Lights On!
Week 8: The Future!
Final week before maturing stage! Hopefully ican get a bit more bulk i them! Pretty dense nugs and very sticky and gassy. Definitely feeling the Gorilla Glue on my fingers. I had gloves on though 😄
Defolled BG41 leavesbuds i noticed spotting like rust!
Mixing a concentration of the HydroSols powders for 5L of each for the next grow!
If I distill all water 💧 I should by dinfintion have zero residues using this. To me personally it's the drama of juggling Ph'es. I should be ok 👍 live. & learn! I wanna' Surf the colas!
i think she looks a little hungry after shedding the bigger fan leaves underneath. Will introduce Hollands Mirocs by 0.5ml/L w + {Half} note from self! 2ml/l of Sensi when lights off! Its' the last week of the bulge!
The Future should be called '' The Monster Munch - Thee' Pickled Onion''
Lights On!
The Future!!
Increased wattage to maximum 616watts! They've had a little rest, hopefully now they will bulk in this last week before maturing!
The Future is starting to bulk up!
I'm cleaned the tank and added HydroSol & HydroPK + tomato feed. Liquid based!
PH is 6.5!
Let's see how she takes to it
2.4kg of water soluble HydroSol can make 40000 Litres of feed.
I made 5L at a ratio 400g/1L.
Midday Check ✔️
It's been 24hrs since the feed change. To me she seems more vibrant!
¥A few facts about H202; it surely is a pure natural acurring gem 💎 for the follow up and Future readers.to ponder over ₩:::
"The Problem With Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide"
In truth, there are no problems with hydrogen peroxide.
The problems rest with people.
Some people are skeptical. It all sounds too good to be true,
so they never try.
Some people are impatient. They don’t think that it works.
They try a little, don’t receive miraculous, Divine
intervention that results in immediate healing of their life¬
long health problem, so they claim that it is a fraud.
Some people are overly-aggressive. They want results, and
they want results NOW, so they take too much, suffer
natural cleansing reactions and then go and say something
stupid like... “That hydrogen peroxide is dangerous!” or
“I’m allergic to hydrogen peroxide” or “Hydrogen peroxide
made me sick!” or “Hydrogen peroxide makes me
nauseous!” It’s the “American Way”. If a little is good, then
a lot must be better, right?
Most doctors are afraid of the medical establishment. They
are also super-skeptical, hypocritical and closed-minded.
They say that they want scientific proof, but when a patient
explains the results that they observed, they say that type of
scientific data is “anecdotal” and they claim to need
information that is “peer-reviewed”. When you show them
peer-reviewed scientific articles by the dozen, they won’t
even look at them and pathetically argue that it isn’t
“approved” by the FDA. When you point out that hydrogen
peroxide was in common use prior to the law that created the
FDA and that it has been used by millions of people for more
than a century, they say it isn’t safe. When you show them
that the pharmaceutical medications that they recommend
every day, (even when properly prescribed and administered
in a hospital setting) KILL over 100,000 people every
year, but properly administered hydrogen peroxide (even
when used by regular people under their own guidance) has
been shown to be 100% safe and has never killed anyone
even after hundreds of thousands of treatments, they say that
it’s not covered by insurance. Exasperating!
Here’s my point i am trying to make; wait, and my point is simple. It’s right here
on page one in the grow diaries journal. You don’t have to read my entire book to
get it.
Hydrogen peroxide is a naturally occurring NUTRIENT
that SHOULD be found in all of our water and all of our
food. Mother Nature puts it there, on purpose, and with
good reason. Then we process it out!
I believe that every human ailment is aggravated by a
nutritional deficiency of hydrogen peroxide .
My goal in writing this book is large. I hope that one day,
everyone on earth will realize this and make it a habit to
supplement their diet with hydrogen peroxide every day
and also use hydrogen peroxide as a replacement for
numerous toxic chemicals that they currently use. I hope
that millions of people will make it a habit to prevent
disease so that the industry that has grown up around
“treating” the symptoms of disease will simply wither
and die. It’s a big goal.
The achievement of this goal starts with you. Are you
willing to learn? Are you willing to try? Do you
understand that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound
of cure? Are you in it for the long haul?
Most people only become interested in their health after
they have misplaced it. Then they want a quick cure, an
instant remedy for their dis-ease. Please don't be like
most people. An ounce of prevention truly is worth a pound of medication.
I encourage you to make food grade hydrogen peroxide
a part of your life. It’s inexpensive and easy. Drink it.
Bathe in it. Spray it up your nose. Rinse your mouth with
it. Stick it in your ears. Soak your feet in it. Brush your
teeth with it. Use it in every way possible.
I am sure that its benefits will absolutely astound you. Because cannabis has broken though; why can't H202.
Thank you.
Lights Off! The Future is bulking lovely!
She's a little over 5ft tall 66inches. I had to supercrop a few branches. If I had a bigger tent. Plant intelligence tells me she'd be over 6ft, giving the extra space.
Probably! lol I'm always having little issues here and there. I'm having a hard time following people,. when you click the button it doesn't respond,but sometimes go back and it will show that i selected to follow, only some o the time. did notice today you can add more equipment.not sure how long it has been up but I'm sure the updates are causing a lot of the issues.
Start giving good doses of water.
Lower your light % power. Protect the trichomes you made. High light will damage them..
Make she she's full of fluids upon harvest. Prolongs the drying period.
You can harvest a few hours after lights out.
That girl looks done pal. Anymore you'll start getting foxtail
Good luck..
Uploading picture errors current site issues ATM!
Jesus Christ She's at it again; it's nearly Christmas but no time to celebrate;
Anybody else experiencing Technical difficulties
with Mrs.Clauses htmls?
Hello there I understand the frustration of the site not working. If you take screenshot and email the grow diary team they will fix your glitch really fast actually they are very promot. Probably be fixed by end of day tomorrow
Hello. I had a problem last week and thought I would send a email just to say what it was, not expecting an answer...
I used the "contact us" button on the bottom of the left column under the flag...
And it was the next day that I got a answer saying the the problem was look after and if there was anything else to let them know...
You might try the email to make contact. I was surprised to get an answer. They are known for not answering.
I had some earlier in the month, trying a new browser helps.
Your profile pic does not work either. maybe something to do with that. this is what it spits out at me when trying to open it in a new window.
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
Access Denied
Likely just a GD thing and gotta wait it out. relaced some of the numbers/letters with x's incase its important. legit no idea.
@Ultraviolet, thanks 😊
Yes very true 👍 I've detoxed using it as well.
It has taken awhile to get the % right ✅️ for the plants though. Had to use no-residue feeds and distilled water. To distill 1 gallon takes 8hrs. But I only used it mostly the last 2 weeks since switching feeds.
No other chemicals in the water the H202 to interact with. If not it can make the water toxic for the h202 cleanese then releases the bided atom into the water (messing up NPKs). First time using it i had Rust rust all over the leaves. The bad salts in tap water. Trail & error.
I'll take your advice on trichcomes for the foxtails are not that bad. Looks like proper bulking foxtails not due to light.
Thanks again
@doglas, Hey bro, my grow it is just normal hydroponics atm; 5L start pots into 10L, 15L. Waiting on pipe/connections to complete the setup to build a scrog bed. Will order them end of the month. Just trying to build a cheap alternate version
Sorry Biden could you articulate please?
Giving you a second wind at this point in time is a p!stake' seeming it's hurricane season! No-pun intended but you can go with the wind this time!
Hopefully have a cleaner looking neat grow this time! I'm still ironing things out! Hydroponic plants grow fast I tell ya'! You may see mushrooms 🍄 😜 walse in' n' out' the frame during rhe flower stages!
I cut the grass in off-peak times!
Mind, the neighbours don't like it at 2am in the morning! Hey, hoe!
That's a joke 😃 I just like jotting things down I find funny i make up n my diaries!