I've flipped the switch to flower three days ago, so it's a half vegetation/ half flower week.😎
They are stretching a lot it maybe have to do with the heatwave we are experiencing this week. But coming weeks it should be getting cooler again.👍
As you maybe have seen I've added some extra lights. This are Mars Hydro's new Adlite's.
Here is some info about them in my own words.👨🌾
-IR 15, is a infrared light that is promoting extra photosynthesis.
Basically long wave length of lights that will penetrate leaves and hit the stems, so the idea is stems will be more strong and be able to carry bigger buds.
UV 30, is a ultraviolet light that will try to mimic the radiation that comes of the sun.
A little explanation about what this does to the plant in nature is that the plant will make it's own sunblock oil in the form of trichomes. So by adding this light the idea is that the plant is gonna work more to block this 'radiation'.
Deep Red 30, is like the title maybe already explained a red light booster.
In nature the spectrum of the sun changes with the season, so it's easy to explain the sun will get more intense and contains more red in the summer. The wavelength of red is also pretty long like the 'infrared' these will sometimes penetrate leaves and hit stems and lower buds.
The idea is more photosynthesis.
One-handed topping, nice! 😀 When I was in electronics school back in the 80's I used to ride-share with another student as he lived nearby. Every day on the ride home he would roll a one-handed joint while driving, and it was a better job than any joint I could roll with two hands 😂