I don't get it.. 😣
I used half strength nutrients, so I don't overfeed. PH and EC were always good at root zone level, that was the first thing I checked every time and I was surprised every time that they were ok. 😲 I had iron deficiency at the beginning, but after sorting out PH and alkalinity everything went fine.
Okay let's say I used too many things at once, even though I followed the official growth schedule at https://www.hesi.nl/application/files/7615/0946/3346/EN_Coco.pdf
I know fewer stuff should be enough, but I got the starter box, so I'm not going to throw away the nutrients just because.
So why on earth had we a ~1.5 week of successful flowering stretching, after switching to the flowering nutrients? Lot of new leaves after the first defoliation in flowering, then all of a sudden drooping, wilting, stunted growth, lot less water drinking, etc., she all of a sudden just disliked the feeding schedule which was fine until then?
No word about the roots at all? 😔 I ask because root problems like rot and root bound can look like anything and everything else seemed fine until the second week of flowering. If I search for root bound the images look very similar and it would explain a lot.
Currently I'm following the same feeding schedule with my new grow, so we will see if the same problems arise and if so, then I will try to minimize as many feeding variables as possible. 💀