New Week.... new misadventures! 😁
The girls started the week off good from all the topping in the previous week. Did training on one then the other one the next day. Wedding Cake seem to be like their cousins in the tent... very fast to bounce back from anything I threw at them... so far...😂
I thought it was a great idea to transplant them into their forever homes... I watered them from the bottom up, 3-4 hours before the transplant.👍 Made sure all the ties are good...👍 But misjudged how dry/thirsty they were.👺
I peeled off the cloth pots, and they fell apart... I bet I have about 50-60% in my hand and the rest everywhere else... There is this technique called root pruning... I'm just improving the method! 😂😳😭
So let's stop there... nope! Since they're not dead...😮 let's stress them more by cutting off some arms.... but not touch the fan leaves. I believe that all the energy will be now directed to the tops and the fans leaves are still there for collecting light. I didn't bother with the tomato rings yet... had to stop somewhere.
Watering was a little off this week... found out from all the dust...😂 but starting with the new pots, the girls will get 2 litres every 3 days or as needed. This next week will be rest and recover since they will be switched at the end of it...
Dead or alive, I'll be back with an update... but so far... Hats off to you PEV! all seeds are resilient AF!!! 👌👍💪