all are very active in flower production and are already very sticky
unfortunately I have to true that all 6 gorilla glue are hermaphrodites. I have removed and eaten all the pollen bags I have found, they taste excellent and are a great experience :)
all are very active in flower production and are already very sticky
unfortunately I have to true that all 6 gorilla glue are hermaphrodites. I have removed and eaten all the pollen bags I have found, they taste excellent and are a great experience :)
then I found the chin by the gorilla glue when I found that 4 out of 6 plants had planted plants for pollen and a single one of them had opened. I took and removed all the plants I could find and make after inspection in a few days. otherwise they grow according to plan, but persoanly I belive they might need another week to get ready for harvest.
I unfortunately got it wrong in the weeks, last week, so the facts are that today they start at 7 weeks.
but as can be seen in the pictures, they are growing reasonably strongly in the buds now. even the team that is so now in 6 weeks puts nice flowers. the height of the 6 plants is now between 85 cm on the older ones and 60 cm for the younger team +/- 5 cm. I have now for a couple of weeks run with high ecc, so the plants have got between 900 ml and down to 600 ml fertilizer / soil improvers with a ppm of 1950 ppm. for the team that is oldest this will be the last and they go from here into the last phase, the final flush. I give up looking for pollen bags as I do not want to be too hard on the buds and I also think I got them all the last time I looked for them 3 days ago.
What an honorary person! Its always okay to grow flowers but even more so for people in need. xD
Btw do you really have 3 different Mars Hydro lights hanging at once? Thats crazy (:
@iopiopiop, I started up in a 120x120 cm tent and 2 TS 1000, as I want to do a good service for an older lady with cancers, I had to expand the growing room and ended up getting a 240x240 cm tent, where to I bought 2 tsw 2000, so I now have 3 x 120x120 cm with direct light and the last field is workplace.