@hoodie31 , killer lights, killer set up, i'm guessing they have crazy penetration if you're keeping them that far away... i do see some stretching but bigger plant means more space for bigger bud right? You can always do something better though right? The most difficult thing to do, is to get VPD just right to maximise growth. This will help also in flower. If you're not looking at VPD, maybe it could help you tune in even more. What regulates the plants metabolism and how fast it grows is called the vapour pressure defict or VPD for short. This article presents the concept in detail : https://www.autoflower.net/forums/threads/vpd-vapor-pressure-deficit-explained.64510/ this one has the charts you need to see where you stand.... if you tune in VDP, your plant is growing at optimal rates, and that means a better final product. hope this helps ! 🚀