The Best Spectrum for Growing Indoors
The spectrum you select tells your plants what to do when by guiding them through the seasons. If you’re growing indoors, you have to completely recreate the sun for your plants through variable spectrum LED grow lights.
Here’s what a typical growth cycle should look like:
If you’re starting from seeds, you want to give your seedlings 24-hour light, but at low intensity. Stick to about 15% red and 30% blue and white. When your seedlings get their first set of true leaves, you can double the intensity until they have more than two sets, at which point they’ve graduated to the vegetative stage.
If you’re starting with clones, your first goal is to encourage rooting. This takes some effort on your plants’ part, so keep the light intensity low. If you stick to about 25% red and 45% blue and white, your plants is more likely to focus energy on deepening roots rather than expanding upward.
Vegetative Stage
In the vegetative stage, your top priorities for your plants should be root growth and developing nice, tight internodes. For this, a healthy dose of blue light is your best bet. A higher concentration of blue keeps plants a little shorter. You don’t want your plants to shoot up too fast, develop longer internodes, and create a situation in the flowering stage where taller leaves form a canopy blocking light from the buds that grow lower on the plant. Keep your blue and white light levels blasting at 100% and maintain red at less than 60%.
Pre-Flower Stage
The pre-flower stage is when you should start prioritizing bud growth. Remember how plants take the red-light signal from the sun to start flowering? That’s the natural reaction you want to tap into now. An increase in red will inspire your plants to sprout buds. However, you do still want to be careful of bathing your plants in too much red. You should avoid flowering stretch at this stage, and the red light does tend to make plants reach skyward. At pre-flower, your wisest move is to kick the intensity of red light up just a little, to about 80%. Your blue light concentration can remain right where it was.
Flowering Stage
This is the red spectrum’s time to shine, so to speak. Up until now, you’ve been shielding your plants from a blast of red light to prevent stretching, but now your plant needs all the photons it can get. Turn your red light spectrum—that’s red and deep red—up to 100%. This maneuver helps you get those higher-than-ever yields.
The rest of the channels in your variable spectrum can stay at 100% as well. It’s all hands on deck in the flowering stage. Too much blue light will divert energy to the leaves and away from the buds. This will give fluffy buds with a lot of leaves. Very high power in red with a low level of blue is the key to maximizing yield and dense flowers.
Finishing Stage
This is where you manage your potency and chemical profile. As you recall, blue and white light are the heroes when it comes to producing trichomes. Prioritize blue and UVB at 100%, and turn red down to about 50%. This is how you get those sticky buds everyone is looking for.
If you’re new to variable spectrum LED lights, this may seem like a lot to manage. Fortunately, you can actually program and automate the entire growth cycle with technology like a Light Controller.
Hopefully this helps you! Happy growing! 👊