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First Grow: Essie

4 years ago
Week 1. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
16 hrs
26 °C
50 %
21 °C
0 L
0 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 1
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 0.104 mll
Starting Essie off in a small pot with Coco-Coir and a bottle dome for humidity. 60 Hrs germination prior, on a seedling heat mat. Under a 42W CFL, 2600 lumens, 6500K. Day 1: Got some sun with the veggies on the patio today and starting to peak out of the coir. Watered with 250ml mixed with 1 tsp Fox Farms Big Bloom liquid plant food (not Tiger Bloom, the weak stuff with guano and castings). Water pH was 6, collection was 6.5. Day 3: Removed the humidity dome permanently, she barely moved day 2 and woke up today with some water sitting on her, should have removed it day before. Coir dry on top but not deep. Watered her just a little at night, plain ol water at 6.5 pH, ~50-75ml of water, very good drainage in that coir. Day 4: Moved the CFL about 12" away vs the 18" from before. Seems I'm worrying too much about burning her, and I don't want her to have to reach for it. I've been keeping the pot on the seedling heating pad for added warmth, especially since the tent dipped to 66 the other night when we forgot to turn the heat back on after a nice day 🤦‍♂️ Day 5: Essie got some Sun yesterday with the rest of the veggies again, and coming along fine. Moved CFL to 7" out. 100 ml, 6.5pH watering. Day 6: installed the new LEDs (PAR450), but they are hanging over the veggies for now (28-34" on 50% B&W, ~1-5% R, for next 3 days at least ). Essie is about 6" under the CFL, and well over 40" from the LED.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 years ago
5.08 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
45 %
21 °C
0 L
0 L
81.28 cm
Day 8: Essie spent most of the day out in the sun. Watered at night, 75ml, 6.5pH and added a few tablespoons of Fox Farms Ocean Floor Potting Soil to dissolve in it. The theory being that adding it to the coir now as a slurry will both provide small amounts of non-concentrate nutrients, and help avoid drastic transplant shock when she is moved from the coir into a larger fabric pot, which I plan to do a 70:30 Ocean Floor to Coir ratio. Day 9: well she didn't hate the slurry, will wait day or two before watering again, and likely use plain water to drain down some of the soil on top now. Moved under LEDs for the first time. About 34" away, still have the CFL playing third wheel 5" off to the side. LEDs set to B&W 75%, R 20% for now. Day 10: slightly concerned with the small white spots on the leaves. Removed CFL for now to see how she does solely with the new LED. 32-33" away now. Day 11: Watered this evening: 6 pH in 6.5 pH out. Day 14: still looking very healthy, have to get the lighting / camera aspect consistent 🤔
Week 3. Vegetation
5 years ago
6.35 cm
18 hrs
29 °C
50 %
23 °C
11 L
0 L
63.5 cm
Day 15: Dropped the lights to 29-30" off Essie. The dimmers on the PAR450 are set to 80% B&W, ~40% R. Over the next few days I will increase the brightness to a full 100% on the Blue and White spectrums and 50% on the Red spectrum. Then I'll start moving her a little closer to the lights to ensure she's not burning but not reaching either. Night 15: Watered this evening with rain collection water, required no amendment to hit the 6.5 pH target! 6.5 in 6.5-7 out. Day 16: Roots are coming out the bottom, there are pebbles between the coir and the bottom, so it wound it's way through those too. Day 16 - Transfer: Pics for the transfer, roots down to one side mostly 🤔 replanted in Fox Farms Ocean Floor and Organic Coco-Coir 70:30 ratio with heavier coir around the roots in an attempt to avoid shock. Currently in Viparspectra 3 gallon bag. Shout out to my wonderful wife for taking camera duty over. Watered with about 8 cups purified water at 6.25~6.5, (I'm getting a digital reader...) leaving out in the sun for the day: hot and sunny, got up to 89F. Night 16: Now in the 3gl pot, Essie is 26" off the lights, I have not increased brightness yet, I'll give it a day or two at this new height before I increase the lights. Slightly worried about the temp, as it gets warmer, the tent reaches 86 most the day, peaks at 88 and only down to 74 at night vs the 80 daytime / 70 nighttime I was running. As the lights go up in intensity over the next few days I'll have to keep an eye on it. I'm ordering the dual 120mm AC Infinity cabinet fans with 110 CFM to replace the tiny 80mm/26 CFM dual I have now (once got part way through growing what turned out to be a male plant in a CFL space bucket a few years back before I could do so legally - shout out to Nebula and everyone at GWE for stellar advice/info). I also plan to get a carbon scrubber and inline fan before flowering. Night 17: Watered with 2 cups of the ~6.25-6.5 water. Day 18: Today I have the tent off and Essie in the sun. With the high likely to be near 90 today, the arriving fans and the AC tune up next week, and lower temps for the next few weeks after today, figure just for today is fine. Sunny enough to keep her in direct sunlight inside in the window to avoid picking up pests outside. Watered with one cup of the pH water I mixed for the transfer. Day 19: While I wait on the new fans (~4days) we'll bring her out of the tent for sunlight during the hottest part of the day, got a good sunny spot by a big window for her during that time. Looks awfully perky today, I think the roots got through the Coir barrier and into the FFOF. Day 20: So it turns out that my wife is way better at taking these pictures than me. Lights B&W 90% R 45%. Watered at night, rain collection amended down to 6.5 pH. Day 21: Temps have been cooler, didn't get over 84 in the tent yesterday. Fans should arrive today it turns out, so will install later. The lights are now at full veg, 100% B&W, 50% R, and they are 25" off the plant. Will gauge how she does here and maybe see if I can get down to 22".
Week 4. Vegetation
5 years ago
7.62 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
50 %
21 °C
11 L
0 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 2
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 15.625 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 2.604 mll
Day 22: Got the new dual AC Infinity 120mm cabinet fans with the 110CFM rating in yesterday and installed, replacing the tiny 80mm/26CFM setup - back to a steady high of 80-82 and lows around 70. Buddy of mine let me borrow his anemometer and I was able to gauge the airflow around the tent and move around the circulation fan to a more an ideal location, definitely much better circulation with the 120mms. I have, what appears to be, an even numbered set of fingers on a leaf coming in symmetrically... which is interesting I guess? And not a bad thing I hope? I'll start moving the light schedule a half hour a day until I reach a 20/4 schedule. Day 23: Yesterday we were at 18.5/5.5 today we are at 19/5. Tomorrow I'll make the last adjustment and by Day 25 we will be full 20/4. Watering tonight, will use some of the FF Micro - Big Bloom. My hydrangeas need some nitrogen too, curious to see how they handle FF Grow Big 🤔 (FOLLOW UP - They l❤️ve it!) We are at about 20" off the lights now. After considerable research, many growers are using this light with success in considerably closer ranges than the instructions recommend. Will watch close for burning. Day 24: No signs of light burn yet, fed last night with 500ml of purified water solution with 6 tsp Big Bloom and a bonus tsp of Grow Big because, whoops - wrong bottle... pH was 6.54. Didn't measure TDS but I guess I have a monitor now, so will do in future if only for consistency / recording sake. Unsure if it's horribly important for soil grows. Moved the timer the last steps out, today it'll see an extra 30 mins at night and catch a full 20/4 starting 30 mins earlier tomorrow morning. Day 25: Will top as soon as I have safe access to the topmost incoming node, between five and six. Would do it at current node but that 6 fingered leaf makes me want to let a new set come in first. Day 26: We ended up topping above the 4th node after all, we plan to manifold her. I gave her the quarantine haircut last night about 20 mins before the lights went out - seems the popular opinion is to do it immediately before the lights go off or come on. I choose the the evening as it works best with my schedule; though next time I may try the early morning. Also fed with another 500ml of the same FF BigBloom/GrowBig mixture as before. Growth near the inside already seems to be responding a few hours into the light schedule, so seems to be fine. Day 27: Some defoliation was in order, working towards a manifold or flux of sorts, something flatter and manageable. Day 28: Height adjusted up to 22" (from barely under 20") as I found a finger near the top appeared to be drying out (picture). I think the distance is fine, I just can't maintain a humid enough or cool enough environment for that closeness right now and don't want to risk it. I'm still peaking near 85 during hot days and when it gets that warm, the air between Essie and the LED is noticeably warmer at the 18" range than 22". Maybe I'll check that circulation is still in order, a problem more easily fixed if I already had a carbon filter and inline hanging I assume.
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Grow Questions
Smokin_Joestarted grow question 5 years ago
Topping Question: When Topping, tutorials state to wait til you have 4-6 nodes. Does this count the cotyledon leaves, or for that matter the first single serrated leaf? Where do you begin counting nodes? Thanks in advance!
Techniques. Topping
1 like
Nor_Cal_Kannablissanswered grow question 5 years ago
The first true leaf! not the cotyledon leafs. Hope this helps! Happy growing!
Smokin_Joestarted grow question 5 years ago
Sorry - Another topping / training question: When is the best time to "Top" your plants in regards to time of the day, e.g. morning/midday/night in terms of light schedule? In short: do you cuts your plants when the lights come on, before they go off, or somewhere in between?
Techniques. Topping
Fruitgroweranswered grow question 5 years ago
I don't think it makes a difference really. Whatever time is most suitable for yourself. For me it is in the morning before lights go off or sometimes in the evening when the just come on. What I will say though, is make sure she's well fed and healthy looking before doing and most strains bounce back very, very quickly. 👍🌱
Week 5. Vegetation
5 years ago
11.43 cm
20 hrs
28 °C
916 PPM
40 %
21 °C
22 °C
11 L
1 L
53.34 cm
Nutrients 3
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 1 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 15.625 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 3.255 mll
Day 29: While I appear to be moving slow timeline wise, I can hardly complain: I wanted to test the different variables without doing too much at one time. So far at least I can say I haven't damaged anything yet. The topping/defoliation went well last week. Next we move toward the manifold or flux, for now when we check in on her we simply use our fingers to delicately open everything up and spread the center leaves out a bit. As she gets a bit bigger I can begin to tie some stems down. Day 30: Last night she got a liter solution with the recommended general feeding for FF Grow Big and Big Bloom. Amended down to 6.56pH (before and after addition of FF) 916PPM, solution temp ~73F. This morning she looks great, some bright green coming in, should be a great growth day. Happy to report the dry leaf or two from Week 4 have recovered nearly completely. Day 31: as hoped/expected, some great growth yesterday. Day 33: Tied down a bit - one side is slightly cracked, so I'll have to see what I can do about that. Night 33: So it's clear I've been pushing down too close to the main stem, lesson learned. I also tied down too close to the stem instead of the farthest out growth. I loosened the plant ties for now and moved to further away nodes. Tonight she is being fed with 2L of filtered water: 1tsp of FF Grow Big, which is slightly lighter than the recommended and that's because I'm also adding some AN B-52 stalk/stem/bud strengthener at half the recommend dosage: 2ml for my 2L. Also, no Big Bloom / micro this time. Water was 6.65 pH, 626 ppm, 70F. Day 34: Should be able to make the next cuts for the manifold in a day or two. Have given up on the idea of fluxing this one since I already put a tear in her arm. The joint seems sturdier already, but there is a small gap I'm concerned will jeopardize the integrity of the manifold arm on the damaged side, I'll attempt to get a better shot of it after the next defoliation. I've removed the tie from the injured arm, the other side has been tied as far out from the center stem as I can manage. Day 35: Stems have bulked up and the nodes at the topping site are bulging up nicely. The damaged site looks surprisingly good, at the cost of being unable to train that side lower and a tilted plant... but hey, it didn't lose an arm!
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
5 years ago
10.16 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
1096 PPM
45 %
21 °C
22 °C
11 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 2
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 3.906 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 15.625 mll
Day 36: The attempt to manifold went wrong in spades. First, I thought I had counted 3 nodes on one side and cut above only to realize I just cut the third node off... Then, later in the day, I went to bend the tip of the other side of the manifold and it clean snapped right off. So... I'll attribute this to the sturdiness the plant has drastically obtained since last feed with the addition of B-52 from Advanced Nutrients. The crack in the stem, or rather that was in the stem, is completely healed, it doesn't separate at all now, and the nodes and stems beefed up quickly after the addition. This of course comes with the loss of the flexibility of the plant, as the stems are obviously less forgiving now, which in retrospect I would avoid for easier training, but will note for future spindly stems, weak bud sites, or quick repair of damage. (4days!!) My cat did find the spool of plant tie, so it's not like everyone had a bad day. Day 37: I have - very very very very carefully - created a mini manifold with what I have left of the poor thing. All in all in looks like I still have 6-7 good sites, closer together than ideal, but nothing to lose sleep over. From this point forward I'll just focus on training low and apart until she's tall enough to switch the lights. Day 38: Looking just fine.Tonight I'll feed her with FF Grow Big and Big Bloom, shouldn't need the B-52 the rest of the grow. Night 38: Fed! 2L, 6.6 pH, 971 PPM, 69F, 1.5 tsp FFGB, 2 TBSP FFBB. Tied down a bit tighter, removed three remaining fan leaves. Day 39: Moving the plant ties out to the furthest available node as they become available. Day 40: I believe I'm getting the hang of this LST thing Day 41: She seems to bounce back and regrow pretty quick. Though I was hesitant, I removed 3 small fan leaves from the upper center. The growth tips are responding very well to the light, but I mainly wanted to avoid the moisture that had been collecting on those closer leaves every morning.
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
5 years ago
15.24 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
913 PPM
45 %
22 °C
22 °C
11 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 2
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 3.906 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 7.812 mll
Day 43: Fed with 2L solution of purified water with Fox Farms Big Bloom & Grow Big. 71F, 1109PPM, 6.56pH. Day 44: She is getting quite bushy at this point, and she has thick woody stems at the base. LST is keeping a relatively flat canopy. I remove only fan leaves that are blocking bud sites and/or close enough to be a potential water retainer. Day 45: At approximately 6" tall the canopy is roughly the size of a piece of paper, 8x11". Day 47: Quite thirsty it turns out. Fed with 2TBLS of FFBB and ~1.5 tsp FFGB for 2L/.5gl of purified water amended down to 6.38pH. 913PPM 72F. Day 48: Probably the last major downward LST. From here on out it'll likely just be spacing. Day 49: I think another 2 weeks in veg before we switch.
Used techniques
Week 8. Vegetation
5 years ago
22.86 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
927 PPM
50 %
22 °C
22 °C
11 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 2
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 4.557 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 6.51 mll
Day 50: So this will likely be the last true Veg week. Next week I'm going to to start walking the light schedule down in daily increments similar to how I went from 18 to 20 after seedling stage. I won't be pulling down so much this week either. We're at 6.5-7" tall and 11x13 wide, maybe slightly wider. She is starting to give off a very weak grassy smell with what seems like myrcene or perhaps pinene in the background. You really have to get into the leaves or LST a bit to smell it strongly. I'll continue to update/edit this week with the daily picture and post as I go. Day 51: Net on it's way Day 52: Watered: 2.5L purified water, 927 PPM, 71F, 6.45pH, 3tsp FFBB, 2.5 tsp FFGB. Day 54: Will install scrog net tonight. Day 55: She snuck up on me, 9" and 17.5" to the light. Looked fine, but readjusted to 20 anyway. See below: I did not install the veg net... I did begin to attempt to, and in fear of doing more harm than good at the moment decided to hold off. I may use the flowering net if nothing else. As I got into the plant I started removing fan leaves that were not getting any light: under the canopy in the center and a few outside, perhaps 9-10 total leaves, but still the most in one session to date (more on this in a second). I paused because I wanted to dedicate more time to the defoliation than I had, including snipping off 2-3 potential clones (first attempt) from the suckers near the bottom outside areas. I have successfully propagated tomatoes before, so I have minor experience. This will be attempted tomorrow morning. Upon review of the leaves I removed I found that several of them have discoloration. I know that some of these leaves took some major damage during my LST attempts by fault of rough plant tie work, all of them received very little if any light recently, and the rest of the plant looks fine (**note yellowish color in Day 54 picture is solely poor camera work, new growth was a lighter green at first, now all uniformly green elsewhere old and new growth both). So I don't want to worry too much, but I will put it to a question. I want to note that I plan to flush with 1-3 gallons of plain filtered watered in the next watering (holding flushing solution til harvest) to prevent salt build up. I have been getting minimal runoff, but with the super soil / coir 70:30 mix and half strength nutrients I have been avoiding it on purpose. Will post before and after picks tomorrow. Day 56: Some considerable defoliation, especially including yesterday's removals as well. There is a before and after I'm the pics, I'll try to get some side shots tomorrow to show the space below the canopy. I was careful to mainly remove fan leaves or areas without hope of decent light. I also took 5 potential clones, all from near the bottom - 'suckers' as I've heard them called. I will update with those to start week 9. Three of the clones are pretty small and may not make it, but I'm hopeful for the other two. Pics tomorrow!
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Grow Questions
Smokin_Joestarted grow question 5 years ago
I'm looking to rest my concerns that these removed fan leaves from lower/center canopy are not simply just appearing so due to lack of light and prior plant tie damage. Focus on the yellow/brown discoloration, actual physical damage is accounted for. More details in main post.
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 5 years ago
After reading the main post and checking out the leaves that you removed, I would have to say it is from lack of light and prior tie damage. Everything else seems fine.
Week 9. Vegetation
5 years ago
22.86 cm
20 hrs
29 °C
109 PPM
45 %
22 °C
22 °C
11 L
1 L
48.26 cm
Day 57: Got the clones in a makeshift cloning machine made from my wife's produce saver. Defoliation seems to have gone well, best skeletal pic I could snag attached. I thought I could wait another day on watering (trying to be diligent on drying out the soil between watering - test by weight) but it turns out I was wrong and should have watered day before. Mixed 4L of purified water (109 PPM, 6.5pH, 72F) and fed. Run off was in the 2200s and the pH was just above 6 - so I will bring the pH of the water up closer to 7 the next watering - which will be the same as above, a mid grow flush of sorts before I start to incorporate Tiger Bloom and switch the lights. Day 58: As seen in the pics, Essie is quite dramatic. Bounced back beautifully and as soon as as I get a few days of decent growth I will begin to walk the lights down. May install veg net after all as well. Day 60: it seems like she's already bushy again! Day 61: watered in the evening again with another gallon of purified water. 109PPM, 72F, 6.8pH. Run off was 1900PPM and 6.3pH. Some more LST because I'm terrified to net her. Day 62: Definitely in need of more defoliation. I've got one leaf with brown spots from the lower middle again, but nothing else suspicious from new growth to old. With the runoff being more acidic than I thought, I'm convinced if it's any sort of deficiency, it would have to be calcium, as it looks like I was just under optimal pH for uptake. I have some AN Sensi CalMag on hand if it starts looking to be a problem, until then I'll just keep my input closer to 6.85pH. Day 63: "You're growing a pentagon!" ~Wife
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
5 years ago
27.94 cm
18 hrs
28 °C
364 PPM
50 %
22 °C
21 °C
11 L
1 L
48.26 cm
Nutrients 3
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 0.5 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 3.906 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 15.625 mll
Day 64: Snuck up to 17" on the light, 10"ish tall now. Another round of major defoliation, I really feel I was successful this time in cleaning the bottoms better. I typically would wait one more day before watering, but with how light she already feels, she has to be picking up the pace on intake. Fed with 1 gal, 6.8pH, 71F, 364PPM, 2TBLS FFBB, 3ml AN Senszyme. Runoff: 6.5pH. Changed water on clones out, made sure to pH because I can't remember if I did previously, set pH at 6 since it's technically in hydro right now. Day 65: Due to personal scheduling, I won't push full flowering schedule until next weekend. Tomorrow she will see her first 18 HR day, and then I'll slowly bring her down over the week. Carbon filter with inline fan kit to be installed this week. Day 66: Timer adjusted to 18/6 today, LED spectrum adjusted to 100% B&W, 75% R. Really pushing the new growth at the top tips. In other news, all of the clones are showing roots except the newest, pics of the two largest clones attached. Very excited to see it work!! Day 67: Timer adjusted to 17/7. Will see how heavy she feels tonight to see if she needs to be watered or wait a day. Day 68: 16/8 Watered at night: 1gl filtered water, 6.75pH, 2ml AN B-52, 4TBLS FFBB, 3ml FFGB. Day 69: 15/9 - Starting to smell much more now, but still relatively weak and grassy. The two largest clones have sprouted real roots! The others look like they are starting to give off little roots now. Day 70: Timer set to 14/10
Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
5 years ago
38.1 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
140 PPM
45 %
22 °C
22 °C
11 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 3
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.906 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.302 mll
Day 71: Lights to 12/12 (walked down day-to-day from 20/4 last week) Day 72: Light Spectrums B/W/R all set to 100% - watered with 2L of just 6.7 pH filtered water. Day 74: It's hard to get a decent picture of them, but I believe I have pre-flowers all at the top of the canopy now. The smell is slightly stronger now, but not crazy, and I have yet to install the carbon filter. Also, just look at these roots on these clones! Will have to find time to get these in some soil. Wouldn't mind any information on how to keep these clones small for a long time - I got some auto's I would like to try after this, so I'd have to be able to run a solid 12 week tent before having to worry about them. Day 76: Major defoliation, very minor LST this morning. Easily double the trim off than the previous defoliation. Hopefully there is enough airflow for every and I didn't go overboard on the fan leaves, but with it being so bushy I've been worried about humidity (swings 40 at day to 60 at night) for the flowering period. Accidentally topped a bud site, will attempt to add to the clone crew. Added a few tablespoons of FFOF soil to the two largest clones to hand off some nutrients now that their roots are getting so big. The small bunch of clones has some little roots budding at the bases, unsure if all of them will make it, these smaller ones were taken from the top of the plant while the two farther along / initially larger ones were toward the lower stem area. Day 77: For the second time, I failed to water timely. She must have put in some considerable mass because she did NOT feel light enough to worry the previous night... my poor wife had to run around and mix the solution for me this morning while I was at work. I've always been told not to feed during direct lighting, so we fed in the tub of our bathroom and left it there with just the bathroom lights on for an hour before moving it to the tent. In the tent we gave her 50% strength across all spectrums for an hour, than 75% for and hour and a half before moving back to 100% in for the remaining 7 hours of the daily light schedule. Bounced back of course, but will have to get the the watering schedule locked down a bit better. Pics of progression. Fed with a gallon of purified water, 3tsp FFBB, 1 tsp each of Grow Big and Tiger Bloom (first dose of FFTB). 6.55 pH and 557ppm input.
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Smokin_Joestarted grow question 5 years ago
Getting ready to install carbon filter; found myself wondering if growers typically leave their filters/exhaust/fans on during dark periods? Up to this point, I've had everything on one power-strip/timer: circulation fan, exhaust fans, and lights. Should I keep anything on 24/7?
Setup. Ventilation
Ttrichomeanswered grow question 5 years ago
Most definitely need to run fans always. Humid stagnant air Is molds best friend. Cutting the fans off is inviting mould to germinate and take over. U always want air exchange and airflow in ur tent. Happy growing and stay lit fam.
Week 12. Flowering
5 years ago
45.72 cm
12 hrs
28 °C
917 PPM
45 %
22 °C
22 °C
11 L
1 L
50.8 cm
Nutrients 3
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.906 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.953 mll
Day 78: Installed the carbon filter and just in time! It's definitely giving off more of a smell now: earthy, floral, and a heavy sweet scent I can't quite describe nor have I smelled before in cannabis. She's may have grown 3" this week alone, perhaps slightly more. Lights adjusted to 20" again. At the advice of fellow growers I'm going to keep the fan going 24/7 on the lowest setting and see how it goes. Next watering day is likely the 81st day, will up the Tiger Bloom to 2 tsp. In other news, 2 of the clones have enough roots to transfer to a coir/dirt mix. The rest will each get their own cup now as well to give them a little breathing room. Will edit/update with pics tomorrow. Day 79: Not much going on with Essie, looking good though. Essie 2 and Essie 3 have been put in a coir / FFOF mix with added perlite. New filtered water @ 5.75 pH with a few drops of BigBloom for the 3 older clones and same minus FFBB for the newest "oopsie" clone. Destroyed one unimpressive small clone. Day 80: Last night was the first night we had any ventilation going on over night. The night before I woke up to an 85% RH... today the tent was at a much more reasonable 49%, seems to get into the high 30s in the day. It might just be me and it may have happened regardless, but she seems to have really filled out overnight, bushy yet again. Day 81: Started out ok and fine around noon, but at 4-5 o'clock... crying for water again. So moving to a every 3 days cycle for sure instead of 4 days now and will keep close eye on. This marks the 3rd dramatic performance of Essie in as many weeks, due to under watering. Watered as the lights cut out with 1gal of purified water, 71F, 6.5ph in 6.4 out, 917PPM in, 1347 out. 3tsp FFBB, 1tsp FFGB, 1.5 tsp FFTB. This marks the 3rd Day 82: Back to normal, white hairs starting to appear everywhere. Day 83: I'm just beside myself with the growth overnight! The flowers seem to have popped up in size across the board, aesthetically pleasing if nothing else. Day 84: Watered at night (Aha! Not this time!), 1gal purified water, 6.7pH, 113ppm, 71F. Doing a every other or there abouts clean feed to keep from build up and hopefully avoiding needing to flush much at the end. Can't wait to switch to organic...
Week 13. Flowering
5 years ago
45.72 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
45 %
22 °C
21 °C
11 L
1 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 0.25 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.906 mll
Day 85: As I mentioned in yesterday's post (one week back) just a clean gallon of water for last feed. Next watering anticipated to be day 87. Noticed she was giving off a smell reminiscent of sour diesel while I was down watering. Looks like I'm definitely going to need to defoliate again... The clones are doing good, not much to report on the two potted ones. Of the other 4, one of the oldest 3 gave off roots finally, and the newest one is still hanging out. Day 86: Timer / Power-strip enhancement today so I can mess with what's always on. Day 87: First, I'm not sure exactly how worried to be, but when feeding tonight I noticed the dehumidifier that I turned to be always on has a single green led on it. It would have been on last night and up til 10pm on a 730am-730pm schedule tonight. I'm lucky I guess I missed the light window and waited to blindly water in the dark, and that it's green. I don't see any signs of stress or reveg so hopefully I'm ok. Defoliation this evening before the lights went out, 3 or so handfuls of fan leaves and 3-4 small buds at the bottom with no chance of light now. Tried to focus just where there was heavy growth with touching leaves so I don't run into mold or something else from poor circulation. Fed with only 2L/.5gl vs 1gal since I couldn't move to the tub to catch the run off, and I didn't want to leave it on the mat all night. I've found I've no need to add pH down to my water when adding tiger bloom at the strength I have been. 6.6pH, 71F, 771ppm, 1 tsp FFTB, .5 tsp FFGB, 1.5 tsp FFBB, 1ml AN B-52. Day 88: Hopefully looking slightly less bushy now. Day 89: New Camera if nothing else. Day 90: She has certainly has more smell to her now. Diesel has joined the sweet musky smell that was prevalent before. Fed tonight with 1gal purified water, 70F, 6.5pH, 1000ppm, 3tsp FFBB, 2tsp FFTB, 1tsp FFGB, excluded AN B-52 this feed. Next feed clean, than I'll start to add some blackstrap molasses into the mix. Day 91: I think we may be done stretching and it looks like the buds are starting to further develop. According to the breeder, Garden of Green, it's a 50-55 day flowering period. So I'm just shy of half way at 21 days in.
Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
5 years ago
50.8 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
45 %
22 °C
21 °C
11 L
1 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 4
B-52 - Advanced Nutrients
B-52 0.5 mll
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.302 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 3.906 mll
Day 92: Moved the lights to a different hanging formation to get a few more inches up, was at 16" distance in most areas. I probably only have one more trick up my sleeve to get another inch or two if I need it. Video to give a full view. Day 93: Fed with 1Gal of purified water, 6.65 Ph. Day 94: Seems to be filling out, both leaves yet again, and buds now too. Day 95: Power outage yesterday about 3hrs before typical lights out. Battery backup to the timer function in the power strip is probably dead or jostled out of place. It wasn't notice until it had been off for 90 mins, so we choose to leave the light off for the rest of the day as I didn't want to stress anything out by having the lights off for 90m on for 90m and then off again for 12h. Day 96: Well I certainly understand the fruity smell growers referenced. Shout out to RockyRidger for the heads up - the smell is pervasive in the room even with the carbon filter in the tent. Wonderfully fruity and less musky, a bit diesel or citrus if you really get in there. I did another short round of defoliation, much less and more cautious than before. She has little crystals everywhere (better seen in white light tomorrow) near the buds and pistils. I can't seem to get the stickiness off my hands now and I've washed them three times with degreasing soap! Pics in the red spec as I kept just red on for 5 mins longer than normal as I finished up and fed her and wanted to get at least a pic or two in for today. Fed with 1Gal purified water. 2tsp FFBB, 1tsp FFGB, 1.5tsp FFTB, 2ml AN B-52. 6.71pH / 825ppm in, 6.52pH / 1200 ppm out. Day 97: Better shots of some of the glitter we've got going on. Day 98: 🎶 ooo, that smell 🎶 (Day 28 Flowering)
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
5 years ago
53.34 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
45 %
22 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 3
Sensizym - Advanced Nutrients
Sensizym 0.5 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 1.302 mll
Clonex Mist - Growth Technology
Clonex Mist 0.02 mll
Day 99 (8/15, Day 29 Fowering) lots of pics just to start the week! Full posts always one week back. First off, I appear to have a slight nutrient burn of some sort at the tips of my leaves(pic). I'll make the next one or two waterings clean to correct. I may add Sensizym (AN) to help clean the root zone, so I don't have to use a real flush solution. Advice welcome! Otherwise she's looking great. I've noticed just today I think some of the pistils are starting to darken. We got our first pics of the trichomes, still very clear, but lots of them! Lights up to 16" in some areas, moved just a bit up, 18" now at the shortest distance. If it doesn't keep stretching I will move it back to 16" as the manufacturer claims this is fine in flower - but I want to keep my foot print adequate too. Maybe hang some CFLs on the outside as auxiliary? I've got 1 viable clone left, (the youngest, a defoliation casualty /accident 2-3 weeks back) at least the root structure on it appears better than any of the previous; I have treated it with clonex, so there's that. The other clone hanging around is an example of how the roots were on the previous clones, just a few long stands vs the structure I have now on the viable one, so that makes me hopeful. You can go back and see the clones in every week since cutting excepting last week. Day 100: Watered last night, clean as promised, 6.65pH. The fruity/mango smell is definitely much, much stronger now. Day 101: Due to the last feed being done after dark, it was only 2L/.5gl (we move her to the tub usually - instead of in the tent on the mat), so I fed a day earlier than planned. She felt considerably light and I wasn't going to have a 3-peat (or 4th?) of the dramatic wilting cycle. 1gal of purified water, ~6.7pH with only half strength dose of AN Seniszym. I was surprised to find that there is hardly any runoff - I couldn't have caught a decent test sample if I had wanted to. Looks like I'll have to increase the volume for a real flush. Day 102: Looking and smelling great. I'll be damned if it doesn't look like the leaves are filling back out again. Shouldn't that stop at... some point? Day 103: It appears we have been blessed with some cooler weather at nights with lows <60 for the considerable future. Another grower on here saw lots of trichomes pushed at those cooler temps, and that likely explains why & how frosty she is. Day 104: Buds seem to be filling out a bit more. Watered at night with a full 2 gallons for the first time - in two shifts. This is my last step in my flush before switching to only FFTB (no FFGB ) and also to rid of any excess salts and potential nutrient burn that started showing. The first gallon was just purified water 6.6 in - 6.7 out. The second gallon had quarter strength FFBB (1tsp) and AN Seniszym (1ml) - 6.55pH / 196ppm in : 6.6pH / 681ppm out. Day 105: 8/21- Day 35 of flowering.
Week 16. Flowering
5 years ago
55.88 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
304 PPM
45 %
22 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
40.64 cm
Nutrients 3
Molasses 0.75 mll
Big Bloom - Fox Farm
Big Bloom 1.953 mll
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 1.953 mll
Day 106, 8/22, Day 36 of flowering: What I hope to be my last defoliation took place. Sticky! Took 4-5 scrubs to get my hands and arms clean and I'm still trying to clean the shears! Buds seems to be filling out more, in comparison to today's side shot and last week's day 102 side shot. According to breeder there is a 50-55 day flowering period, so we are just shy of 2 or 3 weeks of that. The smell in our house is intense, instead of in tents 😏 Day 107, 8/23: I don't believe she is getting any more vertical height, so I have moved the lights back down a bit, I'm about 16"-18" in most areas, 15" at the very closest. She is 22" tall at the highest point now, about 26-27" across and pushing the boundaries of my poor 2 foot wide tent. My wife took a moment to remind me that I foolishly thought "I can probably get 3 or 4 plants in this tent when I know what I'm doing!" at the top of this little adventure. Watered at night with filtered water, 6.6pH, 645ppm, 1.5 tsp of Blackstrap Molasses, 1.5 tsp of FFBB, 1 tsp of FFTB. Retired AN B-52 & FFGB for the rest of the grow. Day 108: Really starting to bulk up now. I think the defoliation helped direct the energy and with the past 2 feedings relatively clean and just Tiger Bloom this time I think the results are amplified. Using some paper clips to secure stems leaning opposite directions in a buddy system of sorts. Day 109: Not much to report. Oh, all my clones are gone for sure. Clonex helped the lone survivor for a bit, but likely too little too late. I guess I should take heart in knowing this strain is reportedly difficult to clone. Next grow I'm going to try my hand at CBD Crack by FastBuds and Northern Lights by RQS, both autos, but after that I'll give a go at another photoperiod (This, Kosher, or GG4) and re-attempt cloning. Day 110: Didn't water :( Day 111: Ended up getting home late last night and wasn't feeling the greatest, so I forgot to water. She is a little wilty this morning, but safe I believe. We put in 2L of pH'd water this morning and I will likely water again in 2 days instead of the usual 3. Day 112, 8/28, Day 42 of flowering: Felt considerably light, so to not take chances watered with a full watering. 1/2 tsp FFTB and 1.5 tsp of FFBB, 6.6pH, 304 ppm. Last FF nutrient dosage. Next watering to be Molasses and AN Seniszym, then flush
Used techniques
Grow Questions
Smokin_Joestarted grow question 5 years ago
I'm not sure if this is nutrient burn or some sort of deficiency. Burnt tips were from possible previous nutrient burn, but now I'm seeing Brown spots and some discoloration. Please check my week to see full details.
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
GMSgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
Meant to hit overfed big thumbs.. Sorry.
Week 17. Flowering
5 years ago
55.88 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
304 PPM
45 %
22 °C
20 °C
11 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 3
Molasses 0.5 mll
Sensizym - Advanced Nutrients
Sensizym 0.5 mll
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 0.5 mll
Day 113, 8/29, Day 43 of flowering: So I've got some nutrient burn. I'm just slightly worried about these brown spots I have on two of my largest fan leaves. Concerned these aren't frm previous nutrient burn... Some of the lower growth is starting to get a lighter green color, I expect them to begin yellowing soon. Day 114: Partially hung up on the bronze spots, trying to be diligent on looking for any additional stress. No additional signs of spreading that I see. The only thing I could fathom would be Calcium or Magnesium deficiencies. I wouldn't think it a issue with the 60% FFOF (30% Coir, 10% add'l Perlite). Day 115: Trichomes are still glassy and we've only seen half of the pistils darken at this point. So wouldn't be surprised if we went another week or two after this one. Clean watering tonight, runoff was aimed to be higher and delivered at 6.8. Debating a staged watering next fees where I add 2L with quarter strength CalMag to address worries and then after 15-20 mins doing a full 4L with quarter strength AN Seniszyme and a tsp of Molasses. I definitely need to go 6L for watering now as I want considerable runoff now. After that feeding, will do a clean feed, then flush (staged in 2 flights as above above, but with Flawless Finish), then clean til harvest. Day 116: More tying for weight offset, but I think it's a losing battle. I'm going to try to drop the net down over her I think... Day 117: Not thrilled with whatever discoloration is going on toward the top on this single bud. I've pulled the lights up an inch. Day 118: Watering tonight: 2 staged watering. 4L of 6.6pH water with 2ml of AN CalMag (quarter strength), about 20mins after another 4L of 6.6pH with 2ml total of Blackstrap Molasses and 2ml of Senizyme for the entire 4L. Runoff was 6.38 and 1130ppm so that I guess confirms a possible minor lockout out on Calcium or Magnesium, if not also nutrient burn. That's in on nutes folks; clean Ph correction here on out. Day 119: She is certainly getting bulkier. We were able to drop a trellis down for support.
1 comment
Week 18. Flowering
5 years ago
58.42 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
548 PPM
45 %
22 °C
20 °C
11 L
2 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 3
Molasses 0.25 mll
Sensizym - Advanced Nutrients
Sensizym 0.25 mll
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 0.25 mll
Day 120, 9/5, Day 50 of flowering, full week always one week back: Net down and holding in support. The discoloration is starting to spread and I'm still unsure exactly what it is or if there's time to address it at this point. I've got the lights pulled up just bit more, just over 17" to the canopy at the closest spot. Humidity and Temp have been goldilocks as far as I can tell. PPM was 1100 and 6.38pH on the last runoff with small amounts of Molasses, Senizyme, and a tiny bit of CalMag. Bag is 60% FFOF, 30% Coir, 10% additional Perlite. Have been using FF trio as my base at half strength, only other additions have been the occasional Senizyme and some B-52 back in veg. Day 121: Posting a video of entire plant. Having to get a bit creative to keep this lady up. Some more twist ties and a tie up. Day 122: Will feed tonight. Planning a clean feed with a slightly high pH to bring closer to 6.5pH. Fed: 6.8pH, 6L, 71F, 135ppm - Runoff 6.69, 545ppm. Day 123: Going to spend some time tonight trying to get a view of the trichomes without the glare of the LED on, seems I might get a better idea of what's going on. My wife took these pictures in the dark with flash only this morning. Day 124: Well, I think I'm considerably farther along than I initially thought. I think I'm harvesting this weekend? I've at least 60-70% cloudy, and several amber as seen in today's pictures. These are likely the best micro shots I can get. I have a handheld magnifying glass that's hard AF to keep lined up on my phone camera, especially with my shaky hands. On the other hand, these are pretty decent zoom pics, LG V60, so here's some free advertising for them I guess. Considerable yellowing of the leaves seemingly over night. Day 125, Thursday 9/10, Day 55 of flowering: So, I've decided we won't be using the Flawless Finish. I would have, had I another week to water again. Just worried about adding anything as this is my last watering. On my previous clean feed I had a run off in the low 500s, so I'm just going to 'flush' again with plain Ph'd water. Lights on thru Friday, if everything looks good, lights off all day Saturday. Sunday: harvest, trim, and dry! Night 125: So after fretting a bit much over the past two days, I called the guy at my local grow (and home brew!) shop. He advised 50/50 one way or the other on the Flawless, but of it was him he's pass if he was harvest Sunday, as I plan. Watered with plain ol' pH'd water, 6.5 input. The first gallon was warmer ~75F and run off was 6.3pH/1300ppm, second gallon at 70F, 6.5pH/900ppm. Assume the higher ppm is from the higher temp in water for the first gallon, which was done on purpose. Tomorrow is the last day of lights. Day 126: will attempt to get some good trichome shots tonight Going to confirm she's cloudy and amber all over then shut the lights off for 24hrs. Day 127: Lights out! In the dark til tomorrow. While I couldn't get any good shots, I would say bud to bud my trichomes are 80% cloudy, 10% glassy and 10% amber. There are a few trichomes I was able to focus on for a second that seemed reddish or purple: no idea what that means. My wife was able to sneak into the tent and get some Trichomes pictures. See the red & amber! Day 128, Pre-Harvest Sneak Peek & Pics: Wildly underestimated the amount of time this would take. We started at 3pm, and by 10pm we had only done about half the plant, maybe a little more. Granted we got up for small walks around the block every hour and stopped to make & eat dinner at some point, but I would say we did a solid 4-4.5 hours of trimming. We only clipped the arms of what we trimmed, so the rest is still in the dark tent. Hopefully we finish tonight! We weighed only the largest buds we've trimmed so far and it came out to 140grams wet. Day 130: Welp, didn't finish trimming til this morning. Worth it though! With some already drying for 2 days and some newer, the weight is likely hard to gauge at this point. Looks like the smalls are mostly dry already and weight in at 16gr, the slightly larger grade buds weighed in at 32gr, and the largest buds weighed in at 126gr now. We tried our hand at dry ice hash for all the trim (77gr wet) and got 2gr out of the 73 screen, and 10gr out of the 220 screen! Picture posted of product. See you all in 2 weeks for the harvest post!
Grow Questions
Smokin_Joestarted grow question 5 years ago
I'm still not sure if this is a deficiency or some sort of burn. It's definitely spreading a bit more, and I'm unsure if there's time left to address it in the grow. Video of full plant in week.
Leaves. Edges burnt
Leaves. Color - Dark-purple
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Hudson2384answered grow question 5 years ago
looks like a magnesium deficiency. I checked your nutrient feed. I would have had you up the cal mag but you are so close to harvest. Having issues with this during the flush is not unusual. Your strain sat 50-55 days and you are in week 8 of flower I would recommend you flush / leach your plants of nutrients and chop very soon.
Week 18. Harvest
4 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
It's my first time growing, so I cannot really compare. It did take to training well, bounced back from multiple missed waterings, and recovered from a crack I put in the stem. All in all I would say probably a good choice for beginners! 3oz final product, plus 12 grams of 'dry ice hash'. Smells and tastes absolutely wonderful! It's fruity and sweet but gives way to an pleasant earthy diesel that's not too strong. Perhaps the best flavors in cannabis I have ever tasted, just worlds apart from what I'm used to, even at the dispensary. The flavors just seem very prominent, perhaps because it's fresher.
Show more
Spent 127 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
150.25 g
Bud wet weight per plant
83.06 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Euphoric, Relaxed, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Dry mouth
Negative effects
Earthy, Fruity, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Thank you all for your advice and help throughout this grow! It's truly been beneficial to have notes and opinions to compare and contrast. I have no way of testing the end product for potency as the regulations are not quite there for it yet. Very pleased to have grown 82grams of my very own medicine, plus the dry ice hash. I'm looking forward to my first autos next in the form of FastBuds CBD Crack and RQS Northern Lights.


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Smokin_Joecommentedweek 85 years ago
Thanks for putting my mind at ease folks, super appreciate it!
Bootymisslescommentedweek 185 years ago
I think my Kush'N'Cookies CBD will finish up around the same time as this thing. Can't wait to see some micro shots!
Bootymisslescommented4 years ago
@Smokin_Joe, getting cloudy man!!
Smokin_Joecommented5 years ago
@Bootymissles, today's might be the best you get. I'll try to give it a go with the scope again later tonight
Canna96commentedweek 115 years ago
Very nice farming brother!!! Good luck the rest of the way!!!
Smokin_Joecommented5 years ago
@Canna96, Thanks, best of luck over in your tent too! Looking big!!
northernMikecommentedweek 185 years ago
Great job👍 nice pics too!! Grow Big!!
DrJointcommentedweek 45 years ago
She is looking good ! Good luck!🌲🍀
Bootymisslescommentedweek 165 years ago
Looking great! I plan on popping my super critical bean after I finish up the Kush'N'Cookies CBD in a couple weeks! Can't wait to see your harvest.
Smokin_Joecommented5 years ago
@Bootymissles, I'll have to look into it. Really hoping to find some steady 1:1 genetics - or even better 2:3 ala Harle Tsu, Harlequin or Orange Herijuana strains. My fear is that the 2-3 folk who have tested this strain by this breeder (Reviews here &@ Seedsman) reported no CBD. I've no way of testing as the regulations in my area only allow craft testing and none for medical home grows yet despite legality. I note that Garden of Green is the breeder of both of our grows. If you end up getting a sample tested of the KnC CBD, would be very interested in the results!
Bootymisslescommented5 years ago
@Smokin_Joe, yeah they claim it's a 1:1 like 19% CBD and 21% THC crazy lol
Smokin_Joecommented5 years ago
@Bootymissles, hey, what's the cannabinoid profile supposed to come out to on that kush n cookies Cbd? Is it a 1:1?
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Rock_n_Roll_Randycommentedweek 184 years ago
Wow good job bro for first time. Only gets better. How often do you use your calmag? I use 1ml per liter in every watering. Even with the fertilizer. Even though advanced nutrients says it has calmag added. There is something about LED lights and calmag deficiency. I use the 3 part ph perfect and I don't have problems anymore. My last grow I had the cotyldons turn yellow after 3-4 days and the leaves starting turning yellow a few days after. But once my fertilizer and calmag came it fixed it within a week and they took off. I used it on my new grow diary and watered my seedlings before they even popped out of the soil. I mixed it really weak. I used 1ml per.liter and they have been green since they popped up. Starting 4th set of leaves and the cotyldons are still green. Good job buddy 🤜🤛
Smokin_Joecommented4 years ago
@Rock_n_Roll_Randy, you know what - I didn't really use a lot this grow, and kinda introduced it late on I believe, I'd have to go back through the weeks to see, but the bottle I have is still super full. Got me wondering if the auto's I have now might need some. And thanks for the props!
Organic_LarFcommentedweek 135 years ago
High, Nice looking canopy man!! 🙏🍀🍀🍀🙏
Smokin_Joecommented5 years ago
@Organic_LarF, Thanks much!
Momgrowsthechroniccommentedweek 115 years ago
Looking really good! You seem to be doing very well for ur first time? Cannabis is like kids... ur super nervous with the first one because everything is new. But by the time you have a second, third, fourth, etc... ur like an old pro. You figure out what’s really important, what’s worry worthy and you realize that you can relax and enjoy the experience before it’s all over and you are on to the next grow! Enjoy these early days, learn as much as you can and have fun. 🇨🇦
Rock_n_Roll_Randycommented4 years ago
@Momgrowsthechronic, 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🤘🥁🎸
Smokin_Joecommented5 years ago
@Momgrowsthechronic, Nope, down here in the US, my state approved indoor grow for medical patients at the top of the year. That's exactly why I want to try to the autos. Mainly worried about light leak in my space, even with blackout curtains and the Apollo tent. So far so good 🤞 I think with heat and light what it is in my area, I should stick to auto's in the summer, and in the fall/winter get the photo's I want in. I've seen people piggyback the two off another and switch the lights to 12/12 after the auto's flower, I think I can manage that.
Momgrowsthechroniccommented5 years ago
@Smokin_Joe, auto’s are a lot easier to grow and it’s seed to harvest in just 8-12 weeks (on average). It’s a great way to master growing healthy plants without the worry of switching them over to flower, light when they shouldn’t have light, length of grow, etc. They don’t usually yield as much as a photoperiod grow done right but I’ve come pretty close. And you have the opportunity to grow and sample multiple strains per year! Congrats on ur country going legal, are you in Canada too?
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RockyRidgercommentedweek 145 years ago
Plant looks good. How’s the smell developing? My SCB started getting a very sweet fruity smell at that stage. Of the 4 varieties I grew in the first run the SCB cured bud has the best smell and flavour.
Smokin_Joecommented5 years ago
@RockyRidger, I did... the newest ones were put out by the window since I also have the one tent. So they are no longer in the most humid environment. I guess I can try to rig something up to keep it humid longer. Right now I have 2 in solo cups in soil/coir not doing so hot - they were great until transplant - and 2 in water still that look ok. If I could just keep 1 I'll be happy, so I'll keep at it. 4 more seeds of this in the box too :) Clones are roughly 4 weeks old at this point I believe. Your autos are looking good by the way! Lots of good strains in there!
RockyRidgercommented5 years ago
@Smokin_Joe, No I dont have the space to have a separate veg room for clones. Have a run of autoflowers going in my 4x4 tent(box) right now. Are you keeping the clones in a humid environment? How old are the clones?
Smokin_Joecommented5 years ago
@RockyRidger, the smell right now is definitely growing stronger day by day. It's got a heavy/musky sweet scent to it, maybe a slight diesel aroma if you really get in there or like after the last defoliation. It's seems most noticeable before and after watering - maybe only before since I'm carrying her near my face to the tub 😂 Did you get any clones off your run? I've heard she's hard to clone, but I had thought I nailed it anyway; now even the healthiest of the clones are struggling though.
Asoci120commentedweek 134 years ago
love it amazing one bro check my report too if u got time, good vibes ✊
JP148commentedweek 175 years ago
Wicked pretty. Nicely done🌱👍
JP148commentedweek 165 years ago
Really nice🌱
JP148commentedweek 135 years ago
Pretty girl🌱
JP148commentedweek 95 years ago
Nice job 🌱one bushy girl
JP148commentedweek 95 years ago
Joe topping can be done anytime but I prefer early into days light cycle. I feel the warmth and light help dry and help heal the cut wound. I won’t mist for two days either. Moisture helps breed infection.
Smokin_Joecommented5 years ago
@@JP148, thanks for the insight! Going to have to watch the humidity for sure as she gets bushier so she doesn't get moist/mold.
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 183 years ago
Lovely grow man. Try not to push so much water/feeds through your plant. You are flushing out all the enzymes when you get run-off. No run-off with soil. Unless you are hard flushing and even then it's always recommend to grab a cup and mix it with your new mix to quickly promote good bactria/enzyme production. Good luck bro.
the end.
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