
Concerning pH - I have seen a chart which shows ho...

CommanderCannabisstarted grow question 6 years ago
Concerning pH - I have seen a chart which shows how fluxuating your pH between 5.8 and 6.8 is helpful in releasing different nutrients. I have also seen most sites say that you should keep it as constant as possible say keep it @ 6. Does anyone have an opinion based on experience
Week 1
Techniques. Defoliation
OutForRealanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hello! Most of the time if you ask hydro growers they will say that constant PH is not the best way to go . You're better start around 5.5 to get up to 6.2 in late flowering ( with a sweet spot at 5.8 ) so generally hydro grower use the PH range at their advantage. Now why you should stick to a value and correct your PH. Because PH fluctuate naturally in hydro so It's better to correct a slight fluctuation than a brutal one , it can stress the plant and some times makes her struggle to get the nutrient she needs. I hope it will help you 😁👍
Selected By The Grower
CrazyDiamondanswered grow question 6 years ago
Acording to your hydro set up you should keep you pH in range 5.5 - 6.0. From the pictures above i see you had an nitrogen dificiency and than you fix it by riseing the pH to 6.0 wich fix the problem. Advanced hydro growers start the grow with pH6.0 and keep it so till the end of vegetative stage, than gradualy lows it to 5.8 in early flowering, than to 5.6 med flowering and keep it 5.5 -5.6 in late flowering. Than 10 days before harvest stop giving nutrients and rise the pH to 6.5 - 7.0 to make nutrient lock, make a plant to start to ripe and take the nutrients from the leafs. As well i woul recomend you to rise the day and night temperature to 28-24 at day and 24-22 at night. And rise the humidity to at least 50% but not more than 70%. Two this actions will cause your plant better respiration and better growth.
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 6 years ago
PH fluctuations cause all sorts of problems for the plant , will make it look wierd like a bunch of deficiencies happening at once, you do want PH below 6 and above 5.5 , the main thing with the nutrients is to make sure you have a good chelation agent in the water , that's really important and will make sure the plants get all the nutes. Hope this helps ! 🚀
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Stickanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hi @CommanderCannabis! Constant doesn't mean "static", yes you must have a constant pH meaning you should avoid huge gaps, like 6.5 on monday and 5.5 on tuesday --> This will lead to pH fluctuation issues and will potentially generate deficiencies. Instead, you should adjust your pH a bit (by 0.1 or 0.2) each time you fill your reservoir. This way, roots will be able to handle nutrients intakes. Alkaline values (pH over ~6.0) will mostly help the plant to get Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium, while acidic values (pH below ~6.0) will facilitate Manganese, Iron and Boron absorption. Hope this will help, keep us up-to-date and happy growing 👊
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BeefWellingtonsanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hello Sir, The two other answers are pretty right on. The sweet spot is 5.8, erroring above that (like 5.92 or something). Depending on your nutrients, you ph will fluctuate daily. I would go real light on nutes until you have a solid root system down the bottom. Like super light on nutes. Once you get a bunch of roots down, start at like 1/4 recommended nutes and slowly work your way up. It doesn't look like you have a top feed system, but you need to keep the top kinda moist but not soaked if that makes sense. Keep you water level just under the bottom of pot, this motivates the roots to grow down to the moisture. Then once you have roots in water you can drop the water level to 1 or 2 cm under the bucket. So like I mentioned before, you should top feed some ph water, even if you have to take it from the bucket, do this at least once a day. (I was running top feed for 15 min every day)) until established root system). Its ok if the water just touches the bottom this first week, but if you see any bottom roots, drop the level down, make them come to the water. Also, get some hydroguard for your grow, it will battle pythium and keep away root rot. Check your ph daily and adjust (small adjustments). Hope that helps. Good luck!
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 6 years ago
Hi, the goal in Hydro is to reach aRange between 5.5 to 6.5. the Ph shoul flow between it. The reason is to get all nutrients. The plant needs a range to absorb the nutrients. here on gd are a few very experienced hydro growers like @grzieziek, ,@BigDaddyK, @Silky_smooth. the best is write to them.
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