First of all i wanted to give my thanks to growdiaries, zamnesia and bionova for giving people (also me) the chance to participate in such an amazing contest!
That said i also want to wish a good luck to every grower joining this contest!
I see a lot of nice strains 👍🏾
Never used monster bud mix before or something simulair, so this is new to me and like an experiment. 🤯😛
Now over to the Runtz Seeds by Zamnesia.
The germination went perfect.
I only germinated 1 seed for this diary, i hope it fits cause she needs to share the room with 2 other girls. 😜
This is something i have never treed before but im excited to see how this will turn out.
Ive soaked the seed for almost 24 hours, then went over to the second step.
The paper towel method only i used cotton pads.
After a day and half i removed the seedling and placed it in a red cup filter with coco and perlite. Ratio around 70:30
Been keeping the coco moist and spraying once in a while with plain water.
Thats probably it for this week.
I havent mixed the monster bud mix in the red cup, but i will be mixing it when i repot to the zamnesia fabric pot.
Hope shes a little beauty with the next update. Peace to all✌️🏾😎
Looking good! For mainlining it's good to let it develop up to 6 nodes then top to the 3rd node; it gives the plant more time to develop a good root system.