Hey there Commander, im a fan of using supercropping as a last resort, so i would say try LST first then supercropping. For LST as you know , you can use a trellis net to keep the branches in an even canopy that's a good distance from the light. Otherwise there are plant ties that you can use to bend some of the branches down tied either to the pot or to the lower branches of the plant itself. Then there's the supercropping where instead of trimming and cutting off the plant mass what you do is you bend until you hear some cracking but no snapping, then bandage the affected area with duct tape so it's HST but it's HST light. What happens is the plant will end up healing and making a knot where the bend was then it will think the whole branch has been removed which will cause it to send more juice to that branch leading to bigger yield. Controlling the plant and bigger more potent yield, what's not to like. Hope this helps ! 🚀