Seedbuster: One drop in bowl of water, put the seed in and let it swim.
next day: put it in wet coffe filter (with the same water ot of the bowl) and in plastic ziplock baggy and hang it up so the grafity will pull out the root.
Sugar royal: Gives the plant a radiant shine(can use it during the whole grow)
Power buds: Buds growing on top of buds is always a nice sight.
GREEN sensation: for the last stage of flower.. givees the plant a boost for trichome production and a beautiful green colour
Alga bloom: makes the buds grow
BioRHIZOTONIC: for the roots when they are small.. but also when the roots are growing in the flower stage and when the plant looks a bit sad.. this will cheer her up!
Bio Vega: for the veg, stage so she will grow big and fast
Bio flores: for nice big and TASTY buds 👍
CANNA TERRA FLORES: making flowers and doing it right
Cannazym: breaks down all the roots that are dead and turns them into nutes
Cannaboost accelarator: this is just perfect to add with the other nutes.. the name says it all
had very good results, powder -white trichome blanket results(even in much of the fan leaves)
CannaPK 13-14: A cannabis nutrient used for only one week in the flowering cycle to boost phosphorous and potassium leveled available to your plants.This enqourages a rapid size increase in flowering buds. I woul say, use it when she is inmiddle of flower(more difficult when feeding an auto) and the trichomes will just explode!
Ok my friends, i have to end this growing season with a bit smaller wedding party than planded.. becouse nasty weddingcrashers who came
have ruined the cake! (caterpillers, blackflies, spidermites and mold!!💀)
At first i thought i had to cancel the whole party.. but i could, luckily, still save a small amount of buds...(very small, most of it i had to throw away 😿)
Those i had, luckily, already cut off days before(tshtf)..i was affraid to vape it but(mayb make oil from it) luckily, when it was dry i could see it was safe enough to vape👍
..its a pity but no worries, love conquers all! 😻
This cake is so sweet, gonna save this for xmas😇
happy growing for all ✊
Wedding cake is a beautiful name for her becouse my eyes are getting abit teary 😂..and i have a feeling of bliss and unconditional love for all 😘
Chronic pain fades to the background for a while too.. (I feel its still there but do i still care? 😎)
Im Just being very relaxed with feelings of serenity and contentment..
I feel like this hibernation this winter is gonna b over as quickly as a.. honeymoon!😚
@StarLorr, 😂👊 indeed! and there are always those mofos who will overstay their welcome and just wont leave!! 🐛🐛🐛 😠✊
(found many more, +-20 small ones, hiding in the buds btw..)