FoxyLoxycommentedweek 16 years ago
what originally happened was a nitrogen def, i had read from a few sites. I have several nutrients from FF trio to some botanicare liquid karma, ph down, dolomite lime for a buffer if i need to raise it. i have epsom salts for magnesium and to lower my ph ever so slightly (that was before the ph down) my tap has a filter on it coming in at a ph of 6.7. I got the Super silver haze as clones and they clearly did not know the correct age. Thinking it was further along then it was I defoliated, tried FIMing, no luck-made it worse. The plants were over watered and originally in bad soil, i replanted to the 3 gallon buckets they are in now, but ive slowly lost ones growth while the other grew just very very slowly. i got on a better watering regimen because i was watering way too much, daily. I just flushed them, because of the nute burn. I don't think I flushed it enough, but I was waiting for it to dry out to see if it got any better. Before they started getting brown and dying they were def burnt.
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