

9 months ago
Room Type
weeks 3-8, 10-16
weeks 3-11
weeks 4
weeks 3-8
weeks 8-11
weeks 2-5, 7-12, 15
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 4
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
a year ago
FIMed and transplant, haven't given nutrients besides Recharge in almost 2 weeks. Was trying to flush excess nutes from using dumb bio-biodegradable cups. Wont be using those again. Nutrient Salt sponge. Back on 1/4 nutes soon in the new pots, didn't wanna burn them again, they need it.. not nearly as green as before. Lemon Durban Bread Autos already showing pistils. going into week 4
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Grow Questions
TPYRDstarted grow question a year ago
Been getting some type of nutrient burn or lockout in flower that I cant figure out. it happened with my autos also. I just cant figure out if its lockout, overdose, or deficiency. It showed up after giving the Diesel a full dose of flowering nutrients. Runoff has been normal.
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Feeding. Deficiences
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question a year ago
If you are pushing the Grow. All components Mist be right. Means medium got to be airy ( soilmix with Coco/ vermiculite or only Coco. Thinner EC Numbers and more waterings Zechnically watering daily with ec of ,1200 or lower. Look for bruce bugbee He explains it.

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Natronaweek 8
πŸ‘‹ Drypt, I do that with my hair too. We gals love that sort if thingπŸ˜‰
@@TPYRD, oh yes . Especially after taking a few hits πŸ˜„
@Natrona, Fine line between a hair dresser, and florist and cannabis blurs it 😝
Zengrowerweek 9
Awesome training bro! I wish I had the space to try different techniques with different strains in the same tent πŸ˜€
@@TPYRD, yeah you are right bro. The plants are looking very nice all together thoughπŸ‘Œ
@Zengrower, Its kind of a challenge with how each stretch different, and the height i had on the diesel before i dressed it down. They all drink different also so its a constant watering schedule, I might have more single-strain runs in the future once I figure out what I like.
s1piresweek 11
Nice looking plants, how long was there veg?
@s1pires, The free unknown diesel seed I got decided to start flowering on it own without changing from 18/6 lighting on week 8 But the SuperChocolates and Femme Fatale were flipped just before week 10
AutoflowersSucKweek 11
Hey dude, i saw your question and saw the answer you chose and i disagree. I disagree because i am currently in flower and i just burned my plants with my recent feed. Your soil is hot with nutrients and it's burning your plants. Let me guess, it came on fast didn't it? Your leaf tips are pointing up, which indicates a strong burn. A lighter burn is leaf tips down. Your soil is hot man. Flush it out and back off on the PPM. Just because your feeding chart says so, doesn't mean your strain agrees. Flush them with pH adjusted water and it will come to a screeching hault. Then next feed back off your nutrient strength by 25%
@AutoflowersSucK, Remineralizer would be nice, would make it so you didnt have to use cal-mag. But you'd still lose iron i think which is supplemented in things like calimagic I usually use 3/4 to a full dose of calmag in my RO water every watering to buffer it I actually have to use Ph Up from time to time now, and with RO, even after mixing nutrients, im using way less ph up/down because theres less buffer in the RO water compared to tap.. so its drops of ph buffer compared to ML with tap. Its also kind of funny because if i mix my nutrients and the ph is 7+, and my water is cold 63-66 degrees, my solution will actually look cloudy and almost start to condense the minerals. So I add ph buffer quickly and for whatever reason.. the solution clears up and everything becomes good to go. Ive dumped buckets out because I thought i mixed things wrong.
@@@@@TPYRD, Thats cool man. I'm glad you got that tap water issue sorted out. My tap water isn't that extreme, but does come in fairly consistently at or near 200ppm. So yeah, lesson learned. I grew all of my life in Vancouver B.C where they have the best water on earth, literally. Super soft clean water. Never had to measure ppm there. I moved here and fired up with the same mentality and fuckin cooked 1 crop completely, and burned a second right near the end of flower. I didn't know that was my issue so this season i fired up and by week 3 of flower i saw 1 plant display a little burn but it was not looking like burn. I flushed the plant the next day and the problem stopped totally on the affected plant. Next day i decided to mix nutrients and flush 1 gallon into the pots and do a feed/flush in 1 shot. Oh baby did they fry! lol I'm also pretty lazy with my grows sometimes, and i said fuck this i'm not pulling 8 plants out and flushing each in the bathtub, because i just finished doing that for the feed flush, and wasn't gonna do that again. So i left them as they were and just went with tap water for the next few waterings.......i'm so lazy sometimes. Anyways they got burned but i guess the few watering that i did after diluted the nutrients enough and allowed for them to be taken up by the plant and reduced the salts in the soil and i managed to finish the grow without flushing all of them. Dude once years ago i was so lazy to go get up and water my plants, that i just didn't for ages. Finally went in to look like a month later and they of course were all long gone dead lol. Right now i am on week 4 of veg i think, and i just fed them week 1 strength nutrients, and that came in at 828ppm. Monday i'm going to try week 2 nutrients and see what it measures at. I have to heavily modify the feed regiment cuz of the tap water. I like GH products. I've used them a ton through the years, but always hydroponic, never in soil. I cooked a crop last year using Remo nutrients. I thought it was the nutes but it was the water ppm out of the tap most likely. (edit) Truthfully, what burned the fuck out of my plants was me again being lazy. The water in my reservoir would gradually reduce as the plants were drinking, which concentrated the nutrients in the reservoir and thats what cooked them. I'm giving it another chance this time in Coco. My line of choice is called Innovating Plant Products. It's a Canadian company out of Campbell River B.C Really good stuff. I know what you mean when you scratch your head about the high nitrogen in the micro. Every line is the same in that regard so there has to be something to it that we doofus home growers aren't privy to. Nutrient lines are mostly all tailored and formulated to be utilized in Cannabis growing. They formulate them based off Weed's requirements through the life cycle. So they must know more about the science at the molecular level than we do. At least thats what i can figure. I wish i could get a RO system. Oh man that would be sweet. Pure demineralized RO water apparently has some issues with fluctuating unstable pH. Do you find that to be the case? There are RO systems that re-mineralize the water so it takes out all the shit, and puts back the minerals in the water that you want, like magnesium, calcium, to name a few. Apparently that water is much better for growing and keeping pH stable. Problem i have is water metered water that i have to pay for and the fact that for every gallon of RO water i have to waste 2 to 3 gallons down the drain....and that blows ass. So i grow with the tap water, and i buy RO water from a pet store for my humidifiers at 3.50 for 5 gallons.
@AutoflowersSucK, Right, I intentionally went slightly over powered for my LED light with the idea it could run lower/cooler/cheaper. When I first started I didn't realize the nutrient bottles were lying to me, I knew they tell you to dose higher to buy more of their product but i was only checking PH at the start and not paying attention to EC I was also lazy at times and not watering with enough runoff. So by the time it started burn/lockout and me doing the flushing the EC was ~2500+ at the base of my pots. On top of that, the GH bottles told me to pump Micro during flower, which is 5% nitrogen and the microelements, when it would make more sense to use Grow with 2% nitrogen and PK as the main nitrogen source. So I had nitrogen buildup early into flower as well because of these labels on the bottle. It also didnt help having 1.0 ec Tap water starting at nearly 500ppm, 440ppm which was sulfates, another 60ppm of sodium - I've since gotten a 20 gallon RO tank and get my nutrient solution to about 1200-1600ppm (currently around 1600 on my Chocolate Clone journal) in veg depending on the size of the plant Now i just watch what it can take and back off if i see a bad reaction. I'm mixing my nutrients more on an intuitive level now, rather than going by the bottle and its working out much better... My mother has had no issues - my Ave of Giants journal is that one. I might switched to powdered nutes after this and use Jacks, simply on a basis of saving money. Jacks seems to last a long time. Strain for sure matters, like the diesel in my 4x4 turned out to be an auto. It was white label, didnt know where it was from and was supposed to be a photo, hates light and nutes compared to the others, but drinks water very fast. Im honestly lucky the 3 strains are all going to be ripe at the same time without planning
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Houdiniweek 9
Good luck with the grow! 🌱
@Houdini, Thanks for the follow, learning a lot this first round. I look forward to the continued hobby.
StealthyBudsweek 13
Amazing training mate, enjoy the harvest :)
Crashoveriteweek 12
Nice grow mate πŸ‘Œbest of luck βœŒοΈπŸ’šβœ¨πŸ€βœ¨
Herbie101week 11
These plants are looking beautifully trained! Very well done buddy!hapoy growing!πŸŒ±πŸŒžπŸ€
Tmasmweek 9
Boa sorte πŸ€žπŸ€› plantas felizes πŸ˜ƒ
Gabroxxxweek 9
Buona fortuna amico con la tua coltivazione!!
Chumpkillaweek 9
DUDE! I am so here for the training. I cannot wait to see how this thing grows. Looking schweeet!
BudBoutiqueweek 13
Have a good transition into Flower buddy !! Really good work u put in advance to prepare them for flower πŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎ
@BudBoutique, Thanks!, cant wait to get more streamlined. 2x2 tent and 100 watt light on the way for a germ/mother tent.
Tmasmweek 15
Boas sorte 🀞feliz crescimento πŸ€›πŸ˜ƒ
BudBoutiqueweek 14
nice work buddy - well done πŸ’š
Foggedabouditweek 16
Stupendous strain selection there growmie! You basically got the whole terpene profile/effects range in a single run! I salute you!
@Foggedaboudit, Very excited, everything should be on a month cure around xmas/newyears in time for gifting Learned from drying the lemon durban autos so all the dry/cure thats going to come from the 4x4 is going to be so much nicer. Now i have Reverse osmosis so only way to go is up with all I've learned.
Green_Man_420week 13
Looking good. βœŒοΈπŸ‘ŠπŸ»
Kitties_and_Colasweek 17
I think your pic should place in the Mars contest, it's beautiful! πŸ€˜πŸ±πŸŒ±πŸ’‘
πŸ™ @Kitties_and_Colas santa came early in august with legal buds, but i wouldn't mind a 2nd visit.
@@TPYRD I think you have a good shot at placing for sure 🐱🌱
@Kitties_and_Colas, Awh thanks, I didn't think they announced it yet. I've been doing photos long before smoking/growing so its nice to share two passions in one and have an audience for things like my macro photos. *oh misread, thought it said 'should have placed' lol...
Lemonhazeloverweek 16
She looks very happy with your gardener's handπŸ§‘β€πŸŒΎ Happy growing and good luck buddy ☘️