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Exaggerated texture and discoloured leaves

GreenGuerillastarted grow question 5 years ago
Hi Guys I’ve notice that some of my leaves are extremely rough/overly textured with slight discolouration, almost looks highlighted or over exposed in colour with some light yellow/ brownish visible. The plant looks alert just a bit odd. It’s only the 1 plant of 2
Week 6
Leaves. Other
Bloombusteranswered grow question 5 years ago
Да, бро! Видна проблема, но не ты виновен в том что произошло! По всему миру дикая жара идёт, бро! Это у всех сейчас проявляется, я держу под контролем эту статистику! Ей очень жарко и она это демонстирует задрав к верху концы листвы и многие части листвы выглядят очень вялыми, страдающими от жары! Тебе не очень повезло что это произошло на веге, т.к. на цвете она бы спрятала всю воду и питание в свои цветы! А твоей некуда их дети и она бедненькая стоит в шоке! убери ее в тень, если это можно, поливай 2 раза - утром и днем, обязательно контролируй чтоб субстрат не грелся! защити его соломой или москитной сеткой! можешь соорудить навес из москитной сетки прям над ней! она будет хорошо развиваться под ним! ✋😇👌 Удачи, братан!
Selected By The Grower
DonaldTrumpanswered grow question 5 years ago
Looks like over watering,bugs and some windburn. You don't have a zinc problem.
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hello So from my experience, my plants could handle up to 100 degrees without much problems...as long as they were given some TLC. Those textured leaves i saw most with plants that had rough watering practices...typically over watering versus under watering. How longs your soil taking to dry? Do you water every day just a low amount( half gallon)? Consider making kelp extract a part of your regular schedule, it helps with heat, drought, etc. As for the brown patch, either a finger nail could have gouged it, otherwise keep an eye out for hoppers and Caterpillar looking worm type bugs.👍
Rap_a_capanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hi Man, your lady is suffering from heat stress, her leaves are cupped and a bit ruined by wind and bites. I could advise you to shade her with a net (like the ones used for the olive harvest) but yours are guerrilla girls and the net would make them visible. So you have 3 remedies: You have to mulch the soil, water in the morning, half the dose of fertilizer. See how I fight the heat waves in my diaries. I'm writing to you and outside is 98 ° F. Good luck to you.
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GMSgrowsanswered grow question 5 years ago
Hey bro, I would say you are having a zinc deficiency happening. Not sure but you can look it up. Cheers
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