Moved "Blue Geleto 41" to the sativa tent ⛺️
She'll be under "2 Spectrum King Sk600's" and in a 65L with HydroSol feed.
The veg light previously; hasn't any UV/ the only UV she's had is from 6500ks installed in that DiY Budmaster GoD 6 & 4 (Old School)
Atm she's showing signs of overly-aggressive death of micro origanisims with her leaves which end up push to the leafs surfaces (killing free radicals) she's been like this since seed. Yes in my barrel of laughs diary with similar examples but way worse due to being in coco and all the bacteria in the soil; (it can be bad idea to use hydrogen peroxide soil thats not been treated can course chemical reactions and turn the soil toxic. I showed and explained why this happens. Anyways; i hope Future readers find all these gems 💎 and stories i share funny within my dairies and the information i share benefits them well 😁
For right its "November 29th of 2024"
I am 💯 sure the calendar 📅 we live by in this time isn't correct. I think its actually really only "1074"
Because the pyramids are still standing from the last apocalypse by water! Which hasnt nothing to do with 🐫 in Egypt or its sensory imperial projections of the lost gods of the squatter man. Which to me is how the plasma looks when it falls from the sky it forms a shape like the squatter-man which the drew amongst the caves as they hid.
Next is by 🔥 fire!
Now she's only in "HydroSol with 00.005% hydrogen Peroxide 12% Foodgrade)
Let's see what happens and what improvements we can spot ✋️
Its been 6 hours since the switch under 2 SK600'S at 300watts each at half-power 616watts combined walldraw from the drivers set position (1200watts/MAX) with water soluble HydroSol feed in a 65L with hydrogen peroxide food grade 6% at a ratio of 0.5ml/L 32.5ml diluted from 12%
The differences are noticeable already!
*-Uploading picture errors current site issues solved_*
Hydrogen peroxide was first discovered by the French
chemist Louis-Jacques Thenard in 1818, who very
appropriately named it “eau oxygenee” or oxygenated water.
In Spanish, hydrogen peroxide is known as “agua
oxigenada” and in Italian, it is called “acqua ossigenata”.
Low grade pharmacy/grocery store hydrogen peroxide is
well-known to most people. When we apply it externally to
an open wound, hydrogen peroxide produces a bubbling
sensation, which is just the extra oxygen being released.
Unfortunately, pharmacy grade hydrogen peroxide is filled
with toxic stabilizers designed to prolong shelf life
(phenacetin, acetanilide, sodium stannate and others). These
toxic chemicals are also added in order to prevent you from
using hydrogen peroxide internally in ways that can result in
nearly miraculous health benefits.
Hydrogen peroxide occurs naturally within the Earth’s bio¬
sphere. Here’s how Mother Nature makes it... Plants take in
water from soil. During the process of photosynthesis, they
remove the hydrogen atoms from the water (H 2 O) and then
combine the hydrogen with carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from the
air to make carbo-hydrates/hydro-carbons/sugar. The plants
then “breathe” out the oxygen that is left over from the water
that they have de-hydrogenated. This oxygen is lighter than
the air at ground level, so it rises higher up into the
atmosphere. At high elevations (from 6-22 miles) this
relatively stable form of oxygen (O 2 ) is bombarded by
photons of light in the ultraviolet range of the
electromagnetic spectrum (wavelengths 185-254
nanometers). This radiation splits the O 2 in half and these
oxygen atoms (O[) immediately attach themselves to the
nearest molecule. Many of the oxygen atoms attach
themselves to molecules of O 2 to form ozone or O 3 .
Contrary to popular media propaganda, the “ozone layer”
does not protect us from the sun’s radiation. The oxygen
(O 2 ) that was split by radiation is what did the protecting
and the ozone layer is the result of that protection. Since
ozone (O 3 ) is heavier than the oxygen (O 2 ), it begins to fall
back toward the surface of the earth. As it comes into
contact with molecules of water vapor, the ozone donates
its third oxygen atom to the water, which forms H 2 O 2
(H 2 O + O), which is known as hydrogen peroxide.
This oxygenated water (hydrogen peroxide) falls to earth in
rain and snow. It acts as a natural disinfectant in lakes,
rivers and oceans. If it were not for the hydrogen peroxide
in rainwater, the earth’s surface would be putrid from bacte¬
rial overgrowth. Clean, fresh spring water, glacial melt and
fast flowing streams all have relatively high amounts of
hydrogen peroxide. Maybe the “Fountain of Youth” that
was so passionately sought by Ponce de Leon and others was
right there, in the sea underneath their ships the entire time!
Hydrogen peroxide has also been found in many of the heal¬
ing springs of the world, including Fatima in Portugal,
Lourdes in France and the Shrine of St. Anne in Canada.
Legend has it that on February 11, 1858, the Virgin Mary,
our Lady of Lourdes, appeared to a fourteen year old girl,
Bernadette Soubirous, at the Grotto of Massabielle in
Lourdes, France. Amongst other things, she told Bernadette
to bathe in and drink from the waters in the grotto. The
water in Lourdes is purported to contain hydrogen peroxide.
If Lourdes was in the United States, the FDA would proba¬
bly try to shut it down as a health hazard !
Hydrogen peroxide is absorbed by the roots of plants along
with water and it is an important component of plant life.
Small amounts are found in practically all vegetables and
fruits, including fresh cabbage, asparagus, green peppers,
watercress, oranges, apples, watermelons and aloe vera until
it is removed along with water when any food is dehydrated.
Honeybees collect fresh, hydrogen peroxide rich nectar from
flowers and, as a result, the honey that they produce has
antibacterial properties that can be attributed to its hydrogen
peroxide content. Hydrogen peroxide is also found in the
animal kingdom and is involved in many of our body’s nat¬
ural processes. Numerous strains of beneficial bacteria
found in our digestive tract produce hydrogen peroxide.
Let me make this very simple and clear. Food contains
nutrients that are vital to human health. Hydrogen
peroxide is such a NUTRIENT. The food that you eat is
deficient in hydrogen peroxide ! You should use liquid
hydrogen peroxide as a daily nutritional supplement in
order to compensate for your dietary deficiencies.
Just like any other important nutrient, when tissue levels of
hydrogen peroxide increase, the potential for disease
decreases. Germs, parasites, fungi, bacteria and viruses
along with diseased and deficient tissue cells are all killed by
hydrogen peroxide. Healthy cells not only survive when the
concentration of hydrogen peroxide increases, but they
become stronger and healthier. The main difference
between human cells and pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi,
mold and parasites is that human beings (obviously) need
oxygen to survive, and pathogens tend to thrive in low oxy¬
gen environments that accompany stagnation, decay and
death. This is due to their more primitive evolutionary ori¬
gins when the earth’s atmosphere was nearly devoid of oxy¬
gen. When your oxygen levels drop below that which is
optimal for human life, your body becomes a growth medi¬
um for pathogenic anaerobic organisms (think sewer!)
Oxygenation is simply increasing the amount or percentage
of oxygen. Breathing is the major way in which the body is
oxygenated. In the human body, diatomic oxygen (O 2 ) that
is breathed in through the lungs is transported by hemoglo¬
bin, a protein that is found on red blood cells. This insures
that it gets to where it is needed and does not react with any¬
thing else along the way. Oxygen has the ability to accept
electrons from other elements and molecules in order to
combine with them and form new compounds which are
often known as oxides. Oxygen rich red blood cells carry a
negative electrical charge. If oxygenation is uniform and
complete, individual red blood cells repel each other and
travel through capillaries in single file. If an individual red
blood cell is de-oxygenated or damaged to the point that it
obtains a positive electrical charge, it will attract two nega¬
tively charged blood cells and clump together, blocking
blood flow and increasing blood pressure.
As an oxygenator, hydrogen peroxide is able to deliver
small quantities of oxygen to the blood and other vital sys¬
tems throughout the body. Bright crimson colored blood
carries far more oxygen than darker, maroon colored blood.
Arterial blood is generally a brighter red because it has
recently passed through the lungs and picked up oxygen.
Venous blood is usually darker in color because it has just
passed through the capillaries and dropped off oxygen for
the body’s tissues.
“The findings suggest that these fluids [blood, plasma]
become ‘supersaturated’ with oxygen following the break¬
down of exogenous hydrogen peroxide. The quantity of oxy¬
gen in solution was found to be equivalent to three to twelve
atmospheres of oxygen depending on the time of sampling
following the addition of hydrogen peroxide. ”
(B.E. Jay, W. Finney, G.A. Baila, and J.T. Mallams, “The
Supersaturation of Biologic Fluids with Oxygen by the
Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide”, Texas Report Biol
& Med, 1964, Volume 22, pages 106-109)
"When properly stored in its bottle, diluted hydrogen peroxide takes months, even years to break down. It is incredibly stable, but it does slowly decompose spontaneously back
into the water and oxygen from which it was created"
( 2 H 2 O 2 2 H 2 O + O 2 ) A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide used to be known as a ten volume strength. This means that one pint of (liquid) 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide actually contains 10 pints of (gaseous) oxygen. 😉
30ml of 3% Foodgrade hydrogen peroxide 300ml x 2 (6% solution last feed = 5.5 pints of (gaseous) oxygen into a 65L = +m2 to the power of ^13/1hr she will drink over a 24hr period
6hrs in she has drunk 75ml of 6% and digested 300ml of (gaseous) oxygen.
1L of Co2 can cost €20 dollars. That's a huge saving.
Probably! lol I'm always having little issues here and there. I'm having a hard time following people,. when you click the button it doesn't respond,but sometimes go back and it will show that i selected to follow, only some o the time. did notice today you can add more equipment.not sure how long it has been up but I'm sure the updates are causing a lot of the issues.
Start giving good doses of water.
Lower your light % power. Protect the trichomes you made. High light will damage them..
Make she she's full of fluids upon harvest. Prolongs the drying period.
You can harvest a few hours after lights out.
That girl looks done pal. Anymore you'll start getting foxtail
Good luck..
Uploading picture errors current site issues ATM!
Jesus Christ She's at it again; it's nearly Christmas but no time to celebrate;
Anybody else experiencing Technical difficulties
with Mrs.Clauses htmls?
Hello there I understand the frustration of the site not working. If you take screenshot and email the grow diary team they will fix your glitch really fast actually they are very promot. Probably be fixed by end of day tomorrow
Hello. I had a problem last week and thought I would send a email just to say what it was, not expecting an answer...
I used the "contact us" button on the bottom of the left column under the flag...
And it was the next day that I got a answer saying the the problem was look after and if there was anything else to let them know...
You might try the email to make contact. I was surprised to get an answer. They are known for not answering.
I had some earlier in the month, trying a new browser helps.
Your profile pic does not work either. maybe something to do with that. this is what it spits out at me when trying to open it in a new window.
This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
Access Denied
Likely just a GD thing and gotta wait it out. relaced some of the numbers/letters with x's incase its important. legit no idea.
@Ultraviolet, thanks 😊
Yes very true 👍 I've detoxed using it as well.
It has taken awhile to get the % right ✅️ for the plants though. Had to use no-residue feeds and distilled water. To distill 1 gallon takes 8hrs. But I only used it mostly the last 2 weeks since switching feeds.
No other chemicals in the water the H202 to interact with. If not it can make the water toxic for the h202 cleanese then releases the bided atom into the water (messing up NPKs). First time using it i had Rust rust all over the leaves. The bad salts in tap water. Trail & error.
I'll take your advice on trichcomes for the foxtails are not that bad. Looks like proper bulking foxtails not due to light.
Thanks again
@doglas, Hey bro, my grow it is just normal hydroponics atm; 5L start pots into 10L, 15L. Waiting on pipe/connections to complete the setup to build a scrog bed. Will order them end of the month. Just trying to build a cheap alternate version
Sorry Biden could you articulate please?
Giving you a second wind at this point in time is a p!stake' seeming it's hurricane season! No-pun intended but you can go with the wind this time!
Hopefully have a cleaner looking neat grow this time! I'm still ironing things out! Hydroponic plants grow fast I tell ya'! You may see mushrooms 🍄 😜 walse in' n' out' the frame during rhe flower stages!
I cut the grass in off-peak times!
Mind, the neighbours don't like it at 2am in the morning! Hey, hoe!
That's a joke 😃 I just like jotting things down I find funny i make up n my diaries!