
My First Grow

a day ago
Room Type
weeks 2
BioBizz Light-Mix
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 2
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
krogor krogor
8 days ago
# Day 9 Surface of the soil was dry, i sprayed it with some clear water (maybe 50ml). The air temperature of the last 24 hours was 22 to 26°C, humidity 63 to 73%. # Day 10 The soil was dry, watered the plant with 500ml and added fertilizer according to the BioBizz nutrient schedule. The air temperature of the last 24 hours was 21 to 26°C, humidity 57 to 70%. I also lowered the LED so the distance to the top of the plant is about 90cm (resulting ppfd about 380). # Day 11 Height of the plant is now about 8 cm. Surface of the soil was dry at the edge and moist around the plant, i sprayed it with some clear water. The air temperature of the last 24 hours was 22 to 26°C, humidity 61 to 72%. I also lowered the LED so the distance to the top of the plant is about 67cm (resulting ppfd about 465). # Day 12 Surface of the soil was dry at the edge and moist around the plant, i sprayed it with some clear water. The air temperature of the last 24 hours was 22 to 27°C, humidity 58 to 70%. # Day 13 Height of the plant is now about 9 cm. The soil was dry, watered the plant with 500ml clear water without fertilizer. The air temperature of the last 24 hours was 22 to 27°C, humidity 63 to 70%. # Day 14 Surface of the soil was moist. The air temperature of the last 24 hours was 21 to 26°C, humidity 62 to 78%. I did some light LST. # Day 15 Surface of the soil was still a little bit moist, i sprayed it with some clear water (maybe 50ml). The air temperature of the last 24 hours was 20 to 26°C, humidity 58 to 73%. I removed one leaf that was pressed onto the soil beacaue of earlier LST.
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Grow Questions
krogorstarted grow question 16 days ago
1. Does it make sense to cover the seedling with a cover (bottom of a plastic bottle) to increase humidity or should i remove it (e.g. for better air circulation)? 2. Should i switch on a fan that moves the air a little bit (pointing it above the plant)?
Setup. Seedling
001100010010011110answered grow question 16 days ago
Unless you are in a very arid region, you shouldn't need a dome for a seedling. 20-30% rh might be wise to put a dome on and cut soem holes in it until it is an appropriate RH% for your temperature - vpd chart is a visual aid for this. You want a slightly slower rate of transpiration (i.e. lower vpd than for mature vege or flower) early on, but too slow and you impede growth. I've read different suggestions but .8-.9 is probably fine. I'm usually above that, and the impact must be tiny. Circulation fan only needs to cause a little jostling of the plant. Definitely don't point it directly at it. A little twitch of a leaf here or there is fine.

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Zammi_officialweek 0
Happy growing 💙🌱!
@Zammi_official, Thank you very much
Herikus01week 1
Nice little lady you have! I'm sure she will grow beautifully! Maybe lower the light a bit and decrease the intensity? It's more cost-intensive to have the lights running on a high level all the time. But if it works out for you I'm very happy! I'm new to growing too, so what do I know?! Excited for more pictures and happy growing 🌱
@Herikus01, Thank you. Also thanks for your suggestion, but unfortunately the light is not dimmable, so it is always 150W. The only upside is that the tent is warmer when the light is on.