I have a KP-4 from LTQvapor.
I like the fact that it's not too expensive, that it can manage the temperature of each plate independently, that it's more than enough for personal use, that I can make my concentrates without blowing up the house or having to remove solvent residues (not to mention that Live Rosin is amazing) and that it's available in purple.
I don't like the finish (chinese stuff), the loudspeaker that spits out pre-recorded messages far too loudly (even if you can deactivate it, you get it back in your face every time you switch it on) and the hexagonal plates.
It's an interesting device to discover and start with, and I hope to keep it for a long time. But if I were to buy another one today, I'd probably go upmarket, either to automated presses from Nugsmasher or to the brutalist models from Low Temp.