The point of scrog is to eliminate a canopy so all branches receive equal light. Fair enough.
How about we allow the plant to grow as nature intended, Christmas tree shape, except we ...?
A- place lights also at angle to simulate mid morning or afternoon. This accomplishes what working so hard to achieve with scrog does. In nature most of the light plants receive is not from the high noon position; it penetrates side branches at an angle.
B- discourage top stem growth by gently spreading her shoots out and down, and maybe put a little paper cup or clear plastic hat or on her. Plastic will amplify light and possibly scorch or whirl her so if using clear plastic, apply it lights off only.
This will send the message to the top stem that there is a physical obstruction and she will push out side branches. I grew a 75% sativa recently UNTOPPED that remained under 24” tall. Looked like an auto. No topping no tying down no net. See my same handle on Insta for pics. Untopping = XLST