 😎
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@DutchPassion_Official, Thanks, I'm Really looking forward to completing my 1st grow with such great strains! I Appreciate You!
DeepWaterGrowercommentedweek 22 years ago
Hey man, good idea to change nutrients line to mineral. I love dwc!
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@DeepWaterGrower, Thanks man! My goal is to figure out what I missed and master organic dwc. Trying to figure out if it was from bad nutrients and stuff growing in them. Or if I overlooked something else. But I'm definitely staying with DWC for sure! But I will be going to organic DWC. I'm a medical user and after surfing around to different dispensary I found that I perfer organic flower. Mainly because I was tired of getting stuff from synthetic grown dispensaries and it would look good smell, and smell good but taste like a jar of chemicals. And when I went to a organic place never happened. So I go to a organic dispensary and want to grow organically in hydroponics. I know its mainly uncharted territory. But I don't care. I don't mind the unbeaten path because it makes for a spectacular journey.
love_2_growcommentedweek 12 years ago
Happy Growing, Buddy! 🌱🌱🌱
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@love_2_grow, Thanks Mann!
Canna96commentedweek 202 years ago
Nice garden brother, enjoy your harvest!
SmokieMcPotcommentedweek 22 years ago
Can't go wrong with a 40+ yr old formula. Currently using the same, and will prob always use it. Everything's in there a plant needs to thrive (macro/micros). You CAN sweeten it with additionals, but ya dont need 12 add ons just to make a full system. Goodluck with your grow
DoughHeadcommentedweek 02 years ago
Tried helping ya out with some likes as well, almost doubled them for ya lol. Good luck on your next run!
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@@DoughHead, Right!!! I was thinking same thing!!! 🤘🤘🤙
DoughHeadcommented2 years ago
@Juschiln420, good luck growmie, I really hope it pays off for ya with fire product. Mixing DWC "known for huge yields but lacking terps and flavor" AND Organics "known for all the terps" Will undoubtedly be awesomeness Goodluck!
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@@@DoughHead, WOW, Well I Appreciate Ya Bro!!! Thanks man, I got a 100% organic line to try out and I got another line that has organic additives !! So big things coming !!! Dwc organics!
Lungboicommentedweek 42 years ago
Happy growing bud! You might be right about your plants being a little stunted but don't worry just keep doing your best to figure them our individually, I had all of my girls stunted like yours through the first couple of weeks due to some mistakes from my side and missing some key things like Hydroguard, but now she's looking much better and has grown much bigger than I had dared hope when she wasn't doing well! I have a diary on one of my girls if you want to check it out for some encouragement! Best of luck, and I'll be keeping an eye on your diary!
Lungboicommented2 years ago
@Juschiln420, What's up man! I was just wondering if you check your EC and PH values daily? And if so, how are they looking? Are PH stable or rising or falling and same question for your EC?
Lungboicommented2 years ago
@Juschiln420, Of course man, and I bet they'll make the come back if you keep working on them!
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@Lungboi, Thanks Man! I will definitely check yours out man! Fingers crossed mine make a come back too! I'm soo looking forward to a come back!!! Appreciate ya!
nerdzcommentedweek 142 years ago
Hey man. 2500(5.0EC) is absolutely psycho for DWC. You should be at max 1200 and that's at peak week around week 5 flower. In addition, you're on autoflowers which don't need as much food as photos either, so you need to take that into account. Rule of thumb is hydroponics feed is ~70-75% of the recommended top feeding strength, and sometimes they have a chart specific to hydroponics. I really don't think many nutrients will recommend even close to 2500ppm even for top feeding/drain to waste, that's a wild number. Also you can take a look at all my journals. I use autopots which is similar to DWC, as far as feed strength goes. I usually cap max at 1150(2.3EC) with photoperiods and with autos I usually capped at 900-950ppm and usually got 1.5 to almost 2 pounds dry from 4 autos. Less is more sometimes. If I were you I'd mix the ratios from your nutrients like usual, then dilute it down to 900ppm @ ~6ph. Maybe 800, since they are past peak week. Good luck man..if you got any questions feel free.
nerdzcommented2 years ago
@Juschiln420, Ah okay! I was like whoa that water must look like mud! Good to hear and excuse the long winded rant, just looking out. Good luck, following
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@nerdz, Hello. I think I filled it out wrong. I put the current ppm not the ppm each feeding. I'm at 800ppm a feeding. But I appreciate you pointing ting that out. Because I agree if I was feeding at 3500 a feeding that would be insane. But I'm just adding to the bucket each feeding, instead of dumping every week and running fresh water each feeding. I appreciate all help and advice. Thanks again
Saintcommentedweek 122 years ago
Have fun growing ! I got my very first DWC running right now too. Be sure to check 😋
Saintcommented2 years ago
@Juschiln420, Appreciate your attention Brother 🙏💚😍😍🤜🤛 Sure you did ! Every next grow is always better ♥️ Never Stop growing Magic 🏆
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@Saint, Thanks man. I think I got them turned around pretty decently. And man your dwc grow is looking amazing!
DoughHeadcommentedweek 202 years ago
Hopefully you didn't ruin it and can have more then one bud to try lol. Fingers crossed you can save it!
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@@DoughHead, Thanks man!! I really hope it's saveable too!!!
DWCpaqycommentedweek 112 years ago
Love your setup! Can you control temperature in buckets?
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@DWCpaqy, Thanks man! I wanted to get a legit setup. I like it! And no not yet but ordered a device to track the bucket temps waiting for it to come it. But I did double up on the foam insulation i put around the buckets.
highdro_wfhcommentedweek 102 years ago
Thanks for all you've done in the diary. Gives me some help as a first time grower with a similar setup!
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@highdro_wfh, Hello, Heck yeah bro! Glad to help! I try and keep as much data as I can. So if something goes horribly wrong I can go back with photos and a good record to figure out the mistakes. I'll check out your diary. If u have questions hit me up on Instagram messenger. Happy Growing Buddy!
thesparebrcommentedweek 32 years ago
Nice looking plants! You went all out on the first one, so bravo. I just stared DWC too and am really liking it so far. Keeping an eye on your diary.
Juschiln420commented2 years ago
@thesparebr, Hell yeah bro! I'm just getting started. Yeah I dabbled in growing like 8 to 10 years ago and did a few diy hydroponic and lighting setups in a closet. And I wanted to get a actual tent and a legit grow light and see what i could do. I know I'm going to make a few mistakes. I did a ebb and flow before. So 1st time dwc But looking forward to getting the hang of it and growing my own dank dense nugs!
the end.
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