Day 50 - Watered her with de-chlorinated tap water with .5tsp Sensi Calmag Xtra and .5tsp Recharge per gallon, ph'd to 6.51
Day 51 - She seems ok 😎
Day 52 - Almost time for another defol, crazy
Day 53 - Gave her a pretty good defol
Day 54 - Watered her with de-chlorinated tap water with 2tsp Grow Big per gallon, ph'd to 6.50
Day 55 - I'm going to flip her tomorrow 😋
Day 56 - Here goes...
@Sour_D, Wow is this site wrecked 😂🤣
I think it's the tenth time this week that I can't see my replies and because of it I keep repeating like a broken record 🤬