Ok, well hello there,
it's been week 3 since two days, the move is still going on and it's difficult to keep track of all my growing fckups.
Anyways, she regained some strength after I flushed the pot with half concentrated fertilizer with added Calmag.
I did add a support yesterday, maybe I can redeem myself.
This is a Desaster, I am learning a lot.
Stay positive, hang in there lil gurl.
She is definitely regaining strength, fresh leafs are looking vital.
@resi_max, Thanks a lot, I am quite hyped as this will be the first time I'll be able to see my plants in the open, like chill on your roof deck and just look at them 😁
Quite surreal this feeling.
Still the fight for real legalization ain't over, just one example, I will be forced to turn most of the harvest into hash, else I will have more than the 50 grams I am allowed to own on my private property.
Until then I will enjoy our new freedom as much as I can 😀