I've always liked the growth from my 2900K over all other lights i own or have owned no matter what stage of life.
i've seen the bugbee video and i'm sure other data is out there to further support the conclusions about red and blue wavelength effect on a plant, but i never see the magnitude of these effects in the video. Is it 3% more? 5%? is it relevant to any 1 plant? Pretty important question to ask before allowing it to impact any decisions relating to your grow lights.
Efficacy = quality more than anything else. IR, UV and such are mostly gimmicks as far as a diode that is on all the time - not the way UV should be implemented and rather useless to have them, but usually ~.01% of the total diodes anyway and won't impact efficacy too much. those uv diodes die faster too.
I'd rank having an ePAR rang over importance of CCT too, because given context of grow lights available, you'll get a common sense CCT no matter what. The differences of these aspects are probably beyond the resolution of growing a handful of plants at home without precise measurements... and again, 'statistically significant' relationship doesn't mean it is a strong effect, either. could be a completely useless effect relative to 5-10 plants. Plus, i've never grown a plant where i wanted "more branching," lol. I've always wanted less branching. Plant training can make it branch all you want. I want healthy sized buds, not a bunch of popcorn from a bunch of twigs all over the place.