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What can I do? It's the second day and nothin...

Filippostarted grow question 4 years ago
What can I do? It's the second day and nothing is changed
Plant. Stem - Weak
Bloombusteranswered grow question 4 years ago
Друг, видимо ты посадил растение в сильно утрамбованный субстрат, не обеспечил "мягкость субстрата" и растение задыхается то от переувлажнения, то от пересыхания. Лучше бы ты выбрал горшок с большим диаметром, и насыпал туда субстрат в рассыпчатом виде, как можно "мягче" его уложив внутрь горшка. Полив следует вносить по кругу от растения, чтоб его корни росли вширь в поисках влаги! В первую неделю растению хватает 100-150ml полива в день, по кругу от растения! Выбирайте горшок с широким бортом, чтоб корни росли вширь, а не только в вертикальной плоскости. 😇👆 Видно что стенки растения отдали влагу, жизнь осталась в листве и в остатках корневой... по середине всё погибает. Я бы тебе рекомендовал не расстраиваться и начать всё с начала. Ты не далеко ушел с ней в прогрессе выращивания, чтоб пытаться поднять этот еще даже "не саженец" .... не стоит с ним возиться. Начни сначала, но руководствуйся полученным опытом и советами. 😇👌 Удачи, друг! 👋😇
Selected By The Grower
BatGuanoanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi @Filippo, It seems she is damaged but she is still able to receive nutrients through the damaged part. You may gently try to tie her up (you can fix her to a small stick), and keep her moist for a week or two. Hope she bounces back, Happy growing, Y
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Filippoanswered grow question 4 years ago
Thanks to everyone. The leaves aren't dying but the steam is becoming stricter
TheraputicGardeneranswered grow question 4 years ago
Just support it mate with a twist tie or small stick, like that other guy said if the leaves aren’t dying it’s surviving
NexusDevilanswered grow question 4 years ago
:( Put it aside and start again, there is a rare chance it might get better but its unlikely.
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Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
If it hasn't started shriveling or leaves discoloring yet that's a good sign. But you may want to germinate another seed just in case, either if this one dies, or if it ends up being badly stunted.✌️
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Experimentgreenanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey, Ok...that's some seriously bent stem... but as long as the leaves don't start dying or changing, then it's surviving. You can either leave it so you don't move it too much, and just keep the lights the correct distance, or you could try to raise the string higher and tighter so its supported upright. Keep the humidity high. Plants have some amazing talent at overcoming damage, so don't count her dead yet.👍
DrJynx86answered grow question 4 years ago
I'm sorry but I don't think she's going to make it, that stem looks fully crushed. Anyway, stop touching it at all! If she recovers, it will be if left alone and only watered when soil is very dry, and maybe then a miracle happen. I wish you lots of luck on this and your next grows! Happy smokes!
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