Overall an easy strain to grow, towards the end before harvest the tops of the buds turned purple. I'm waiting now for the flowers to cure for a few weeks before I test and provide a good smoke report. I want to give a big shout out to my grow community, thank you for the support and encouragement. I've learned tons and couldn't have had such a great grow without your help!
I enjoyed growing this gorilla, I ended up with 58 grams/2 ounces of dried flower. When it came time for harvest, the buds were not as compact as I expected. I only kept the high quality buds and the ones that were airy I didn't even weigh. I took it easy on the nutrients and think I definitely could have pushed this gorilla more. 💪
Good job on the grow looks great! You take really good pictures and document your grows well, I'll be checking in on you. Do you use your phone for pictures or a camera?
@Sour_D, Thanks my friend! 🙏 This is fastest growth I've seen in a strain, of course I have limited experience. 😀 Thinking to start some LST on her soon. 👈
@UnorthadoxDude, Thanks my friend! Yeah, I'm having fun with LST on these grows. 😀 You're right, I could have went with bigger pots since I have the space. I just ended up going with what I already had on hand, but now I'm gaining more confidence so maybe next run I'll with 20L pots. 😀
@MrJones, Thank you my friend! 🙏 I appreciate the support with my grow, nothing like being part of this community. Right now I'm trying to keep the gorilla happy before the harvest. 😁
You are doing great mate! Only feedback I could give you is put more plants in the tents for a bigger yield hahah but that's all preference of course 😃🤙
@UnorthadoxDude, Well great to hear, always nice to have a fellow grower share the same experience. I'm excited about this one and can't wait to see how yours goes!