I acideently snapped a branch a little bit but it's still hanging on. Shall I cut it off or leave it?. She is an autoflower.
Also should I cut off the very bottom leaf and new node its growing?
Tu peux esseyé de garder ta branche a l'aide d'un ruban adhesive ou autre pour le refaire tenir ou tu peux malheuresement le couper. Dans les deux cas attention que ta plantes ne stress pas trop et qu'elle ne devienne pas hermaphrodites dans les jours qu'il suivent !! reste attentive au sexe de ta plantes les prochain jours ! bonne chance frere
Et je pense que les feuilles qui touche la terre tu devrais les enlever
I've had this issue before, if you put a good support in and leave it for a couple of days it should recover. If the damage is severe, I'd recommend cutting it but try the support first.
Well if its off most of the way there is not enough time for it to recover unfortunately... If you remove it just remove the branch / node not the leaf, the leaf will still power your plants growth