Well hello there, it's week two and not a lot happened, our lady does not seem to be particularly amused.
Sorry for the lack of updates, but we are in the middle of our move and other stuff took priority, detailed Updates will resume shortly.
Thank you for your patience.
Will continue the heavy feeding for now, it looks like she's busy rooting.
Baby's still wearing it's hat.
Update 14.06.
Our baby is obviously perfectly fine, my gf has the same seeds and hers is looking like a twin
curious how much more time she'll need for takeoff.
This evening I realized the fluff at the stem and I decided to remove the hat, no more humidity dome for our gurl, it's quite cloudy, let's say I am reasonably sure she's fine.
The fluff worries me, but I think she's fine, a bit stubby, but not particularly weak, no discoloration.
I am pretty sure I won't top/fim her, but I will definitely give her some lst just to have her branches nicely spread.
She's having issues, Daddy was probably overfeeding her and now she's sick. My bad, errors have been made.
It might have been the sun or the fluff, but this is not the time to risk it, so I did flush her pot with 10l of tap water.
I should build some shading, don't want to move the whole pot again, it's quite the hustle, considering it's connected to the other pots via the air line for the bubblers.
I am learning a lot since I am using growdiaries, wilt: Calmag on coco is mandatory, non negotiable and saplings are indeed very susceptible to nutrientburn.
I did redo the nutrient composition and I flushed the pot with 10 l of the new, lower concentrated solution, I also added Biobizz Calmag and I adjusted the pH to 5.6 with BioBizz pH down.
Let us just hope this ain't ending in a royal fuckup.
@resi_max, Thanks a lot, I am quite hyped as this will be the first time I'll be able to see my plants in the open, like chill on your roof deck and just look at them 😁
Quite surreal this feeling.
Still the fight for real legalization ain't over, just one example, I will be forced to turn most of the harvest into hash, else I will have more than the 50 grams I am allowed to own on my private property.
Until then I will enjoy our new freedom as much as I can 😀